
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Mon Jun 14 18:51:55 PDT 1993 by meehan 
      modified on Sun Jan 31 21:58:53 PST 1993 by mhb    
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:34 PDT 1992 by muller 
A ScrollerVBT is a scrollbar with an orientation along an {\em axis}. For the sake of brevity in this interface, we'll only talk about vertical scrollers. For horizontal scrollers, replace phrases like {\it top and bottom edges} by {\it left and right edges}, and so on.

Like a NumericVBT, a ScrollerVBT provides a {\em bounded-value\/} abstraction. That is, a ScrollerVBT has a {\it value\/} associated with it, and that value is guaranteed to stay within some bounds. Various user gestures change the value and invoke a callback method on the ScrollerVBT. The callback method can inquire the value of the scrollbar, and can change the value and bounds.

Visually, a scrollbar contains a {\em stripe} that spans some fraction of the height of the scrollbar and is slightly narrower than the scrollbar. The stripe represents the value of the scrollbar. Various user-gestures cause the stripe to move.

More specifically, the state of a ScrollerVBT consists of five integer quantities: min, max, thumb, step, and value. The value is guaranteed to stay in the range [min .. max-thumb]. Visually, the value is represented by the position (top edge) of a stripe in the scroller, and thumb by the length of the stripe. The amount that value should change when continuous scrolling is given by step, the {\em stepping} amount.

Although each VBT class that uses a ScrollerVBT is free to associate any meaning with the length of the stripe, the following convention is suggested for using scrollbars to view an object:


The ratio of the height of the stripe to the height of the scrollbar should be the same as the ratio of the amount of the object visible vertically to its entire height. The position of top of the stripe reflects the position of top of the view of the object within the entire object.


Here is some terminology and the user-interface provided by a ScrollerVBT:

\begin{itemize} \item To {\em scroll}\index{scrolling} means to left-click or right-click in the scrollbar.

\item You need to release the button relatively quickly, or else you'll start {\em continuous scrolling}. You stop continuous scrolling by releasing the button, by chord-cancelling\index{chord} or by moving the mouse.

\item When you move the mouse, you are then using {\em proportional scrolling}. This means that the more that you move the mouse vertically, the more the stripe will be moved in the direction of the mouse movement. You stop proportional scrolling by upclicking or chord-cancelling.

\item The left and right buttons are inverses: the left button moves the stripe downward and the right button moves the stripe upward.

\item You {\em thumb}\index{thumb} with a middle-click. The top of the stripe moves to the position of the cursor. Thus, middle-click above the top of the stripe moves the stripe up, and middle-click below the top moves the stripe down.

\item Middle-drag causes {\em continuous thumbing}. As you drag to a new position, the top of the stripe moves to match the current cursor position. You stop continuous thumbing by middle-upclicking or chord-canceling.


If you want a different user interface, you need to subclass various methods (e.g., a thumb, scroll, autoscroll) of the scrollbar. These methods are defined in the ScrollerVBTClass interface.


IMPORT Axis, PaintOp, VBT;

  T <: Public;
  Private <: VBT.T;
  Public = Private OBJECT
             <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
             init (axis  : Axis.T;
                   min   : INTEGER;
                   max   : INTEGER;
                   colors: PaintOp.ColorQuad;
                   step  : CARDINAL            := 1;
                   thumb : CARDINAL            := 0  ): T;
             <* LL = VBT.mu *>
             callback (READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec);
The call to v.init(...) initializes v as a ScrollerVBT in the axis orientation. It is displayed using colors.

The implementation calls v.callback(cd) after v's value has been changed by the user; it is not called when the value is changed as the result of calls to Put or PutBounds. The default callback method is a no-op.

<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Change the value of v, projected to [min .. max-thumb], and mark v for redisplay.

PROCEDURE PutBounds (v    : T;
                     min  : INTEGER;
                     max  : INTEGER;
                     thumb: CARDINAL  := 0);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Set the bounds, project v's value into [min .. max-thumb], and mark v for redisplay.

PROCEDURE PutStep (v: T; step: CARDINAL);
<* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Change the amount that v's value should change while continuous scrolling to step. If step = 0, scrolling will be disabled.

PROCEDURE Get      (v: T): INTEGER;  <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
PROCEDURE GetMin   (v: T): INTEGER;  <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
PROCEDURE GetMax   (v: T): INTEGER;  <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
PROCEDURE GetThumb (v: T): CARDINAL; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
PROCEDURE GetStep  (v: T): CARDINAL; <* LL.sup = VBT.mu *>
Return the current value, min, max, thumb, and step.

END ScrollerVBT.