
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Fri Apr  2 15:37:23 PST 1993 by meehan                   
      modified on Mon Feb  1 10:09:35 PST 1993 by mhb                      
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:09 PDT 1992 by muller                   
      modified on Tue Feb 26 15:11:39 PST 1991 by brooks                   
      modified on Fri Sep 28 13:47:30 PDT 1990 by birrell                  
<* PRAGMA LL                                                                 *>
The TextPortClass interface reveals more of the representation of a textport, and it defines the object-type (Model) that is used to implement keybindings and selection-controls. Four subtypes of models are implemented: Ivy, Emacs, Mac, and Xterm. TextPort.Model is an enumeration type for the four names, but TextPortClass.Model is the type of the actual object attached to a textport, to which user-events (keys, mouse clicks, position reports) are sent.

In this interface, the variable v always refers to a textport, and the variable m always refers to a model.

Unless otherwise noted, the locking level of all procedures in this interface is v.mu.

INTERFACE TextPortClass;

IMPORT Font, KeyFilter, PaintOp, Rd, ScrollerVBTClass,
       TextPort, Thread, VBT, VTDef, VText;

REVEAL TextPort.T <: T;

TYPE VType = {Focus, Source, Target};
Constants for the three Trestle selections used here.

  Primary   = TextPort.SelectionType.Primary;
  Secondary = TextPort.SelectionType.Secondary;
  Focus     = VType.Focus;
  Source    = VType.Source;
  Target    = VType.Target;

  Pixels = CARDINAL;
  T =
    TextPort.Public OBJECT
      mu: MUTEX;                 (* VBT.mu < mu *)
      <* LL = mu *>
      m             : Model              := NIL;
      readOnly      : BOOLEAN;
      vtext         : VText.T;

      font          : Font.T;
      fontHeight    : Pixels             := 0;
      charWidth     : Pixels             := 0;
      scrollbar     : Scrollbar          := NIL;
      typeinStart   : CARDINAL;

      thisCmdKind   : CommandKind;
      lastCmdKind   : CommandKind;
      wishCol       : CARDINAL;

      cur           : UndoRec;

      owns := ARRAY VType OF BOOLEAN {FALSE, ..};

      <* LL.sup = VBT.mu.SELF *>
      lastNonEmptyWidth: Pixels := 0;

      <* LL = SELF.mu *>
      getText       (begin, end: CARDINAL): TEXT;
      index         (): CARDINAL;
      isReplaceMode (): BOOLEAN;
      length        (): CARDINAL;
      normalize     (to := -1);

      replace (begin, end: CARDINAL; newText: TEXT):
      unsafeReplace (begin, end: CARDINAL; newText: TEXT):
      insert           (t: TEXT);
      unsafeInsert     (t: TEXT);
      getKFocus        (time: VBT.TimeStamp): BOOLEAN;
      newlineAndIndent ();

      findSource (time      : VBT.TimeStamp;
                  loc                         := Loc.Next;
                  ignoreCase                  := TRUE      );
      notFound ();

      (* All of these call SELF.error. *)
      vbterror   (msg: TEXT; ec: VBT.ErrorCode);
      vterror    (msg: TEXT; ec: VTDef.ErrorCode);
      rdfailure  (msg: TEXT; ec: REFANY);
      rdeoferror (msg: TEXT);

      (* We release SELF.mu around the following callbacks. *)
      ULreturnAction (READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec);
      ULtabAction    (READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec);
      ULfocus        (gaining: BOOLEAN; time: VBT.TimeStamp);
      ULmodified     ();
      ULerror        (msg: TEXT);

v.font is the current font. v.fontHeight is the height of a (maximal) character. v.charwidth is the width of a (maximal) character. v.scrollbar contains the scrollbar that is updated when the visible region of text changes, and vice versa.

v.typeinStart is meaningful only for typescripts, where it indicates the point that divides the ``history'' part of the transcript, which is read-only, from the current command line, which is not. See the TypescriptVBT interface. For non-typescripts, this field is always zero.

v.thisCmdKind and v.lastCmdKind allow the interpretation of a command to depend on the previous command. Currently, the only commands that depend on context are the ``vertical'' commands that call UpOneLine and DownOneLine. The column to which they move is stored in v.wishCol.

v.cur holds the information needed to reverse or reinstate the effects of editing operations that change the text.

v.owns[vtype] is TRUE when v owns the VBT.Selection corresponding to vtype: keyboard focus, Source selection, or Target selection.

v.lastNonEmptyWidth is used by the shape and reshape methods.

v.replace tests v.readOnly; if that is TRUE, then it returns the constant TextPort.NotFound. Otherwise it calls v.unsafeReplace, which is the only routine that actually alters the underlying text. (The ``unsafe'' methods are those that do not test v.readOnly.)

v.insert calls v.replace; i.e., it is safe.

v.notFound is called when a search fails; see FindAndSelect, below. The default method is a no-op.

  CommandKind = {VertCommand, OtherCommand};
  Scrollbar = ScrollerVBTClass.T OBJECT
                textport: T
                update ()        <* LL = SELF.textport.mu *>

A TextPortClass.Model is the object that interprets keyboard and mouse events. The model can be replaced via v.setModel.

{\em Keybindings}

Trestle calls v.key(cd), which calls m.keyfilter.apply(v,cd), as described on page~\pageref{TextPortKeybindings}. A keyfilter is essentially a linked list of objects, each of which implements some low-level character translation such as ``quoted insert'' or ``compose character.'' The last link calls v.filter(cd), which calls m.controlChord or m.optionChord for ``command-keys'', or m.arrowKey for cursor-keys.

{\em Text-selections}

As explained on page~\pageref{TextPortSelections}, the model interprets keyboard and mouse events to establish the local selections, Primary and Secondary, which are subsequences of the text, usually highlighted in some way. The model also deals with the global selections, Source and Target, which may be owned (``acquired'') by any VBT or by an external program such as an Xterm shell. The owner of a global selection controls its contents; read and write calls are forwarded to the owner.

A particular model may establish an ``alias'' relationship between a local selection and a global selection, which means that if the textport owns the global selection, then its contents are identical with (mapped to) the local selection. For example, in an Xterm shell, and therefore in the Xterm model, Primary is an alias for Source, which means that when you click and drag to highlight a region, that defines not only the local Primary selection but the global Source selection as well. Any program that asks to read the Source selection will be given a copy of the highlighted text.

In Ivy, Primary is an alias for Target, and Secondary is an alias for Source. (Ivy users therefore have a hard time understanding the distinction between local and global selections, since they are wired together.)

A Primary selection in a non-readonly textport may be in ``replace mode'' (or ``pending-delete mode''). In this mode, insertions replace the entire selection; Backspace deletes the entire selection.

{\em Selection-related editing operations} \index{Cut}\index{Copy}\index{Paste}\index{Clear} \index{Select All}

The standard editing operations such as Cut, Copy, and Paste, are defined not merely in terms of the underlying text, but also in terms of the effects they have on the local and global selections. Indeed, they are not functions at all; Copy does not return a copy of anything.


\item[Copy] If the Primary selection is not empty, then acquire Source, and unless Primary is an alias for Source, make a copy of the Primary selection as the contents of Source. (If Primary is an alias for Source, no copy is needed.)

\item[Paste] If the Primary selection is not empty and is in replace-mode, then replace the Primary selection with the contents of Source. Otherwise, insert the contents of Source at the type-in point.

\item[Clear] Delete the contents of the Primary selection.

\item[Cut] This is defined as {\bf Copy} followed by {\bf Clear}.

\item[Select All] Extend the Primary selection to include the entire text.


  Model <: PublicModel;
  PublicModel =
      v: T;
      selection := ARRAY TextPort.SelectionType OF
                     SelectionRecord {NIL, NIL};
      dragging := FALSE;
      dragType := TextPort.SelectionType.Primary;
      approachingFromLeft: BOOLEAN;
      keyfilter          : KeyFilter.T
      <* LL = SELF.v.mu *>
      init  (cs: PaintOp.ColorScheme; keyfilter: KeyFilter.T):
      close ();
      seek  (position: CARDINAL);

      (* Keybindings *)
      controlChord (ch: CHAR; READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec);
      optionChord  (ch: CHAR; READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec);
      arrowKey     (READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec);

      (* Mouse and Selection-controls *)
      mouse    (READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec);
      position (READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec);
      misc     (READONLY cd: VBT.MiscRec);
      read     (READONLY s   : VBT.Selection;
                         time: VBT.TimeStamp): TEXT
             RAISES {VBT.Error};
      write    (READONLY s   : VBT.Selection;
                         time: VBT.TimeStamp;
                         t   : TEXT           )
             RAISES {VBT.Error};

      cut   (time: VBT.TimeStamp);
      copy  (time: VBT.TimeStamp);
      paste (time: VBT.TimeStamp);
      clear ();
      select (time : VBT.TimeStamp;
              begin: CARDINAL        := 0;
              end  : CARDINAL        := LAST (CARDINAL);
              sel                    := Primary;
              replaceMode            := FALSE;
              caretEnd               := VText.WhichEnd.Right);

      getSelection    (sel := Primary): TextPort.Extent;
      getSelectedText (sel := Primary): TEXT;
      putSelectedText (t: TEXT; sel := Primary);
      takeSelection (READONLY sel : VBT.Selection;
                              type: TextPort.SelectionType;
                              time: VBT.TimeStamp           ):
      highlight (rec: SelectionRecord; READONLY r: IRange);
      extend    (rec: SelectionRecord; left, right: CARDINAL)
m.init(...) initializes a Model m. The default method stores keyfilter and returns m.

m.close() releases the VBT selections (Source, Target, and KBFocus) and deletes highlighting intervals.

m.seek(position) sets the type-in point.

The type TextPort.T overrides the VBT mouse, position, misc, read, and write methods with procedures that lock v.mu and call m.mouse, m.position, etc. Note that the signatures are not identical to their Trestle counterparts. v.position checks m.dragging and cd.cp.gone before calling m.position.

Clients must override the read method with a procedure that returns a text if m owns the selection s; otherwise it should call the default method, which calls VBT.Read(s, time). time is valid when the caller is a user-event procedure such as Paste; it will be 0 when called from v.read, but in that case, m owns the selection, so time is not needed.

Similarly, clients must override the write method. write is called by v.write, which ensures that v.readOnly is FALSE before calling m.write.

If there is a non-empty Primary selection, then m.copy(time) arranges for that text to become the Source selection. Otherwise, it is a no-op; in particular, if the Primary selection is empty, copy must not acquire the Source selection. There is no default method for copy; the client must override this method.

The default for m.cut(time) is m.copy(time); m.clear().

The default for m.paste(time) is m.insert(m.read(VBT.Source, time)).

m.clear() deletes the Primary selection. Its default method is

      m.putSelectedText ("", TextPort.SelectionType.Primary)
m.insert(t) implements TextPort.Insert. The default method replaces the Primary selection, if there is one, with t; otherwise, it inserts t at the type-in point. Clients may wish to override this in order to alter the highlighting.

m.extend(rec,...) extends the highlighting for the given selection.


  SelectionRecord = OBJECT
                      type := TextPort.SelectionType.Primary;
                      interval   : VText.Interval;
                      cursor     : CARDINAL;
                      mode       : VText.SelectionMode;
                      anchor     : TextPort.Extent;
                      alias      : VBT.Selection;
                      replaceMode                   := FALSE
Each local selection is represented by a SelectionRecord. type indicates whether this is a Primary or Secondary selection. interval describes the range of text and the highlighting. mode indicates whether this selection includes a character (point), word, line, paragraph, or the entire text. anchor is the range that stays fixed when we extend a selection. replaceMode indicates whether the selection was created with a replace-mode gesture or with TextPort.Select(..., replaceMode := TRUE).

PROCEDURE ChangeIntervalOptions (v: T; rec: SelectionRecord)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Change the highlighting according to the conventions specified in the TextPort interface (see page~\pageref{TextPortHighlighting}).

TYPE IRange = RECORD left, middle, right: CARDINAL END;

PROCEDURE GetRange (         v   : T;
                    READONLY cp  : VBT.CursorPosition;
                             mode: VText.SelectionMode ):
<* LL = v.mu *>
Return an IRange indicating the boundaries of the character, word, paragraph, etc., that contains the position cp. The middle field of the result will be equal to either the left field or the right field, depending on which end the cursor was nearer.
 \subsubsection {Cursor-motion} 

PROCEDURE ToPrevChar (v: T);
PROCEDURE ToNextChar (v: T);
Move the cursor (type-in point) left or right one char.

PROCEDURE ToStartOfLine (v: T);
PROCEDURE ToEndOfLine   (v: T);
Move the cursor to start or end of line.

PROCEDURE UpOneLine   (v: T);
PROCEDURE DownOneLine (v: T);
Move the cursor up or down one line.

PROCEDURE ToOtherEnd (v: T);
Move the cursor to other end of the Primary selection.

PROCEDURE FindNextWord (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
PROCEDURE FindPrevWord (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
Locate the ``next'' or ``previous'' word.
 In FindNextWord, we scan right from the current position until we
   reach an alphanumeric character.  Then we continue scanning right
   until we reach the first non-alphanumeric character; that position
   defines the right end of the extent.  Then we scan left until we
   find a non-alphanumeric character.  That position, plus 1, defines
   the left end of the extent.

If the initial position is in the middle of a word, then the extent actually covers the {\it current} word, but on successive calls, it covers each following word in turn.

FindPrevWord works the same as ToNextWord, except that all the scanning directions are reversed.

``Alphanumeric characters'' include the ISO Latin-1 characters, such as accented letters.

\subsubsection {Deletion commands}

All these procedures return an Extent indicating the range of characters that were deleted, or TextPort.NotFound if no characters were deleted.

PROCEDURE DeletePrevChar (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
PROCEDURE DeleteNextChar (v: T): TextPort.Extent;

PROCEDURE DeleteToStartOfWord (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
PROCEDURE DeleteToEndOfWord   (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
Delete from the current position to the beginning of the previous word (as defined in ToPrevWord) or the end of the ``next'' word (as defined in ToNextWord).

PROCEDURE DeleteToStartOfLine (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the current line, or delete the preceding newline if the cursor is already at the beginning of the line.

PROCEDURE DeleteToEndOfLine (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
Delete to the end of line. If the cursor is at the end, delete the newline.

PROCEDURE DeleteCurrentWord (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
Delete the word containing the cursor.

PROCEDURE DeleteCurrentLine (v: T): TextPort.Extent;
Delete line containing the cursor.
 \subsubsection {Other modification commands} 

PROCEDURE SwapChars(v: T);
Swap the two characters to the left of the cursor.

PROCEDURE InsertNewline(v: T);
Insert a newline without moving the cursor.
 \subsubsection {Searching} 

TYPE Loc = {First, Next, Prev};

PROCEDURE Find (v         : T;
                pattern   : TEXT;
                loc                := Loc.Next;
                ignoreCase         := TRUE      ):
Search for pattern in the text of v. The search proceeds either forward from the beginning of the text (Loc.First), forward from v.index() (Loc.Next, the default), or backward from v.index() (Loc.Prev). If ignoreCase is TRUE, the case of letters is not significant in the search.

PROCEDURE FindAndSelect (v         : T;
                         pattern   : TEXT;
                         time: VBT.TimeStamp;
                         loc                := Loc.Next;
                         ignoreCase         := TRUE      );
Call Find(v, pattern, loc, ignoreCase). If the search was successful, then select the found text in replace-mode. Otherwise, call v.notFound().
 \subsubsection {Scrolling the display} 

PROCEDURE ScrollOneLineUp (v: T)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure,
PROCEDURE ScrollOneLineDown (v: T)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure,
PROCEDURE ScrollOneScreenUp (v: T)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure,
PROCEDURE ScrollOneScreenDown (v: T)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure,
Move the displayed text up or down by either a line or screen. This doesn't move the selections or the cursor, so the TextPort may not be normalized when done. A ``screen'' contains MAX(1, n-2) lines, where n is the number of displayed lines.

\subsubsection {Managing the ``Undo'' stack}

The ``Undo'' stack records all the editing changes made to the TextPort. These changes can be undone; once undone, they can be redone. There is no built-in limit to the number of changes that are recorded. A sequence of insertions of graphic characters (i.e., plain typing) counts as one ``edit.''

TYPE UndoRec <: ROOT;

PROCEDURE AddToUndo (v: T; begin, end: CARDINAL; newText: TEXT);
<* LL = v.mu *>
This is called by v.unsafeReplace(begin, end, newText) to record a change to the underlying text.

PROCEDURE Undo (v: T); <* LL = v.mu *>
Reverse the effect of the last editing command.

PROCEDURE Redo (v: T); <* LL = v.mu *>
Reinstate the effect of the last editing command.

PROCEDURE ResetUndo (v: T); <* LL < v.mu *>
Clear the ``Undo'' stack. (Nothing in the implementation calls this procedure.)

PROCEDURE UndoCount (v: T): CARDINAL; <* LL < v.mu *>
Return the number of changes that can be undone.

PROCEDURE RedoCount (v: T): CARDINAL; <* LL < v.mu *>
Return the number of undone changes that can be redone.
 \subsubsection {Compose-character filtering} 

TYPE Composer <: KeyFilter.ComposeChar;
This type overrides the feedback method to change the cursor-shape to XC_exchange during character-composition, and the standard ``text pointer'' otherwise.
 \subsubsection {Miscellany} 

PROCEDURE TextReverse (t: TEXT): TEXT;
PROCEDURE TextLowerCase (t: TEXT): TEXT;

  VBTErrorCodeTexts = ARRAY VBT.ErrorCode OF
                        TEXT {
                        "event not current", "timeout",
                        "uninstalled", "unreadable",
                        "unwritable", "unowned selection",
                        "wrong type"};

END TextPortClass.