
MODULE DialogBundle;
Generated by m3bundle; see its manpage.

IMPORT Bundle, BundleRep, Text;
IMPORT Thread, Wr, TextWr;

           get      := LookUp;
           getNames := GetNames;


  bundle: T     := NIL;
  names : Texts := NIL;

PROCEDURE Get(): Bundle.T =
    IF (bundle = NIL) THEN bundle := NEW (T) END;
    RETURN bundle;
  END Get;

PROCEDURE GetNames (<*UNUSED*> self: T): Texts =
    IF names = NIL THEN
      names := NEW (Texts, NUMBER (Names));
      names^ := Names;
    RETURN names;
  END GetNames;

PROCEDURE LookUp (<*UNUSED*> self: T;  element: TEXT): TEXT =
    FOR i := 0 TO LAST (Names)-1 DO
      IF Text.Equal (Names[i], element) THEN
        IF Elements[i] = NIL THEN Elements[i] := GetElt (i) END;
        RETURN Elements[i];
  END LookUp;

CONST Names = ARRAY [0..47] OF TEXT {

VAR Elements := ARRAY [0..47] OF TEXT {
  NIL (* E2 .. E2_1 *),
  NIL (* E5 .. E5_6 *),
  NIL (* E8 .. E8_1 *),
  NIL (* E13 .. E13_0 *),
  NIL (* E14 .. E14_3 *),
  NIL (* E20 .. E20_0 *),
  NIL (* E21 .. E21_1 *),
  NIL (* E26 .. E26_0 *),
  NIL (* E33 .. E33_14 *),
  NIL (* E34 .. E34_4 *),
  NIL (* E37 .. E37_5 *),
  NIL (* E45 .. E45_0 *),

  <*FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *>
  VAR wr := TextWr.New ();
    CASE n OF
    | 2 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E2_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E2_1);
    | 5 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E5_6);
    | 8 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E8);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E8_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E8_1);
    | 13 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E13);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E13_0);
    | 14 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E14_3);
    | 20 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E20_0);
    | 21 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E21);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E21_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E21_1);
    | 26 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E26);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E26_0);
    | 33 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_5);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_6);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_7);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_8);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_9);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_10);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_11);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_12);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_13);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E33_14);
    | 34 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E34);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E34_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E34_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E34_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E34_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E34_4);
    | 37 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E37);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E37_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E37_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E37_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E37_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E37_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E37_5);
    | 45 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E45);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E45_0);
    ELSE (*skip*)
    RETURN TextWr.ToText (wr);
  END GetElt;

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Fram"
 & "e $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n   "
 & "    (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (Scroller %@\n       "
 & "     (Value $Value$) (Min $Min$)\n            (Max $Max$) (Thumb $Thumb"
 & "$)\n            (Step $Step$)\n        )    \n       \n         \n     "
 & "   )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   " (Shape %videoatt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Title "
 & "\"Audio Visual Widget\")\n     (Glue 10)\t\t\n     (LField \"Video Sour"
 & "ce :\" 150 (TypeIn (TabTo vidQuality) %vidSource (BgColor \"White\") (V"
 & "alue \"oreo\")))\n  \n     (Glue 10)\n    (Border (Pen 1) \n     (VBox\n"
 & "      (HBox \n       (Field \"Quality  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo vidWidt"
 & "h) %vidQuality))\n       Fill\n       (Field \"Width  :\" 150  (Numeric"
 & " (TabTo vidColours) %vidWidth  )))\n      \n      (HBox \n       (Field"
 & " \"Colours  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo vidHeight) %vidColours))\n       F"
 & "ill\n       (Field \"Height  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo vidMSecs) %vidHei"
 & "ght  )))\n      \n      (HBox \n       (Field \"MSecs  :\" 150  (Numeri"
 & "c (TabTo auVolume) %vidMSecs))\n       Fill\n       (Field \"Volume  :\""
 & " 150  (Numeric (TabTo auValue) %auVolume)))\n      ))\n    (Glue 10)\n "
 & "    (LField \"Audio Source :\" 150 (TypeIn (TabTo vidSource) %auValue ("
 & "BgColor \"White\") (Value \"oreo\")))\n\n     (Glue 10)\n(Border (Pen 1"
 & ")\n (VBox\n  (Glue 5)\n     (HBox Fill (Boolean %vidSynchronous \"Synch"
 & "ronous\")  Fill (Boolean %vidFixedSize \"FixedSize\") \n\t   Fill (Bool"
 & "ean %vidPaused \"Paused\") Fill)\n\n     (Glue 10)\n\n     (HBox  Fill "
 & "(Boolean %auMute \"Mute\")\n\t    Fill\n\t    (Boolean %auIgnoreMapping"
 & " \"Ignore Mapping\")\n\t    Fill)\n     (Glue 5)\n  ))\n     Fill\n    "
 & " \n   )\n  )\n";

   "(ZSplit %formatt\n   (ZBackground (Shape (Height 305) (Width 350) (VBox"
 & " \n                         (Glue 10)\n                         (Title "
 & "\"Form Attributes\")\n                         (Glue 10)\n             "
 & "            (HBox\n                           (Border (Pen 1) \n       "
 & "                     (HBox (Glue 20) (Boolean  %anchored \"Anchored ?\""
 & ") (Glue 20) \n                                 (Shape (Color \"VeryDark"
 & "Blue\") (Width 200)\n                                      (Filter   %a"
 & "nchorfilter Dormant\n                                         (Field \""
 & "Parent :\" 150 \n                                              (HBox (T"
 & "Split %com Circular\n                                                  "
 & "    (ShadowSize 0.5)\n                                                 "
 & "     (PageButton %opencombo (For com) (PopButton (For combo) \n        "
 & "                                              (Pixmap \"arrowDown.pbm\""
 & ")))\n                                                      (PageButton "
 & "%closecombo (For com) (CloseButton (For combo) \n                      "
 & "                                (Pixmap \"arrowUp.pbm\"))))\n          "
 & "                                       (Frame Raised (Shape (Width 100)"
 & " (BgColor \"White\") (TypeIn %parent )))\n                             "
 & "                  )\n                                          )\n     "
 & "                                  ) \n                                 "
 & "  ) Fill ))\n                                   \n                     "
 & "      )        \n                                   \n                 "
 & "        (Glue 10)\n                         (Border (Pen 1)\n          "
 & "                (HBox\n                            Fill\n              "
 & "                     (VBox   (Shape (Height 15) (Text \"Vertical\")) (G"
 & "lue 5)\n                                   (Field \"Stretch :\" 150  (N"
 & "umeric %vstretch (TabTo vshrink) (Min 0))) (Glue 5) \n                 "
 & "                  (Field \"Shrink  :\" 150 (Numeric %vshrink (TabTo hst"
 & "retch) (Min 0))))\n                            Fill Ridge Fill\n ";

CONST E2_0 =
   "                          \n                                   (VBox   "
 & "(Shape (Height 15)(Text \"Horizontal\")) (Glue 5)\n                    "
 & "               (Field \"Stretch :\" 150  (Numeric %hstretch (TabTo hshr"
 & "ink) (Min 0))) (Glue 5) \n                                   (Field \"S"
 & "hrink  :\" 150 (Numeric %hshrink (TabTo vstretch) (Min 0)))) \n        "
 & "                   Fill \n                           \n                "
 & "          ))\n                          (Glue 10)\n                    "
 & "      (HBox\n                          (Shape (Height 30) (Border (Pen "
 & "1) \n                           (HBox Fill (Boolean %menuBoolean \"Menu"
 & " ?\") Fill \n                                 (Shape (Color \"VeryDarkB"
 & "lue\") (Height 20)\n                                      (Filter %tome"
 & "nuFilter\n                                         (VBox Fill (LinkButt"
 & "on %tomenu (For menuatt) \"Menu Design\") Fill)\n                      "
 & "                 )\n                                  ) Fill )))\n     "
 & "                      (Glue 10)\n                           (Shape (Wid"
 & "th 90)\n                          \n                           (LinkBut"
 & "ton   (For SupportCode)(BgColor \"PalePink\") \n                       "
 & "    (VBox \"Form\" \"Support Code\")))\n                          )\n  "
 & "                        (Glue 10)\n                       \n           "
 & "               (BoxAround 90\n                          (VBox Fill\n   "
 & "                        (Field \"Title Bg Color :\" 280 (ColorField tbg"
 & "ctypein tbgc))\n                           (Field \"Title Fg Color :\" "
 & "280 (ColorField tfgctypein tfgc))\n                           (LField \""
 & "Title Label :\" 280 (TypeIn (TabTo formtexture) %ttyp (BgColor \"White\""
 & ") (Value \"Title\")))\n                           Fill) \n             "
 & "              )\n                           (LField \"Texture :\" 150 ("
 & "TypeIn (TabTo name) %formtexture (BgColor \"White\") (Value \"Blank\"))"
 & ")\n                         Fill\n                       )))\n         "
 & "     (ZChild %combo (At 200 56 NW Absolute) \n                  (Border"
 & " (Pen 1)";

CONST E2_1 =
   " (Frame (Shape (BgColor \"White\") (Height 80) (Width 113)  (Browser Qu"
 & "ick %parentlist )))))\n             )\n\n\n                           \n"

   "(Shape (Width 600) (Height 300)\n       (Font \"-*-helvetica-bold-*R-*2"
 & "40-*\")\n       (LabelFont \"-*-helvetica-bold-*R-*240-*\")\n (VBox \n "
 & "  (Text (BgColor \"DarkBrown\") (Color \"White\") \"Session Request\")\n"
 & "   (Text (Color \"DarkBrown\") \"You are invited to join a session of\""
 & ")\n   (Text (Color \"Red\") (Name name) \"foo\")\n   Fill\n   (HBox \n "
 & "    Fill \n     (Button (Name accept) (BgColor \"PaleGreen\") (Rim (Pen"
 & " 5) \"Accept\"))\n     Fill \n     (Button (Name reject) (BgColor \"Lig"
 & "htRed\") (Rim (Pen 5) \"Reject\")) \n     Fill)\n  Fill))\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (Font \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Frame $Fr"
 & "ameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       ("
 & "Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (TextEdit %@ $ReadOnly$ $C"
 & "lip$ $NoScrollbar$\n            ($Initial$)\n         )\n         \n   "
 & "     )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   "(Shape\n  %base\n  (Width + Inf)\n  (Height + Inf)\n  (Font \"-*-courie"
 & "r-bold-*R-*120-*\")\n  (Macro\n    TYPEIN\n    BOA\n    (name tabto ini"
 & "t)\n    `(Frame\n       Lowered\n       (TypeIn %,name (TabTo ,tabto) E"
 & "xpandOnDemand (BgColor \"White\") =,init)))\n  (Macro LT BOA (t) `(Rim "
 & "(Pen 2) (Text LeftAlign ,t)))\n  (Macro MT BOA (t) ` (Rim (Pen 2) (Text"
 & " Center ,t)))\n  (Macro\n    StdFileDialog\n    (Name\n      Title\n   "
 & "   fbName\n      OKName\n      OKLabel\n      helperName\n      cancelN"
 & "ame\n      (cancelLabel \"Cancel\")\n      (Suffixes \"\")\n      (Read"
 & "Only FALSE)\n      (other ()))\n    `(ZChassis\n       %,Name\n       ("
 & "Title ,Title)\n       (Rim\n         (Pen 10)\n         (VBox\n        "
 & "   (HBox\n             (Shape\n               (Width 150 + Inf)\n      "
 & "         (Height 150 + Inf)\n               (VBox\n                 (La"
 & "belFont \"fixed\")\n                 (DirMenu (For ,fbName))\n         "
 & "        (Glue 6)\n                 (Frame\n                   Lowered\n"
 & "                   (FileBrowser\n                     (ReadOnly ,ReadOn"
 & "ly)\n                     (Suffixes ,Suffixes)\n                     %,"
 & "fbName))))\n             (Glue 10)\n             (VBox\n               "
 & "Fill\n               (Button %,OKName (Rim (Pen 2) ,OKLabel))\n        "
 & "       (Glue 10)\n               (CloseButton %,cancelName (Rim (Pen 2)"
 & " ,cancelLabel))))\n           (Glue 5)\n           (HBox\n             "
 & "(Shape (Width + 0) \"File: \")\n             (Frame\n               Low"
 & "ered\n               (Helper %,helperName ExpandOnDemand FirstFocus (Fo"
 & "r ,fbName))))\n           ,@other))))\n  (Macro\n    FileMenu\n    ()\n"
 & "    `(Menu\n       (ShadowSize 0)\n       (MT \"File\")\n       (Border"
 & "\n         (VBox\n           (PopMButton (For openDialog) (LT \"Open..\""
 & "))\n           Bar\n           (MButton %addscreen (LT \"Add Screen  \""
 & "))\n           (PopMButton %showsettings (For settings) (LT \"Settings."
 & ".\"))\n           Bar\n           (Filter Dormant (Button (LT \"Save\")"
 & "))\n           (PopMButton (For saveAsDialog) (LT \"Save As..\"))\n    "
 & "       Bar\n           (MButton %clearwo";

CONST E5_0 =
   "rkspace (LT \"Clear Workspace\"))\n           Bar\n           (MButton "
 & "%quit (LT \"Quit\"))))))\n  (Macro\n    EditMenu\n    ()\n    `(Menu\n "
 & "      (ShadowSize 0)\n       (MT \"Edit\")\n       (Border\n         (V"
 & "Box\n           (MButton %cut (Filter %cutFilter (LT \"Cut\")))\n      "
 & "     (MButton %copy (Filter Dormant %copyFilter (LT \"Copy\")))\n      "
 & "     (MButton %paste (Filter %pasteButton (LT \"Paste\")))\n           "
 & "Bar\n           (MButton %delete (Filter %deleteButton (LT \"Delete\"))"
 & ")))))\n\n\n\n(Macro \n AlignPopup\n ()\n` (ZChassis (Title \"Align\")  "
 & "(BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey72\")\n\t    %alpopup (At 65 0 NW Absol"
 & "ute)\n     \n       \n\t(VBox (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey92\")\n\t"
 & "(Border \n\t (Button  (ShadowSize 0)\n\t\t       (BgColor \"SlightlyYel"
 & "lowishGrey82\")\n\t   (VBox (ShadowSize 1.5)\n           (MButton %Alig"
 & "nNorth (Filter %anFilter (LT \"Top Edges\")))\n           (MButton %Ali"
 & "gnSouth (Filter %asFilter (LT \"Bottom Edges\")))\n           (MButton "
 & "%AlignWest (Filter %awFilter (LT \"Left Edges\")))\n           (MButton"
 & " %AlignEast (Filter %aeFilter (LT \"Right Edges\")))\n\t   Bar\n\t   (M"
 & "Button %AlignHoriz (Filter %ahFilter (LT \"Top & Bottom Edges\")))\n   "
 & "        (MButton %AlignVert (Filter %avFilter (LT \"Left & Right Edges\""
 & ")))\n\t   Bar\n\t   (MButton %AlignCenHoriz (Filter %achFilter (LT \"Ce"
 & "nters Horizontally\")))\n           (MButton %AlignCenVert (Filter %acv"
 & "Filter (LT \"Centers Vertically\")))\n\t   )))\n\t(Glue 2)\n\t (Border\n"
 & "\t (Radio %alignMode =alignAvg\n\t  (VBox\n\t   (Choice MenuStyle Check"
 & "Mark %alignFirst (LT \"With First Selection\'s\"))\t\n\t   (Choice Menu"
 & "Style CheckMark %alignAvg (LT \"Use Average\"))\n\t   (Choice MenuStyle"
 & " CheckMark %alignMin (LT \"Use Minimum\"))\n\t   (Choice MenuStyle Chec"
 & "kMark %alignMax (LT \"Use Maximum\"))\n\t   Ridge\n\t   (Boolean %stret"
 & "chAlign \"Stretch While Aligning\")\n\t  )))\n\n\t)))\n\n(Macro \n Shap"
 & "ePopup\n ()\n` (ZChassis (Title \"Shape\")  (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowis"
 & "hGrey72\")\n\t    %shpopup (At 65 15 NW Absolute)\n     \n\t(VBox (BgCo"
 & "lor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey92\")\n\t(Border \n\t (Button   (ShadowSize "
 & "0)\n\t\t       (BgC";

CONST E5_1 =
   "olor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey82\")\n\t   (VBox (ShadowSize 1.5)\n\t\t (M"
 & "Button %EqualWidth (Filter %ewFilter (LT \"Make Widths Equal\")))\t\n\t"
 & "\t (MButton %EqualHt (Filter %ehFilter (LT \"Make Heights Equal\")))  \t"
 & "\n\t\t (MButton %EqualDim (Filter %edFilter (LT \"Make Dimensions Equal"
 & "\")))  \t\n         \n\t   )))\n\t(Glue 2)\n\t (Border\n\t (Radio %shap"
 & "eMode =useFirst\n\t\t(VBox\n\t\t (Choice MenuStyle CheckMark %useFirst "
 & "(LT \"As in First Selection\"))\t\n\t\t (Choice MenuStyle CheckMark %us"
 & "eAvg (LT \"Use Average\"))\n\t\t (Choice MenuStyle CheckMark %useMin (L"
 & "T \"Use Minimum\"))\n\t\t (Choice MenuStyle CheckMark %useMax (LT \"Use"
 & " Maximum\"))\n\t\t )))\n\n\t )))\n\n\n(Macro \n DistPopup\n ()\n` (ZCha"
 & "ssis (Title \"Distribute...\")  (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey72\")\n"
 & "\t    %dispopup (At 65 30 NW Absolute)\n\n\t (Button  (ShadowSize 0)\n\t"
 & "\t       (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey82\")\n\t   (VBox (ShadowSize "
 & "1.5)\n\t\t (Glue 5)\n\t\t (MButton %DistHoriz (Filter %dhFilter (LT \"D"
 & "istribute Horizontally\")))\n\t\t (MButton %DistVert (Filter %dvFilter "
 & "(LT \"Distribute Vertically\")))  \n\t\t (MButton %DistBoth (Filter %db"
 & "Filter (LT \"Distribute Both Ways\")))  \t\n\t\t (Glue 5)\n\t   ))\n\n\t"
 & " ))\n\n  (Macro\n    LayoutMenu\n    ()\n    `(Menu\n       (ShadowSize"
 & " 0)\n       (MT \"Layout\")\n       (Border\n         (VBox\n\t   (PopM"
 & "Button (For alpopup) %alpm (Filter %alpmFilter (LT \"Align...\")))\n\t "
 & "  (PopMButton (For shpopup) %shpm (Filter %shpmFilter (LT \"Shape...\")"
 & "))\t\n\t   (PopMButton (For dispopup) %dispm (Filter %dispmFilter (LT \""
 & "Distribute...\")))\t\n\t  \t\t \n          ))))\n\n  (Macro\n    CodeMe"
 & "nu\n    ()\n    `(Menu\n       (ShadowSize 0)\n       (MT \"Code\")\n  "
 & "     (Border\n         (Radio\n           %testbild\n           =bildmo"
 & "de\n           (VBox\n             (MButton %gensx (LT \"Generate S-exp"
 & "ression..\"))\n             (PopMButton %gencode (For buildDialog) (LT "
 & "\"Generate Code..\"))\t\n             (PopMButton %viewlastsx (For sxvi"
 & "ewer) (LT \"View Last S-expression..\"))\n\t     Bar\n             (Pop"
 & "MButton %editsc (For codeviewer) (LT \"Edit Session Constructor..\"))\n"
 & "\t     (PopMButton %editgc (For codev";

CONST E5_2 =
   "iewer) (LT \"Edit Global Code..\"))\n\t     (PopMButton %editsvr (For c"
 & "odeviewer) (LT \"Edit Server Side Code..\"))\n             Bar\n       "
 & "      (Choice MenuStyle CheckMark %testmode (LT \"Test Mode\"))\n      "
 & "       (Choice MenuStyle CheckMark %bildmode (LT \"Build Mode\"))\n    "
 & "         (Shape\n               (Height 0)\n               (Width 0)\n "
 & "              (Text %currentobject (Color \"Black\") \"\")))))))\n  (Ma"
 & "cro\n    MenuBar\n    ()\n    `(HBox\n       (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowi"
 & "shGrey74\")\n       (Color \"Black\")\n       (FileMenu)\n       (EditM"
 & "enu)\n       (LayoutMenu)\n       (CodeMenu) \n\t(Glue 10)\n       (Rim"
 & "\n         (Pen 2)\n         (Border (PopButton (For codeviewer) (BgCol"
 & "or \"SlightlyYellowishGrey90\") \n\t\t%viewmethods \"HELP\")))\n       "
 & "(Glue 5)\n       (Rim\n         (Pen 2)\n         (Border (Button (BgCo"
 & "lor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey90\") %run \"RUN\")))\n\t\n       (Glue 10)\n"
 & "       (VBox\n         (Glue 2)\n         (Frame\n           Lowered\n "
 & "          (Rim\n             (Pen 0)\n             (ShadowSize 1.5)\n  "
 & "           (Border\n               (Pen 1)\n\t      (HBox\n\t\t(Border "
 & "(Button (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey90\") %invite1 \"INVITE:\"))\n "
 & "              (Shape\n                 (Width 200)\n                 (T"
 & "ypeIn (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey92\") %invite2))\n\t\n\t\t))))\n "
 & "        (Glue 2))\n       (Glue 6)))\n  (Macro\n    Key\n    BOA\n    ("
 & "keyname wid contents)\n    `(Rim\n       (Pen 3)\n       (BgColor \"Pal"
 & "eGrey\")\n       (Shape\n         (Width ,wid)\n         (Button\n     "
 & "      %,keyname\n           (Filter\n             %,(Intern (Cat \"BLOC"
 & "KING_\" (SymbolName keyname)))\n             (Frame Raised ,contents)))"
 & ")))\n  (Macro\n    Box\n    BOA\n    (outer inner rest)\n    `(Rim (Pen"
 & " ,outer) (Border (Pen ,inner) ,rest)))\n  (Macro\n    FormDef\n    ()\n"
 & "    `(Key\n       form\n       50\n       (Border\n         (BgColor \""
 & "White\")\n         (Pen 1)\n         (VBox (Frame (BgColor \"PaleYellow"
 & "\") \"Form\") Fill \"\"))))\n  (Macro\n    TexteditDef\n    ()\n    `(K"
 & "ey\n       textedit\n       70\n       (Box 2 1 (TextEdit (Font \"Bold\""
 & ") (BgC";

CONST E5_3 =
   "olor \"White\") =\"Editor\"))))\n  (Macro\n    TypeinDef\n    ()\n    `"
 & "(Key\n       typein\n       65\n       (VBox Fill (Box 2 1 (TypeIn (BgC"
 & "olor \"White\") =\"Typein\")) Fill)))\n  (Macro\n    NumericDef\n    ()"
 & "\n    `(Key\n       numeric\n       80\n       (VBox \"Numeric\" (Box 2"
 & " 1 (Numeric (BgColor \"RatherPaleYellow\"))))))\n  (Macro TextDef () `("
 & "Key text 60 (Box 2 1 (Text (BgColor \"White\") \"Text\"))))\n  (Macro\n"
 & "    ChoiceDef\n    ()\n    `(Key\n       choice\n       85\n       (Box"
 & "\n         2\n         1\n         (Radio\n           (VBox\n          "
 & "   (BgColor \"White\")\n             \"Choice\"\n             (HBox Fil"
 & "l (Choice =TRUE \" A \") Fill (Choice \" B \") Fill))))))\n  (Macro\n  "
 & "  MenuDef\n    ()\n    `(Key\n       menu\n       50\n       (VBox\n   "
 & "      (Frame Lowered (BgColor \"PaleYellow\") \"Menu\")\n         (Box "
 & "1 1 (VBox (BgColor \"VeryLightYellow\") \"...\" Fill)))))\n  (Macro\n  "
 & "  BooleanDef\n    ()\n    `(Key boolean 70 (Box 2 1 (Boolean (BgColor \""
 & "White\") \"Boolean\"))))\n  (Macro\n    FrameDef\n    ()\n    `(Key\n  "
 & "     frame\n       50\n       (Shape (Height 40) (Box 2 1 (Text (BgColo"
 & "r \"VeryPaleYellow\") \"Frame\")))))\n  (Macro\n    ButtonDef\n    ()\n"
 & "    `(Key\n       button\n       65\n       (Rim (Pen 5) (Border (BgCol"
 & "or \"RatherPaleYellow\") (Button \"Button\")))))\n  (Macro\n    VScroll"
 & "Def\n    ()\n    `(Key vscroll 30 (HBox Fill (Box 2 1 (Scroller Vertica"
 & "l)) Fill)))\n  (Macro HScrollDef () `(Key hscroll 45 (VBox Fill (Box 2 "
 & "1 (Scroller)) Fill)))\n  (Macro\n    BrowserDef\n    ()\n    `(Key\n   "
 & "    browser\n       60\n       (VBox\n         \"Browser\"\n         (B"
 & "order\n           (BgColor \"White\")\n           (Browser =1 (Items \""
 & "one\" \"two\" \"three\" \"four\" \"five\" \"six\"))))))\n  (Macro\n    "
 & "FileBrowserDef\n    ()\n    `(Key\n       filebrowser\n       85\n     "
 & "  (VBox \"File Browser\" (Border (BgColor \"White\") (FileBrowser)))))\n"
 & "  (Macro VideoDef () `(Key video 60 (Video (MSecs 1000) \"castle\")))\n"
 & "  (Macro\n    WidgetBar\n    ()\n    `(VBox\n       (HBox\n         (Fo"
 & "rmDef)\n         (TexteditDef)\n         (TypeinDef)\n         (TextDef"
 & ")\n         (NumericDef)";

CONST E5_4 =
   "\n         (ChoiceDef)\n         (VideoDef)\n         Fill)\n       (HB"
 & "ox\n         (FrameDef)\n         (BooleanDef)\n         (ButtonDef)\n "
 & "        (BrowserDef)\n         (VScrollDef)\n         (HScrollDef)\n   "
 & "      (FileBrowserDef)\n         Fill)))\n  (ZSplit\n    (VBox\n      ("
 & "MenuBar)\n      Bar\n      (WidgetBar)\n      Bar\n      (TSplit\n     "
 & "   =0\n        Circular\n        %testAndbild\n        (ZSplit\n       "
 & "   %topZSplit\n          (ZBackground\n            (Shape\n            "
 & "  (Height 400 - 200 + Inf)\n              (Filter (BgColor \"White\") \""
 & "Dialog Composition Area\"))))\n        (ZSplit %testZSplit (ZBackground"
 & " (BgColor \"LightGrey\") \"Test Mode\"))))\n    (AlignPopup)\n    (Shap"
 & "ePopup)\n    (DistPopup)\n    (ZChild\n      %msgbox\n      (At 0.5 0.5"
 & ")\n      FixedHV\n      (Border\n        (Pen 2)\n        (Shape\n     "
 & "     (Width 400)\n          (Height 100)\n          (VBox\n            "
 & "Fill\n            (Text %msg \"Message\")\n            (HBox\n         "
 & "     Fill\n              (Shape\n                (Width 50)\n          "
 & "      (BgColor \"PaleGreen\")\n                (CloseButton (For msgbox"
 & ") (Rim (Pen 2) \"OK\")))\n              Fill)\n            Fill))))\n  "
 & "  (StdFileDialog \n      %openDialog\n      (Title \"Select File to Ope"
 & "n\")\n      (ReadOnly TRUE)\n      (Suffixes \"vo\")\n      (fbName ope"
 & "n)\n      (OKName openbtn)\n      (OKLabel \"Open\")\n      (cancelName"
 & " cancelopen)\n      (helperName lfbh)\n      (other\n       \n        ("
 & "(Glue 5)\n          (HBox (Boolean %openSuffixes =TRUE \"Display only ."
 & "vo files\") Fill)\n           (HBox (Boolean %useSSX  =FALSE \"Use save"
 & "d widget templates\") Fill)\n          )))\n\n    (StdFileDialog\n     "
 & " %saveAsDialog\n      (Title \"Specify Name to Save Application As\")\n"
 & "      (fbName saveas)\n      (OKName saveasbtn)\n      (OKLabel \"Save\""
 & ")\n      (cancelName cancelsaveas)\n      (helperName sfbh))\n\n      ("
 & "StdFileDialog\n      %buildDialog\n      (Title \"Specify File to Build"
 & " to\")\n      (fbName build)\n      (OKName buildbtn)\n      (OKLabel \""
 & "Build\")\n      (cancelName cancelbuild)\n      (helperN";

CONST E5_5 =
   "ame bfbh)\n      (other\n        ((Glue 5)\n          (HBox (Boolean %s"
 & "ingleFile =TRUE \"Bundle Code into a Single Executable\") Fill))))\n\n "
 & "   (ZChassis \n      %settings\n      (Title \"Settings\")\n      NoClo"
 & "se\n      (Macro LeftText BOA (text) `(Shape (Width +  0) (Text LeftAli"
 & "gn ,text)))\n       (Shape (Width 300 + Inf)\t\n        (Rim\n        ("
 & "Pen 10)\n        (VBox\n          (HBox\n            (LeftText \"Grid S"
 & "ize: \")\n            (Numeric (TabTo bgcolor) %grid (Min 5) =5)\n     "
 & "       Fill)\n          (Glue 5)\n          (HBox (LeftText \"Bg Color:"
 & " \") (TYPEIN bgcolor fgcolor \"White\"))\n          (Glue 5)\n         "
 & " (HBox (LeftText \"Fg Color: \") (TYPEIN fgcolor font \"Black\"))\n    "
 & "      (Glue 5)\n          (HBox (LeftText \"Font: \") (TYPEIN font defn"
 & "ame \"Fixed\"))\n          (Glue 5)\n          (HBox (LeftText \"Defaul"
 & "t Name: \") (TYPEIN defname grid \"Unnamed\"))\n\t  (Glue 8)\n\t  (HBox"
 & "  (LeftText \"Large Font for Editors: \")\n\t\t (Boolean %blowFont =FAL"
 & "SE   \"\"))\n\t  \n          (Glue 20)\n          (HBox\n            Fi"
 & "ll\n            (CloseButton %oksettings (Shape (Width 50) \"OK\"))\n  "
 & "          (Glue 50)\n            (CloseButton %cancelsettings (Shape (W"
 & "idth 50) \"Cancel\"))\n            Fill)))))\n    (ZChassis\n      (BgC"
 & "olor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey72\")\n      %sxviewer\n      (Title \"SX V"
 & "iewer\")\n      (VBox\n        (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey82\")\n "
 & "       (Shape\n          (Height 10)\n          (Text (Color \"VeryDark"
 & "Blue\") %sxtitle \"Last S-Expression Generated\"))\n        (Glue 3)\n "
 & "       (Border\n          (Pen 1)\n          (Shape\n            (Width"
 & " 400 + Inf - 100)\n            (Height 250 + Inf - 100)\n            (T"
 & "extEdit (BgColor \"White\") ReadOnly %sxview)))\n        (Glue 10)\n   "
 & "     (HBox\n          Fill\n          (Rim\n            (Pen 2)\n      "
 & "      (Border\n              (Button\n                (BgColor \"Slight"
 & "lyYellowishGrey92\")\n                %sxbutton\n                \"Save"
 & " As : \")))\n          (TYPEIN sxtypein sxtypein \"\")\n          Fill)"
 & "\n        (Glue 10)))\n\n  (ZChild  \n      %codeviewer\n      (";

CONST E5_6 =
   "Border\n      (VBox\n      (Shape (Height 20)    (Width 500 + Inf - 200"
 & ")\n            (ShadowSize 1.5)\n        (HBox   (CloseButton \"C\")  \n"
 & "            (Shape (Width 365 + Inf - 200)  (ZMove (Text %cvtitle  \"Ed"
 & "it Session Constructor\")))\n                 (ZGrow \"G\")))\n        "
 & "(Border\n          (Pen 1)\n          (Shape\n            (VTile\n     "
 & "       (Shape   (Height 180 + Inf - 100)\n            (TextEdit (BgColo"
 & "r \"VeryPalePink\") ReadOnly %cvinstns))\n            \n            (Sh"
 & "ape   (Height 300 + Inf - 100)\n\t    (TextEdit (BgColor \"White\") %co"
 & "deview)))))\n\t    (Shape (Width + Inf) (Button %codeapply (Text %codeT"
 & "itle \" Apply \"))))\n      )\n)\n \n))\n\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$LabelFont$\")  (Font \"$Font$"
 & "\")  \n\n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (S"
 & "hadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n       \n   "
 & "     (VBox\n         (Glue 5)\n          (HBox (Glue 5)\n            (S"
 & "hape\n              (Width 150 + Inf - 100)\n              (Height 150 "
 & "+ Inf - 100)\n              (VBox\n                (LabelFont \"fixed\""
 & ")\n                (DirMenu (For $fbName1$))\n                (Glue 6)\n"
 & "                (Frame Lowered (BgColor \"White\")\n                   "
 & "  (FileBrowser %@ $ReadOnly$ \n                         (Value \"$Initi"
 & "al$\")\n                         (Suffixes $Suffixes$)\n               "
 & "      )\n                 )))\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape"
 & "\n              (Width 50 + Inf)\n              (VBox\n                "
 & "(Fill)\n                (Button %@action \"$ActionLabel$\")\n          "
 & "      (Glue 10)\n               ))\n            (Glue 5))\n          (G"
 & "lue 5)\n          (HBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 30 + Inf) (Height 16) \"File :\")\n            (Frame Lowered (BgColo"
 & "r \"White\") (Helper %@typein (For $fbName2$) (Font \"fixed\")))\n     "
 & "       (Glue 5))\n          (Glue 5))\n        )\n           \n        "
 & ")\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n";

   " (Shape %textatt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Title \""
 & "Text\")\n     (Glue 10)\n      (RField tOrientation \"Orientation : \" "
 & "(HBox (Choice %LeftAlign Inverting \"Left Align\")\n                   "
 & "                         (Choice %Center Inverting \"Center\")\n       "
 & "                                     (Choice %RightAlign Inverting \"Ri"
 & "ghtAlign\")\n                                            ) 20 Center 10"
 & "0)\n  \n       (Glue 10)\n     (LField \"Value :\" 500 (TypeIn ExpandOn"
 & "Demand (TabTo name) %tVal\n                                            "
 & " (BgColor \"White\") (Value \"Text\") ) )\n      Fill\n   )\n  )\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:47:13 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\nmodule vocheckpt;\n(* used by mod"
 & "ule \"volib\" *)\nsys_pushSilence();\n\n(* Stuff to checkpoint\n\n\t== "
 & "all other attributes are set by method calls ==\n\n\tboolean ::=  initi"
 & "alValue := b.getValue();\n\tbrowser ::= Selections/Selection\n\tchoice "
 & "::=  initialValue := c.getValue();\n\tfilebrowser ::=  Value := fb.getF"
 & "ilename();\n\tform => (checkpoint open/close state of anchored forms)\n"
 & "\thscroll ::= Val := h.getValue();\n\tnumeric ::= Val := n.getValue();\n"
 & "\ttextedit ::=  teContents :=  text_encode(t.getText());\n\ttypein  ::="
 & "  tyInit := text_encode(t.getText());\n\tvscroll  ::=  Val := v.getValu"
 & "e();\n\t\n*)\n(* generic routine - forward declaration *)\nvar checkptS"
 & "X = 0;\nlet childOffRed = 20;\n\nlet genericCP = proc(nv)\n\tlet width "
 & "= form_getInt(nv.form, & \"filter\", \"EastEdge\") -\n\t\t\t   "
 & " form_getInt(nv.form, & \"filter\", \"WestEdge\");\n\tlet heigh"
 & "t = form_getInt(nv.form, & \"filter\", \"SouthEdge\") -\n\t\t\t"
 & "    form_getInt(nv.form, & \"filter\", \"NorthEdge\");\n\n\tif "
 & "(width isnot 0) and (height isnot 0) then\n\t(* true when the widget is"
 & " mapped *)\n\t\tnv.height := height; nv.width := width;\n\t\tif nv.clas"
 & "s is \"form\" then nv.InitialState := \"Active\"; end;\n\t\tlet p = nv."
 & "parent;\n\t\tif p isnot 0 then\n\t\t\tnv.x := form_getInt(nv.form, nv.n"
 & "ame & \"filter\", \"WestEdge\") -\n\t\t\t\t     form_getInt(p.form, p.n"
 & "ame & \"filter\", \"WestEdge\");\n\t\t\tnv.y := form_getInt(nv.form, nv"
 & ".name & \"filter\", \"NorthEdge\") -\n\t\t\t\t     form_getInt(p.form, "
 & " & \"filter\", \"NorthEdge\");\n\t\t\tif p.class is \"form\" then"
 & "\n\t\t\t\tif p.ParentForm is 0 then\n\t\t\t\t\tnv.y := nv.y + childOffR"
 & "ed;\n\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\tend;\n\t\telse\t\n\t\t\tnv.x := form_getInt(nv"
 & ".form, & \"filter\", \"WestEdge\");\n\t\t\tnv.y := form_getInt("
 & "nv.form, & \"filter\", \"NorthEdg";

CONST E8_0 =
   "e\");\n\t\tend;\n\telsif nv.class is \"form\" then\n\t\tnv.InitialState"
 & " := \"Vanish\";\n\t\t(* otherwise this widget may be unmapped because a"
 & " parent is unmapped *)\n\tend;\nend;\n\nlet splitCP = proc(nv)\n\tgener"
 & "icCP(nv);\n\tforeach child in nv.children do\n\t\tcheckptSX(child);\t\t"
 & "\n\tend;\n\nend;\n\nlet formCP = proc(nv)\n\n\n\tlet oldwidth = nv.widt"
 & "h;\n\tlet oldheight = nv.height;\n\n\tsplitCP(nv); (* will also do gene"
 & "ric *)\n\n\n\tlet incwidth = nv.width - oldwidth;\n\tlet incheight = nv"
 & ".height - oldheight;\n\t\n\tnv.ShrinkX := nv.ShrinkX + incwidth;\n\tnv."
 & "StretchX := nv.StretchX - incwidth;\n\tnv.ShrinkY := nv.ShrinkY + inche"
 & "ight;\n\tnv.StretchY := nv.StretchY - incheight;\n\n\tif nv.ShrinkX < 0"
 & " then nv.ShrinkX := 0 end;\n\tif nv.ShrinkY < 0 then nv.ShrinkY := 0 en"
 & "d;\n\tif nv.StretchX < 0 then nv.StretchX := 0 end;\n\tif nv.StretchY <"
 & " 0 then nv.StretchY := 0 end;\n\t\n\n\tforeach child in nv.ChildForms d"
 & "o\n\t\tcheckptSX(child);\t\t\n\tend;\n\t(* if this is an anchored form "
 & "... *)\n\tlet pf = nv.ParentForm;\n\tif pf isnot 0 then\n\t\tnv.x := fo"
 & "rm_getInt(nv.form, & \"filter\", \"WestEdge\") -\n\t\t\t     fo"
 & "rm_getInt(pf.form, & \"filter\", \"WestEdge\");\n\t\tnv.y := fo"
 & "rm_getInt(nv.form, & \"filter\", \"NorthEdge\") -\n\t\t\t     f"
 & "orm_getInt(pf.form, & \"filter\", \"NorthEdge\");\t\t\n\telse\n"
 & "\t\t(* Need to compensate for absence of title in top level form.\n\t\t"
 & "    The s-expression is computed after reducing the given height\n\t\t "
 & "   by childOffRed, so when we are computing the height from the\n\t\t  "
 & "   vbt we need to add this amount  *)\n\t\n\t\tnv.height := nv.height +"
 & " childOffRed;\n        end;\n\tnv.CheckpointedXY := true;\nend;\n\n(* p"
 & "rocedure dispatching kludge *)\ncheckptSX := proc(wid)\n\tvar dogeneric"
 & " = true;\n\tif wid.class is \"form\" then\n\t\tformCP(wid);\n\t\tdogene"
 & "ric := false;\n    \telsif wid.class is \"frame\" then\n\t\tsplitCP(wid"
 & ");\n\t\tdogeneric := false;\n\telsif wid.class is \"boolean\"  then\n\t"
 & "\twid.initialValue := wid.getValue();\n\telsif wid.class is \"browser\""
 & " then\n\t\t\t(* getSelection automatically does the checkpointing! *)\n"
 & "\t\t\twid.getSelection();\n\t\t\tok\n\telsif wid.class is \"choi";

CONST E8_1 =
   "ce\" then\n\t\twid.initialValue := wid.getValue();\n\telsif wid.class i"
 & "s  \"filebrowser\" then \n\t\twid.Value := text_encode(wid.getFilename("
 & "));\n\telsif wid.class is \"hscroll\" then\n\t\t wid.Val := wid.getValu"
 & "e();\n\telsif wid.class is \"numeric\" then\n\t\twid.Val := wid.getValu"
 & "e();\n\telsif wid.class is \"textedit\" then\n\t\twid.teContents :=  te"
 & "xt_encode(wid.getText());\n\telsif wid.class is \"typein\" then\n\t\twi"
 & "d.tyInit := text_encode(wid.getText());\n\telsif wid.class is \"vscroll"
 & "\" then  \n\t\twid.Val := wid.getValue();\n\tend;\n\tif dogeneric then\n"
 & "\t\tgenericCP(wid);\n\tend;\n\tok;\t\nend;\n\n\nlet rebuildWidget = pro"
 & "c(wid)\n\t(* not applicable to forms *)\n\t(* assume already checkpoint"
 & "ed *)\n\tlet f = wid.form;\n\tlet widpar = wid.parent;\n\n\tvar offsetR"
 & "ed = 0;\n\tif widpar.class is \"form\" then\n\t\tif widpar.ParentForm i"
 & "s 0 then\n\t\t\toffsetRed := 20;\n\t\tend\n\tend;\n\tlet name = wid.nam"
 & "e & \"top\";\n\tlet zname = & \"zsplit\";\n\tlet lev = form"
 & "_childIndex(f, zname, name);\n\n        let nsx = computeSX(wid); (* th"
 & "is mutates the name *)\n\tvar visibility = \"\";\n\t\tif wid.InitialSta"
 & "te isnot \"Vanish\" then\n\t\t\tvisibility := \"Open\";\n\t\tend;\n\tle"
 & "t newsx =  \"(ZChild %\" & & \"top (At \" & fmt_int(wid.x) & \""
 & "  \"\n                      & fmt_int(wid.y - offsetRed) & \"  NW Absol"
 & "ute)  \" & visibility & \"\\n \" &\n                      ResizeString("
 & "wid) & nsx & \")\";\n\n\tform_delete(f, \tzname, name);\n\tform_insert("
 & "f, zname, newsx, lev);\n\twid.SELF.VOAttachCBacks(); (* all callbacks *"
 & ")\nend;\n\nlet refreshWidget = proc(wid) \n\tcheckptSX(wid);\n\trebuild"
 & "Widget(wid);\nend;\n\nsys_popSilence();\n";

   " (Shape %buttonatt (Height 200)\n  (Radio %buRadio (Value buTChoice)\n "
 & " \n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Title \"Button\")\n     (Glue 10)\n"
 & "     (BoxAround 95\n      (VBox\n        (HBox  (Text  \"Label\") (Glue"
 & " 250))\n        (Glue 10)\n        (Choice (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") %bu"
 & "TChoice (LField \"Text       :\" 250 (TypeIn (TabTo name) %buText (BgCo"
 & "lor \"White\") ExpandOnDemand (Value \"Text\"))))\n        (Glue 10)\n "
 & "       (Choice %buPChoice (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") (LField \"Pixmap :\""
 & " 250 (TypeIn (TabTo name) %buPix ExpandOnDemand (BgColor \"White\") (Va"
 & "lue \"\"))))\n        (Glue 10)\n       ))\n     \n      (Glue 10)\n   "
 & "   (HBox Fill (Boolean %buGuard \"Guard\") Fill (Boolean %buTrill \"Tri"
 & "ll\") Fill ) \n       Fill\n   ))\n  )\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:46:40 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\nvar $form$ = ok;\nvar $form$Alive"
 & " = ok;\nvar $form$Instances = 0;\nvar $form$Constructor = ok;\nvar $for"
 & "m$New = proc(Local) \n\t($form$Constructor.VONew)(Local);\n\t\tend;\n\n"

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (Font \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Frame $Fr"
 & "ameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       ("
 & "Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (Numeric $HideButtons$ $Al"
 & "lowEmpty$ %@\n            (Value $Value$) (Min $Min$)\n            (Max"
 & " $Max$) \n        )    \n       \n         \n        )\n           \n  "
 & "      )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (Font \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Frame $Fr"
 & "ameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       ("
 & "Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n      \n        ($typeOfBrowser$   %"
 & "@                        \n            $quick$\n            (Items $Ite"
 & "ms$)\n            $ValueList$ \n        )\n\n        )\n           \n  "
 & "      )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   " (Shape %menuatt (Height 200 + Inf)\n  (VBox \n         (Glue 5)\n     "
 & "     (Title \"Menu Design\")\n          (Glue 5)\n\n \n    (BoxAround 7"
 & "5\n        (VBox Fill\n          (Field \"Bg Color :\" 230 (ColorField "
 & "mbgctypein mbgc))\n          (Field \"Fg Color :\" 230 (ColorField mfgc"
 & "typein mfgc))  \n          (Field \"Font :\" 230 (FontField mfonttypein"
 & " mfont)) \n            Fill ))\n    (Glue 5)\n    \n    (HBox (Button ("
 & "BgColor \"PalePink\") %mapply \"Apply\") Fill\n           (Shape (Width"
 & " 50)  (LinkButton (BgColor \"VeryPaleYellow\") (For attrmain)  \"Form\""
 & ")))\n     \n    (Glue 5)\n    (Title \"Menu Items\")\n    (Glue 5)\n   "
 & "\n    (HBox  (LField \"Label :\" 120 (TypeIn (TabTo mname) %mlabel (BgC"
 & "olor \"White\"))) (Glue 10) \n                (LField \"Name :\" 150 (T"
 & "ypeIn (TabTo mlabel) %mname  (BgColor \"White\"))))\n    (Glue 5)\n    "
 & "                          \n    (Border (Pen 1)\n              (Shape ("
 & "Width 300 + Inf) (Height + Inf)\n                       (BgColor \"Whit"
 & "e\")\n                         (Frame Lowered (Browser (Font \"-*-couri"
 & "er-bold-*R-*120-*\") %menubrowser))))\n    (Glue 5)\n    (HBox   \n    "
 & "        (Button %maddfirst \"Add First\") Fill\n            (Filter %mI"
 & "temFilter Dormant  \n               (HBox\n                (Button %mad"
 & "dafter \"Add After\") Fill\n                (Button %maddunder \"Add Un"
 & "der\") Fill\n                (Button %mdelete \"Delete\") Fill\n       "
 & "         (Button %mreplace \"Replace\"))))\n      (Glue 5)\n      (HBox"
 & " (RField mInitialState \"Initial State :\" (HBox (Choice %mActive Inver"
 & "ting \"Active\")\n                                            (Choice %"
 & "mPassive Inverting \"Passive\")\n                                      "
 & "      (Choice %mDormant Inverting \"Dormant\")\n                       "
 & "                     (Choice %mVanish Inverting \"Invisible\")) 20 mAct"
 & "ive 5) \n            (Button %mridge \"Ridge\") Fill)\n     (Glue 5)\n "
 & "    (Title \"Menu Item Callback\")       \n     (Glue 5)               "
 & "           \n     (Border (Pen 1)\n                 (Shape (Width 300 +"
 & " Inf) (Height + Inf)\n                   (BgC";

CONST E13_0 =
   "olor \"White\")\n                     (Frame Lowered (TextEdit \n      "
 & "               (Font \"menucallback\")             \n                  "
 & "   %menucallback))))\n\n     (Glue 5)\n     (HBox (Text \"Execute in :\""
 & ")   \n                    (RField mexechow \"\" (HBox (Choice (Color \""
 & "VeryDarkBlue\") %mForeground Inverting \"Foreground\")\n               "
 & "                           (Choice (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") %mBackgroun"
 & "d Inverting \"Background\")) 20 mForeground 25)\n            Fill  )\n "
 & "     (Glue 5)\n     (RField mexecwhere \"\" (HBox (Choice %mLocal (Colo"
 & "r \"VeryDarkBlue\")  \"Local\") (Glue 5)\n                             "
 & "          (Choice   (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") %mRemote\n                "
 & "                          (LField \"Remote :\" 500 (Filter %mremFilter "
 & "Dormant (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand \n                                      "
 & "        (TabTo type) %mLocation\n                                      "
 & "       (BgColor \"White\")) ))\n                                   )) 2"
 & "0 Local 5)\n               \n     \n     (Glue 5)\n))\n  \n            "
 & "               ";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:47:02 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\nmodule templates;\nlet Templates "
 & "= {\nboolean => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape"
 & " (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgC"
 & "olor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (LabelFont \\\""
 & "$Font$\\\")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen"
 & " $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n"
 & "\n         (Boolean =$initValue$ %@ $fbstyle$ \n                 ( $Boo"
 & "leanContents$ )\n         )\n         \n        )\n           \n       "
 & " )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\nbrowser => \"\n(Filter %@filter $Fil"
 & "terState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSp"
 & "an$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgCol"
 & "or$\\\")\n     (Font \\\"$Font$\\\")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$"
 & "  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@"
 & "border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n      \n        ($typeOfBrowser$   %@        "
 & "                \n            $quick$\n            (Items $Items$)\n   "
 & "         $ValueList$ \n        )\n\n        )\n           \n        )\n"
 & "      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\nbutton => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterSt"
 & "ate$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ +"
 & " Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\"
 & "\")\n     (LabelFont \\\"$Font$\\\")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$"
 & "  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@"
 & "border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n        $GuardHeader$\n          ($Trill$Butt"
 & "on %@\n          ($ButtonContents$)\n          )\n        $GuardFooter$"
 & "\n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\ncho"
 & "ice => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $"
 & "XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \\\""
 & "$BgC";

CONST E14_0 =
   "olor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (LabelFont \\\"$Font$\\\")  "
 & "\n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (S"
 & "hadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n         ("
 & "Choice =$initValue$ %@ $fbstyle$ \n                 ( $ChoiceContents$ "
 & ")\n         )\n         \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n "
 & "   )\n )\n  \n\n\",\nfilebrowser => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n"
 & " \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf -"
 & " Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n "
 & "    (LabelFont \\\"$LabelFont$\\\")  (Font \\\"$Font$\\\")  \n\n     (F"
 & "rame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n"
 & "       (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n       \n        (VBox\n    "
 & "     (Glue 5)\n          (HBox (Glue 5)\n            (Shape\n          "
 & "    (Width 150 + Inf - 100)\n              (Height 150 + Inf - 100)\n  "
 & "            (VBox\n                (LabelFont \\\"fixed\\\")\n         "
 & "       (DirMenu (For $fbName1$))\n                (Glue 6)\n           "
 & "     (Frame Lowered (BgColor \\\"White\\\")\n                     (File"
 & "Browser %@ $ReadOnly$ \n                         (Value \\\"$Initial$\\"
 & "\")\n                         (Suffixes $Suffixes$)\n                  "
 & "   )\n                 )))\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape\n "
 & "             (Width 50 + Inf)\n              (VBox\n                (Fi"
 & "ll)\n                (Button %@action \\\"$ActionLabel$\\\")\n         "
 & "       (Glue 10)\n               ))\n            (Glue 5))\n          ("
 & "Glue 5)\n          (HBox\n            (Glue 5)\n            (Shape (Wid"
 & "th 30 + Inf) (Height 16) \\\"File :\\\")\n            (Frame Lowered (B"
 & "gColor \\\"White\\\") (Helper %@typein (For $fbName2$) (Font \\\"fixed\\"
 & "\")))\n            (Glue 5))\n          (Glue 5))\n        )\n         "
 & "  \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\",\nform => \"\n(ZChild $ZChild"
 & "State$ %@ \n  (Filter %@filter $FilterState$ \n    (Radio %@radio\n    "
 & "  $ZSplitHeader$\n      (Shape %@shape \n        (Width $XSpan$ + $XStr"
 & "etch$ - $XShrink$) \n        (Height $YSpan$ + $YStretch$ - $YShrink$)\n"
 & "     ";

CONST E14_1 =
   "   (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") \n        (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n   "
 & "     (LabelFont \\\"$Font$\\\")\n        (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) \n  "
 & "        (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n            (VBox\n\t     ("
 & "Macro $TitleBar$ ()\n              \'(Shape %@title (Height 20)\n      "
 & "          (Frame $FrameStyle$ \n                  (BgColor \\\"$TitleBg"
 & "Color$\\\") \n                  (Color \\\"$TitleFgColor$\\\")\n       "
 & "           (HBox \n                    (Shape (Width 15) \n            "
 & "          (CloseButton (ShadowSize 0) (Pixmap \\\"close.pbm\\\"))) \n  "
 & "                  Chisel\n                    (Shape (Width + 1000)  \n"
 & "                       (ZMove (ShadowSize 0) (Text %@titlestring \\\"$T"
 & "itleString$\\\")))    \n                    Chisel \n                  "
 & "  (Shape (Width 15) \n                      (ZGrow (ShadowSize 0) (Pixm"
 & "ap \\\"grow.pbm\\\"))))))\n\t      )\n\t      $IncludeTitleBar$\t\t\n  "
 & "            $MenuStructure$\n              (Text  %@background \\\"\\\""
 & " )))))\n      $ZSplitFooter$\n)))         \n\",\nframe => \"\n(Filter %"
 & "@filter $FilterState$\n (Radio %@radio\n $ZSplitHeader$\n  (Shape %@sha"
 & "pe (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (B"
 & "gColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n    \n     (Frame "
 & "$FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) \n       (Border %@bord"
 & "er (Pen $BorderPen$)\n      \n        (Texture  %@ \\\"$TextureFile$\\\""
 & " )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n   )\n $ZSplitFooter$      "
 & "  \n )\n)\n\",\nhscroll => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Sh"
 & "ape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n "
 & " \n    (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (Lab"
 & "elFont \\\"$Font$\\\")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim"
 & " %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $B"
 & "orderPen$)\n\n        (Scroller %@\n            (Value $Value$) (Min $M"
 & "in$)\n            (Max $Max$) (Thumb $Thumb$)\n            (Step $Step$"
 & ")\n        )    \n       \n         \n        )\n           \n        )"
 & "\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\nmenu => \"\n(Filter %@Menu\n (Macro \n"
 & "    MenuItem\n    BOA\n";

CONST E14_2 =
   "    (xFilter initState x xLabel xLabelValue)\n    `(Filter %,xFilter ,i"
 & "nitState\n        (Menu %,x (Text %,xLabel ,xLabelValue))\n     )\n  ) "
 & "\n  (Macro \n    PullDownMenuItem\n    BOA\n    (xFilter initState x xL"
 & "abel xLabelValue pulldown)\n    `(Filter %,xFilter ,initState\n        "
 & "(Menu %,x (Text %,xLabel ,xLabelValue)\n            (Border (Pen 1)\n  "
 & "                  ,pulldown\n            )\n        )\n     )\n  ) \n\n"
 & " (Macro\n   MenuButton\n   BOA\n   (xFilter initState x xLabel xLabelVa"
 & "lue )\n   `(Filter %,xFilter ,initState\n       (MButton %,x\n         "
 & "(Text %,xLabel ,xLabelValue) \n       )\n    )\n  )\n    (BgColor \\\"$"
 & "MenuBgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$MenuFgColor$\\\")\n    (LabelFont \\\"$Me"
 & "nuFont$\\\")\n    (ShadowSize 0)\n    (Border  (Pen 1)\n        (HBox \n"
 & "           $MenuItems$\n           (Glue 1000)\n        )  \n    ) \n)\n"
 & "\",\nnumeric => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape"
 & " (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgC"
 & "olor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (Font \\\"$Font"
 & "$\\\")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $Rim"
 & "Pen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n  "
 & "      (Numeric $HideButtons$ $AllowEmpty$ %@\n            (Value $Value"
 & "$) (Min $Min$)\n            (Max $Max$) \n        )    \n       \n     "
 & "    \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\n"
 & "text => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width "
 & "$XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \\\""
 & "$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (LabelFont \\\"$Font$\\\""
 & ")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$)"
 & " (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n       "
 & " (Text $Alignment$ %@ \\\"$Initial$\\\")\n         \n        )\n       "
 & "    \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\ntextedit => \"\n(Filter"
 & " %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf"
 & ") (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Co"
 & "lor \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (Font \\\"$Font$\\\")  \n     \n     (Fram"
 & "e $FrameStyle$  \n   ";

CONST E14_3 =
   "   (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border "
 & "(Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (TextEdit %@ $ReadOnly$ $Clip$ $NoScrollba"
 & "r$\n            ($Initial$)\n         )\n         \n        )\n        "
 & "   \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\ntypein => \"\n(Filter %@"
 & "filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) ("
 & "Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color"
 & " \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (Font \\\"$Font$\\\")  \n     \n     (Frame $"
 & "FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n      "
 & " (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (TypeIn %@ $ReadOnly$ $E"
 & "xpandOnDemand$\n            (Value \\\"$Initial$\\\")\n         )\n    "
 & "     \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\","
 & "\nvideo => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Wid"
 & "th $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor "
 & "\\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (Font \\\"$Font$\\\""
 & ")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$)"
 & " (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n     (TSp"
 & "lit %@toggle   =$PlayVideo$\n        (Audio %@audio =\\\"$AudioSource$\\"
 & "\" (Volume $Volume$)\n\t\t$Mute$ $IgnoreMapping$\n            (Video %@"
 & " \n\t\t(Quality $Quality$)\n\t\t(Width $Width$) (Height $Height$)\n\t\t"
 & "(Colors $Colours$) (MSecs $MSecs$)\n\t\t$Synchronous$ $FixedSize$ $Paus"
 & "ed$\n\t\t\\\"$VideoSource$\\\"\n\t\t)\n         )\n\t(Text \\\"\\\")\n "
 & "     )\n         \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n "
 & ")\n  \n\n\",\nvscroll => \"\n(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shap"
 & "e %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n"
 & "    (BgColor \\\"$BgColor$\\\") (Color \\\"$FgColor$\\\")\n     (LabelF"
 & "ont \\\"$Font$\\\")  \n     \n     (Frame $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@"
 & "rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %@border (Pen $Bord"
 & "erPen$)\n\n        (Scroller Vertical %@ \n            (Value $Value$) "
 & "(Min $Min$)\n            (Max $Max$) (Thumb $Thumb$)\n            (Step"
 & " $Step$)\n        )    \n       \n         \n        )\n           \n  "
 & "      )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n\",\n};\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Fram"
 & "e $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n   "
 & "    (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (Scroller Vertical %@"
 & " \n            (Value $Value$) (Min $Min$)\n            (Max $Max$) (Th"
 & "umb $Thumb$)\n            (Step $Step$)\n        )    \n       \n      "
 & "   \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   " (Shape %booleanatt (Height 200)\n  \n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n      "
 & "(Title \"Boolean\")\n      (Glue 10)\n      (HBox Fill (Shape (Width 10"
 & "0) (Boolean %boInitial \"Initial Value\")) Fill)\n       (Glue 10)\n   "
 & " (BoxAround 50\n     (HBox (RField Booleanfbs \"Feedback Style :\" \n  "
 & "           (VBox (Glue 5) (Choice %BCheckBox CheckBox \"Check Box\")\n "
 & "                  (Choice %BCheckMark CheckMark \"Check Mark\")\n      "
 & "             (Choice %BInverting Inverting \"Inverting\")\n            "
 & "       (Glue 5)\n              ) 45 Active 5) Fill))\n     (Glue 10)\n "
 & "    (Radio %boRadio\n     (BoxAround 95\n      (VBox\n        (HBox  (T"
 & "ext  \"Label\") (Glue 250))\n        (Glue 10)\n        (Choice (Color "
 & "\"VeryDarkBlue\") %boTChoice (LField \"Text       :\" 250 (TypeIn (TabT"
 & "o boPix) %boText (BgColor \"White\") ExpandOnDemand (Value \"Choice\"))"
 & "))\n        (Glue 10)\n        (Choice %boPChoice (Color \"VeryDarkBlue"
 & "\") (LField \"Pixmap :\" 250 (TypeIn (TabTo name) %boPix ExpandOnDemand"
 & " (BgColor \"White\") (Value \"\"))))\n        (Glue 10)\n       )))\n  "
 & "    Fill\n      \n   )\n  )\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n (Radio %@radio\n $ZSplitHeader$\n  (Sh"
 & "ape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + Inf - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n "
 & " \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") (Color \"$FgColor$\")\n    \n     (Frame"
 & " $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) \n       (Border %@bor"
 & "der (Pen $BorderPen$)\n      \n        (Texture  %@ \"$TextureFile$\" )"
 & "\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n   )\n $ZSplitFooter$        "
 & "\n )\n)\n";

   " (Shape %typeinatt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Title"
 & " \"Type In\")\n     (Glue 10)\n     (HBox (Boolean %tyReadOnly \"Read O"
 & "nly\")  Fill (Boolean %tyExpand \"Expand On Demand\"))\n     (Glue 10)\n"
 & "     (LField \"Initial Value :\" 150 (TypeIn (TabTo name) %tyInit (BgCo"
 & "lor \"White\") (Value \"Text\")))\n     Fill\n     \n   )\n  )\n";

   "\tEditing the Session Constructor\n\t*******************************\n\n"
 & "What is the Session Constructor ?\n---------------------------------\n\n"
 & "The Session Constructor is a procedure that causes a host to join a ses"
 & "sion. It creates the forms needed by the host to be part of the session"
 & ". Think of it as a ticket that allows a host to join the session. A hos"
 & "t wishing to join a session can either import the session constructor f"
 & "rom a known repository or be handed the session constructor by a peer h"
 & "ost.\n\nConfiguring the Session Constructor\n--------------------------"
 & "---------\n\nThe Session Constructor gets executed at all hosts includi"
 & "ng the server. Shown below is the session constructor for your program."
 & " You may edit this to configure the start-up process. You can use HOSTN"
 & "AME, SERVERSITE and SERVERNAME to create forms conditionally.\n\nSERVER"
 & "SITE is a flag that is set only at the\n           server site  \n\nHOS"
 & "TNAME   is the name of the host that will be\n \t   executing this proc"
 & "edure.\n\nSERVERNAME is the HOSTNAME of the server.\n\nLOCAL      is bo"
 & "und to the local Visual Obliq\n           library, which contains usefu"
 & "l methods\n           that get executed at the local host.\n\nCreation "
 & "of forms :-\n\nTo create one instance of a form named \'foo\' use \n\t\n"
 & "\tfooNew(LOCAL);\t\n\nCreating one instance of each form :-\n\nTo creat"
 & "e one instance of each form defined by you use\n\n\tCreateEachFormOnce("
 & "LOCAL);\n\nThe default session constructor creates one instance of each"
 & " form defined at each site.\n\n\n";

   " (Shape %filebrowseratt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n      (Glue 8)\t\n    "
 & " (Title \"File Browser\")\n    (Glue 8)\n    (Field \"Label Font :\" 20"
 & "0 (FontField fbLFtypein fbLF)) \t\n    \n     (Glue 8)\n     (HBox  (Sh"
 & "ape (Width 90) (Boolean %fbReadOnly \"Read Only\"))  (Glue 5)\n        "
 & "     (LField \"Action Label  :\" 200\n            (TypeIn ExpandOnDeman"
 & "d (TabTo fbVal) %fbActionLabel (BgColor \"White\")))   )\n     (Glue 5)"
 & " \n     (LField \"Value :\" 250\n            (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand (Ta"
 & "bTo fbVal) %fbVal (BgColor \"White\")))   \n     (Glue 5)\n\n    (HBox "
 & "(Radio %fbModes (Value fbNoSuffixes)\n              (Shape (Width  100)"
 & "\n                 (VBox   Fill\n                      (LinkButton (For"
 & " fbBlank)  (ShadowSize 0.01)\n                       (LinkButton (For f"
 & "bPage2)  \n                             (Choice (ShadowSize 1) %fbNoSuf"
 & "fixes Inverting \"No Suffixes\")))\n                       (LinkButton "
 & "(For fbEdit) (ShadowSize 0.01) \n                           (LinkButton"
 & " (For fbPage1) \n                         (Choice (ShadowSize 1) %fbAdd"
 & "Suffixes  Inverting \"Use Suffixes\")))\n                    Fill\n    "
 & "              )\n                 )\n              )\n           (Glue "
 & "10) \n           (TSplit %fbSuffixesToolkit  (Which fbPage2)\n         "
 & "      (Border %fbPage1 (Pen 1) (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\")\n              "
 & "   (VBox (Glue 5)\n                        (HBox  (Glue 5) \n          "
 & "                      (Button %fbAddFirst \"Add First\") Fill\n        "
 & "                        (Filter %fbFilter\n                            "
 & "    (HBox\n                                (Button %fbAddAfter \"Add Af"
 & "ter\") Fill\n                                (Button %fbDelete \"Delete"
 & "\"))) Fill\n                          )\n                      (Glue 5)"
 & "\n                      (LField \"Item to Insert :\" 300 (TypeIn Expand"
 & "OnDemand (BgColor \"White\") %fbItem ))\n                 )\n          "
 & "      )\n            (Text %fbPage2 \" \")\n            )\n        )\n\n"
 & "\n     (Glue 10)\n     (TSplit %fbEditSuffixes (Which fbBlank)\n     (V"
 & "Box %fbEdit\n          (Fr";

CONST E20_0 =
   "ame Lowered (Shape (BgColor \"VeryLightPink\") (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\")"
 & " (Height 15)\n                    (Text \"Suffixes\")))\n          (Bor"
 & "der  (Pen 1)\n            (Rim (Pen 1) (Browser (BgColor \"VeryLightPin"
 & "k\") %fbSuffixes))\n          ) \n        )    \n      (Text %fbBlank \""
 & " \")\n     )\n     \n     \n   )\n  )\n";

   "(*     This file was automatically generated by the\t*)\n(* \t\t\t\t\t\t"
 & "\t*)\n(*\t\t VisualObliq Dialog Editor \t \t*)\n(*\t       \t     VERSI"
 & "ON 3.0 \t        \t*)\n(*       Krishna Bharat/Marc H Brown/Luca Cardel"
 & "li  \t*)\n\n(* You may edit the $name$.New procedure to configure   *)\n"
 & "(* the start up process                                 *)\n\n\n(* Copy"
 & "right (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation \t*)\n(* All rights reser"
 & "ved. \t\t\t\t\t\t\t*)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description"
 & ". \t    *)\n(* \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     *)\n(* You should not have to"
 & " edit this file manually           *)\n\nmodule $name$;\n\nvar allForms"
 & " = [];\nvar migrateTo = 0;\n(* to allow you to migrate to a remote rece"
 & "iver *)\n\nvar installAt = 0;\n(* to allow you to  create remote client"
 & "s *)\n\n$Definition$ (* if not bundled this goes to \'load \"$name$DEFN"
 & ".obl\";\' \n\t\t\t  else the definitions are inlined *)\n\t\t  \nlet SE"
 & "RVERNAME = sys_address; \n(* So that everyone knows the server name *)\n"
 & "\nlet CreateEachFormOnce = proc(LOCAL)\n\t$initForms$\nend;\n\n\n\nlet "
 & "$name$ = \n   { New => proc(LOCAL)\t\n\n\t  let HOSTNAME =  LOCAL.HOSTN"
 & "AME;\n\t  let SERVERSITE = text_equal(SERVERNAME, HOSTNAME);\n\t       "
 & "    \n\t  (* This procedure is the Global Session Constructor, and will"
 & "                *)\n  \t  (* be executed by all sites including the ser"
 & "ver site, at                             *)\n\t  (* start up\t\t\t\t\t\t"
 & "\t                                                     *)\n\n\t  (* You"
 & " may edit this section to configure the start-up process               "
 & "*)\n\t  (* You can use HOSTNAME, SERVERSITE and SERVERNAME to          "
 & " *)\n\t  (* create  forms conditionally.\t\t\t\t\t   \t    \t  \t      "
 & "  *)\n\n\t  (* SERVERSITE is a flag that is set only at the server site"
 & "      \t\t      *)\n\t  (* HOSTNAME is the name of the host that will b"
 & "e executing this  \t      *)\n \t  (* procedure\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \t\t\t\t"
 & "\t\t   *)\n\t  (* SERVERNAME is the HOSTNAME of the server             "
 & "        \t\t   *)\n\t  (* \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \t\t\t\t\t\t            *)"
 & "\n\t  (* Creation of forms :                                           "
 & "\t\t\t\t\t       *)\n\t  (* To create ";

CONST E21_0 =
   "1 instance of the form named \'foo\' use              \t\t\t *)\n\t  (*"
 & "  \tfooNew(LOCAL);\t\t\t\t\t\t   \t  \t \t\t\t     *)\n\t  (* To create"
 & " 1 instance of each form use CreateEachFormOnce(LOCAL) *)\n\t  (* e.g. "
 & "to create one instance of $egform$ you will use          \t\t\t*)\n\t  "
 & "(* $egform$New(LOCAL); \t\t\t\t           \t\t\t\t\t*)\n    \t  \t\n\t "
 & " (* -----------------------START------------------------- *)\n\n\n\t   "
 & " $SessionConstCode$\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t  (* ------------------------END--"
 & "-----------------------   *)\n\t   end\t\n   };\n\n\n(* LOCAL is a hand"
 & "le to the local context, which includes the support   *)\n(* procedures"
 & " used to implement operations on widgets. This mechanism   *)\n(* ensur"
 & "es that operations that may be done locally are done so         *)\n(* "
 & "You will not need to use this handle except while creating forms as  *)"
 & "\n(* described earlier\t\t\t\t\t\t\t*)\n\nnet_export(\"$name$\", \"\", "
 & "$name$);\n\ninstallAt := proc(site)\n             try\n\t\tlet vos = ne"
 & "t_import(\"vos\", site);\n\t        vos.Install($name$.New, \"$name$\")"
 & ";\n\t\ttrue\n\t     except else\n\t     \tfalse\n             end\n    "
 & "        end;\n\n(* Now you can say installAt(\"\""
 & ") *)\n\n($name$.New)(volibLocal);\n(* This executes the constructor at "
 & "the server site *)\n\n(* Any code that is to be executed at the server "
 & "site only\n   may be placed after this                                *"
 & ")\n\n$ServerSideCode$\n\nmodule migrate;\n\nlet packFormList = proc(fli"
 & "st)\n    try\n\tif flist isnot 0 then\n\t\tforeach frm in flist do\n\t\t"
 & "\tif (frm isnot ok) and (frm isnot 0) then\n\t\t\t(* is a valid form ho"
 & "pefully *)\n\t\t\t\tfrm.VOPackUp();\n\t\t\tend;\n\t\tend;\n\tend;\n    "
 & "except\n    else\n    end;\nend;\n\nlet unpackFormList = proc(flist)\n "
 & "   try\n\tif flist isnot 0 then\n\t\tforeach frm in flist do\n\t\t\tif "
 & "(frm isnot ok) and (frm isnot 0) then\n\t\t\t(* is a valid form hopeful"
 & "ly *)\n\t\t\t\tfrm.VOUnpack();\n\t\t\tend;\n\t\tend;\n\tend;\n    excep"
 & "t\n    else\n    end;\nend;\n\n\n\nlet agent = proc(contin, local)     "
 & "  \n        contin(local);\nend;\n\nvar continuation = 0;\n\nmigrateTo "
 & ":= proc(dest)\n\ttry\n\t\tlet atsite = net_importEngine(\"VOReceiver";

CONST E21_1 =
   "\", dest);\n\t\tforeach formlist in allForms do\n\t\t\tpackFormList(for"
 & "mlist());\n\t\tend;\n        \tatsite(proc(arg) agent(copy(continuation"
 & "), arg) end);\n\t\ttrue\n\texcept else\n\t\tfalse\n\tend \nend;\n\n\nco"
 & "ntinuation := proc (local)\n\tforeach formlist in allForms do\n\t\tunpa"
 & "ckFormList(formlist());\n\tend;\t\t\t\nend;\n\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Fram"
 & "e $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n   "
 & "    (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (Text $Alignment$ %@ "
 & "\"$Initial$\")\n         \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n"
 & "    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Fram"
 & "e $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n   "
 & "    (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n         (Choice =$initValue$"
 & " %@ $fbstyle$ \n                 ( $ChoiceContents$ )\n         )\n    "
 & "     \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   " (Shape %scrolleratt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Tit"
 & "le \"Scroller\")\n     (Glue 5)\n     (BoxAround 90\n     (VBox  \n    "
 & "   (Glue 5)\n         (HBox (Field \"Min  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo scrM"
 & "ax) %scrMin  ))\n                Fill\n                (Field \"Max  :\""
 & " 150  (Numeric (TabTo scrThu) %scrMax  )))\n      (Glue 5)\n         (H"
 & "Box (Field \"Thumb  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo scrStep) %scrThu  ))\n    "
 & "            Fill\n               (Field \"Step  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabT"
 & "o scrVal) %scrStep  )))\n      (Glue 5)\n         ( HBox Fill (Field \""
 & "Value :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo scrStep) %scrVal  ))\n                Fi"
 & "ll Fill)\n       (Glue 5)\n      ))\n      Fill\n   )\n  )\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:46:53 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\n(\nprocess_new(processor, [\"/pro"
 & "j/mips/bin/netobjd\"], true);\nprocess_new(processor, [\"/proj/alpha/bi"
 & "n/netobjd\"], true);\n);";

   "(ZChild %buildpopup FixedHV\n\n (ZSplit %buildformzsplit\n (ZBackground"
 & " %buildformzback\n  \n  (Shape %buildformshape (Width 324 + 0 - 0) (Hei"
 & "ght 168 + 0 - 0)\n  \n    (BgColor \"Grey81\") (Color \"  Black\")\n   "
 & " (LabelFont \"-*-helvetica-bold-*R-*120-*\")\n    \n    \n    \n     (R"
 & "im %buildformrim (Pen 1) \n      (Border %buildformborder (Pen 1)\n    "
 & "  \n         (VBox\n         \n          (Shape %buildformtitle (Height"
 & " 20)\n             (Frame Raised \n               (BgColor \"VerySlight"
 & "lyReddishGrey74\") (Color \"Black\")\n\n\n\n               (HBox (Shape"
 & " (Width 15) (CloseButton (ShadowSize 0) \n     (Pixmap \"close.pbm\")))"
 & " Chisel\n                     (Shape (Width + 1000)  (ZMove (ShadowSize"
 & " 0) (Text %buildformtitlestring \"Specify Program Name and Destination\""
 & ")))    \n               Chisel (Shape (Width 15) (ZGrow (ShadowSize 0) "
 & "(Pixmap \"grow.pbm\")))   )\n                \n                 \n     "
 & "              ))\n          \n          (Texture  %buildformbackground "
 & "\"blank.pbm\" )\n              \n             \n         )\n       ))\n"
 & "    )\n   \n )\n(ZChild (At 12  34  NW Absolute) Open\n \n \n  (Shape %"
 & "text1shape (Width 100 + Inf - 20) (Height 22 + Inf - 20)\n  \n    (BgCo"
 & "lor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey74\") (Color \"Black\")\n     (LabelFont \"-"
 & "*-helvetica-medium-*R-*120-*\")  \n     \n     (Frame Chiseled  \n     "
 & " (Rim %text1rim (Pen 0) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %text1border ("
 & "Pen 0)\n\n        (Text Center %text1 \"Program Name\")\n         \n   "
 & "     )\n           \n        )\n      )\n   \n )\n  \n\n\n    )\n(ZChil"
 & "d (At 120  34  NW Absolute) Open\n \n \n  (Shape %prognameshape (Width "
 & "185 + Inf - 20) (Height 22 + Inf - 20)\n  \n    (BgColor \"SlightlyYell"
 & "owishGrey92\") (Color \"Black\")\n     (Font \"-*-courier-bold-*R-*120-"
 & "*\")  \n     \n     (Frame Lowered  \n      (Rim %prognamerim (Pen 0) ("
 & "ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %prognameborder (Pen 1)\n\n        (Typ"
 & "eIn %progname (TabTo destdir) ExpandOnDemand\n            (Value \"\")\n"
 & "         )\n         \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    "
 & "\n )\n  \n\n\n    )\n(ZChild (At 12  71  NW Absolute) Open\n  \n";

CONST E26_0 =
   " \n  (Shape %text2shape (Width 293 + Inf - 20) (Height 22 + Inf - 20)\n"
 & "  \n    (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey74\") (Color \"Black\")\n     ("
 & "LabelFont \"-*-helvetica-medium-*R-*120-*\")  \n     \n     (Frame Chis"
 & "eled  \n      (Rim %text2rim (Pen 0) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %"
 & "text2border (Pen 0)\n\n        (Text Center %text2 \"Directory To Build"
 & " In\")\n         \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n  \n )\n"
 & "  \n\n\n    )\n(ZChild (At 8  112  NW Absolute) Open\n \n \n  (Shape %d"
 & "estdirshape (Width 297 + Inf - 20) (Height 22 + Inf - 20)\n  \n    (BgC"
 & "olor \"SlightlyYellowishGrey92\") (Color \"Black\")\n     (Font \"-*-co"
 & "urier-bold-*R-*120-*\")  \n     \n     (Frame Lowered  \n      (Rim %de"
 & "stdirrim (Pen 0) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       (Border %destdirborder (Pen 1"
 & ")\n\n        (TypeIn %destdir  (TabTo progname) ExpandOnDemand\n       "
 & "     (Value \"\")\n         )\n         \n        )\n           \n     "
 & "   )\n      )\n   \n )\n  \n\n\n    )\n(ZChild (At 131  142  NW Absolut"
 & "e) Open\n  \n \n  (Shape %buildbtnshape (Width 50 + Inf - 20) (Height 1"
 & "9 + Inf - 20)\n  \n    (BgColor \"RatherYellowishGrey92\") (Color \"Bla"
 & "ck\")\n     (LabelFont \"-*-helvetica-bold-*R-*120-*\")  \n     \n     "
 & "(Frame (ShadowSize 0)  \n      (Rim %buildbtnrim (Pen 0) (ShadowSize 1."
 & "5)\n       (Border %buildbtnborder (Pen 1)\n        \n          (CloseB"
 & "utton  (For buildpopup) %buildbtn\n          (Text %buildbtntext \"Buil"
 & "d\")\n          )\n        \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )"
 & "\n   \n )\n  \n\n\n    )\n)\n        \n \n)\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:46:34 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\nallForms := allForms @ [proc() $f"
 & "orm$ end];\n\n$form$Constructor := \n(* one instance of this exists and"
 & " only at the server site *)\n(* this is a synchronized object          "
 & "                 *)\n{serialized,\n VORegister  => meth(s, newinstance)"
 & "\n\t\t   (* this is a critical section *)\n\t\t   if $form$Instances is"
 & " 0 then\n\t\t\t$form$ := [newinstance];\n\t\t\t$form$Alive := [true];\n"
 & "\t\t\t$form$Instances := 1;\n\t\t\t0\n\t\t  else\n\t\t   let indx =  $f"
 & "orm$Instances;\n  \t\t   newinstance.INDEX := indx;\n\t\t   $form$Alive"
 & " := $form$Alive @ [true];\n\t           $form$ := $form$ @ [newinstance"
 & "];    \t\n\t\t   $form$Instances := indx + 1;\n\t\t   (* now the new ob"
 & "ject is globally visible *)\n\t\t   indx\n                  end\n\t\ten"
 & "d,\n\n\n   VONew => proc(LOCAL)\n\t\t\n(* this has to be a procedure be"
 & "cause it needs to be done at the client site *)\n\n\n    var SELF = 0;\n"
 & "    var VOInstance = 0;\n    VOInstance := \n{ \t  \nFORM => 0,\nINDEX "
 & "=> 0, (* set in Register *)\n            \n(* Support Code *)\t\n$Suppo"
 & "rtCode$ \n\n(* Object Definitions *)\n$object-definitions$\n\n(* Callba"
 & "cks *)\n$callbacks$\n\n(* Attachments *)\nVOAttachCBacks => meth(SELF)\n"
 & "$Attachments$\nok\nend,\n\nVOCompute => meth(s, procedure)\n           "
 & "     procedure(SELF);\n\t\tok\n\t       end,\n\nVOPackUp => meth(s)\n\t"
 & "s.$form$.hide();\n\t(* checkpt and hide form *)\nend,\n\nVOUnpack => me"
 & "th(s)\n\ts.$form$.show();\nend,\n };\n\nSELF := VOInstance;\n\n(* Creat"
 & "e the UI *)\nSELF.FORM := form_new(computeSX(SELF.$form$));\n\n\n(* Att"
 & "ach callbacks for the first time *)\nSELF.VOAttachCBacks();\n\n(* Initi"
 & "alization Code *)\n$InitializationCode$\n\n\t  form_show(SELF.FORM);\n\n"
 & "\t  $form$Constructor.VORegister(VOInstance);\n          end\n };\n\n";

   "(Filter %@Menu\n (Macro \n    MenuItem\n    BOA\n    (xFilter initState"
 & " x xLabel xLabelValue)\n    `(Filter %,xFilter ,initState\n        (Men"
 & "u %,x (Text %,xLabel ,xLabelValue))\n     )\n  ) \n  (Macro \n    PullD"
 & "ownMenuItem\n    BOA\n    (xFilter initState x xLabel xLabelValue pulld"
 & "own)\n    `(Filter %,xFilter ,initState\n        (Menu %,x (Text %,xLab"
 & "el ,xLabelValue)\n            (Border (Pen 1)\n                    ,pul"
 & "ldown\n            )\n        )\n     )\n  ) \n\n (Macro\n   MenuButton"
 & "\n   BOA\n   (xFilter initState x xLabel xLabelValue )\n   `(Filter %,x"
 & "Filter ,initState\n       (MButton %,x\n         (Text %,xLabel ,xLabel"
 & "Value) \n       )\n    )\n  )\n    (BgColor \"$MenuBgColor$\") (Color \""
 & "$MenuFgColor$\")\n    (LabelFont \"$MenuFont$\")\n    (ShadowSize 0)\n "
 & "   (Border  (Pen 1)\n        (HBox \n           $MenuItems$\n          "
 & " (Glue 1000)\n        )  \n    ) \n)\n";

   "P1\r\n# CREATOR: XV Version 3.00  Rev: 3/30/93\r\n19 16\r\n0 0 0 0 0 0 "
 & "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 \r\n0 0 0 0 0"
 & " 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 \r\n0 1 0 "
 & "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 \r\n0 0"
 & " 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 \r\n"
 & "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \r"
 & "\n1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0"
 & " \r\n0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 "
 & "0 0 \r\n0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"
 & " 0 0 0 \r\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Fram"
 & "e $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n   "
 & "    (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n         (Boolean =$initValue"
 & "$ %@ $fbstyle$ \n                 ( $BooleanContents$ )\n         )\n  "
 & "       \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   " (Shape %frameatt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Title "
 & "\"Frame\")\n      (Glue 10)\n      (LField \"Texture :\" 150 (TypeIn (T"
 & "abTo name) %frametexture (BgColor \"White\")   (Value \"Blank\")))\n   "
 & "   Fill\n   )\n  )\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (Font \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Frame $Fr"
 & "ameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       ("
 & "Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (TypeIn %@ $ReadOnly$ $Exp"
 & "andOnDemand$\n            (Value \"$Initial$\")\n         )\n         \n"
 & "        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:47:17 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\n(* Mandatory Include for all Visu"
 & "al Obliq Programs *)\n\n(* Naming Convention for Online Listing within "
 & "the VO Editor : \n\n   A comment that begins/ends with \":\" contains t"
 & "he signature of  an additional volib  proc.\n   A comment that begins/e"
 & "nds with \"=\" contains the name of a widget-class\n   and may be follo"
 & "wed by one or more method signatures.\n   A comment that begins/ends wi"
 & "th \"-\" contains the signature of a method\n  and is associated with t"
 & "he last widget-class name seen.\n   Null method signatures are ignored."
 & "\n*)\n\nmodule volib;\n\nsys_pushSilence();\n(* assert - must begin wit"
 & "h a \\n\' *)\nlet unpkList = proc(s)\n\tlet ar = text_explode(\"\\n\", "
 & "s);\n\tlet n = #(ar) -1; \n\tarray_sub(ar, 1, n);\nend;\n\nlet pkList ="
 & " proc(ar)\n\tlet n = text_implode(\'\\n\', ar);\n\tn;\nend;\n\nlet voli"
 & "bLocal = {\n\n  HOSTNAME => sys_address,\n           \n  Join => ok,\n\n"
 & "  (*: LoadFile(filename:text) returns text :*)\n  LoadFile => meth(s, f"
 & "ilename)\n    let r = rd_open(fileSys, filename);\n    let contents = r"
 & "d_getText(r, rd_length(r));\n    rd_close(r);\n    contents\n    end,\n"
 & "\n  (*: SaveFile(t:text, f:filename) returns boolean :*)\n  SaveFile =>"
 & " meth(s, t, filename)\n     try\n       let w = wr_open(fileSys, filena"
 & "me);\n       wr_putText(w, t);\n       wr_close(w);\n       true;\n    "
 & " except else\n       false;\n     end\n    end,\n\n(*=       boolean   "
 & "     =*)\n  booleanNew => meth(s,   n)\n  {\n    SELF => 0,\n    form ="
 & "> 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"boolean\",\n\n    (* Generic Attr"
 & "ibutes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>"
 & "0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border"
 & " => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel =>"
 & " \"\", \t\n\n    (* Widget Attributes *)\n    tex";

CONST E33_0 =
   "tLabel  => true, textString=>\"\", \n    pixmap => \"\", initialValue ="
 & "> false, feedbackStyle => \"\",\n\n    (*- getValue() returns boolean -"
 & "*)\n    getValue => meth(s) \n     form_getBoolean(s.form, end,"
 & "\n    (*- setValue(booleanval) -*)\n    setValue => meth(s, val) \n    "
 & "  \ts.textLabel  :=  val; \n\tform_putBoolean(s.form,, val); ok "
 & "end,\t\n    (*- setLabel(tx:text) -*)\n    setLabel => meth(s, val) \t\n"
 & "\ts.textString := val;\n      \tform_putText(s.form, & \"text\","
 & " \"\", val, false); ok end,\n    (*- makeDormant() -*)\n    makeDormant"
 & " => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dormant\";\n      form_putReacti"
 & "vity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"dormant\"); ok end,\n    (*- makePa"
 & "ssive() -*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Pass"
 & "ive\";\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"passive"
 & "\"); ok end,\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s) \n   "
 & "   s.InitialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, s."
 & "name & \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s.form, & \"t"
 & "op\");\n      ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    makeInvisible ="
 & "> meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\n      refreshWidget( s"
 & ");\n    \tok end,   \n     (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n(*=       browser  "
 & " =*)\n  browserNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0,"
 & " \n    name => n,\n    class => \"browser\",\n\n (* Generic Attributes "
 & "*)\t\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>0, Bg"
 & "Color =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0"
 & ", Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\""
 & ", \n \n  (* Widget Attributes *)\n   Quick => false, Multiplicity => fa"
 & "lse, Contents => [],\n   Selections => [], Selection => -1, (* not guar"
 & "anteed to be up to date *)\n\n    (*- numElements() returns integer -*)"
 & "\n    numElements => meth(s)\n\t#(s.getElements());\n    end,\n   \n   "
 & " (*- getElements() returns [text] -*)\n    getElements => meth(s)\n\tco"
 & "py(s.Contents);\n    end,\n  \n    (*- putElements(elems:[text]) -*)\n "
 & "   putElements => meth(s, ar)\n\ts.Contents := copy(ar);\n\ts.Select";

CONST E33_1 =
   "ions := [];\n\ts.Selection := -1;\n\tform_putText(s.form,, \"Ite"
 & "ms\", pkList(s.Contents), false);\n\tok\n   end,\n\n   (*- getElement(a"
 & "tPosition:integer) returns text -*)\n   getElement => meth(s, n)\n\ts.C"
 & "ontents[n];\n   end,\n   (*- isQuick() returns boolean -*)\n   isQuick "
 & "=> meth(s)\n\ts.Quick;\n   end,\n   (*- setQuickness(q:boolean) -*)\n  "
 & " setQuickness => meth(s, q)\n\ts.Quick := q;\n\trefreshWidget(s);\n   e"
 & "nd,\n   (*- putElement(atPosition:integer, elem:text) -*)\n   putElemen"
 & "t => meth(s, n, el)\n\ts.Contents[n] := el;\n\t(* update array *)\n\tfo"
 & "rm_putText(s.form,, \"Items\",  pkList(s.Contents), false);\n\ts"
 & ".getSelection(); (* to checkpoint selected items *)\n\tif s.Multiplicit"
 & "y then\n\t\tforeach i in s.Selections do\n\t\t\tform_putText(s.form, s."
 & "name, \"SelectAlso\", s.Contents[i], false);\n\t\tend;\n\telse\n\t\tif "
 & "s.Selection isnot -1 then\n\t\t\tform_putText(s.form,, \"Select\""
 & ", s.Contents[s.Selection], false);\n\t\tend;\n\tend;\n\tok\n   end,\n\n"
 & "  (*- appendElement(elem:text) -*)\n   appendElement => meth(s, el)\n\t"
 & "s.Contents := s.Contents @ [el];\n\ts.putElement(#(s.Contents) - 1, el)"
 & ";\n\tok\n   end,\n\n (*- prependElement(elem:text) -*)\n  prependElemen"
 & "t => meth(s, el)\t\n\ts.insertElement(0, el);\n\tok\n   end,\t\n\n (*- "
 & "deleteElement(atPosition:integer) returns boolean -*)\n  deleteElement "
 & "=> meth(s, n)\n\ttry\n\t\tlet ar = s.getElements();\n\t\tlet sz = #(ar)"
 & ";\n\t\tlet newar = array_sub(ar, 0, n) @ array_sub(ar, n+1, (sz-n)-1);\n"
 & "\t\ts.putElements(newar);\t\t\t\t\n\t\ttrue;\n\texcept\t\n\telse\n\t\tf"
 & "alse;\n\tend; \n  end,\n\n (*- insertElement(atPosition:integer, elem:t"
 & "ext) returns boolean -*)\n  insertElement =>meth(s, n, el)\n\ttry\n\t\t"
 & "let ar = s.Contents;\n\t\tlet sz = #(ar);\n\t\ts.Contents := array_sub("
 & "ar, 0, n) @ [el]  @ array_sub(ar, n, (sz-n));\n\t\t(* update selections"
 & " *)\n\t\ts.getSelection(); (* to checkpoint selected items *)\n\t\tif s"
 & ".Multiplicity then\n\t\t\tfor i = 0 to #(s.Selections) do\n\t\t\t\tif s"
 & ".Selections[i] >= n then\n\t\t\t\t\ts.Selections[i] := s.Selections[i]+"
 & "1;\n\t\t\t\tend \n\t\t\tend;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tif s.Selection >= n then\n"
 & "\t\t\t\ts.Selection := s.Selection + 1;\n\t\t\tend;\n\t\tend";

CONST E33_2 =
   ";\t\t\t\t\n\t\ts.putElements(n, el);\n\t\ttrue;\n\texcept\n\telse\t\n\t"
 & "\tfalse;\n\tend; \n  end,\n\n (*- selectString(st:text)  -*)\n (*-\t in"
 & "crementalif not present turns off all -*)\n  selectString =>meth(s, st)"
 & "\n\tvar op = \"Select\";\n\tif s.Multiplicity then\n\t\tforeach i in s."
 & "Contents do \n\t\t\tif i is st then\t\n\t\t\t\top := \"SelectAlso\";\n\t"
 & "\t\tend;\n\t\tend;\n\tend;\n\tform_putText(s.form,, op, st, fals"
 & "e);\n\tok;\n  end,\n\n\n(*- getSelection() returns selection(s) as text"
 & " -*)\n(*- \t with \'\\n\' seperators  -*)\n   getSelection =>meth(wid)\t"
 & "\n\tlet sel = form_getText(wid.form,, \"Select\");\n\t(* check"
 & "point selections - side effect *)\n\tif wid.Multiplicity then\t\n\t\t\t"
 & "\twid.Selections :=[];\n\t\t\t\tforeach item in wid.getSelItems() do\n\t"
 & "\t\t\t\tfor i = 0 to #(wid.Contents) - 1 do\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif item is wid"
 & ".Contents[i] then\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twid.Selections := wid.Selections @ [i]"
 & ";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t"
 & "wid.Selection :=  -1;\n\t\t\t\tif sel isnot \"\" then\n\t\t\t\t\tfor i "
 & "= 0 to #(wid.Contents) - 1 do\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif sel is wid.Contents[i] th"
 & "en\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twid.Selection := i\n\t\t\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\t\t\tend;\n"
 & "\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\tend;\n\tsel\n   end,\n\n (*- getSelItems() returns "
 & "array of text -*)\n   getSelItems =>meth(s)\t\n\tlet sel = form_getText"
 & "(s.form,, \"Select\");\n\tif sel is \"\" then\n\t\t[]\n\telse\n\t"
 & "\tunpkList(\"\\n\" & sel);\n\tend;\n   end,\t\n\n   (*- toggleMultiplic"
 & "ity() switches between Uni/Multi browser-*)\n   toggleMultiplicity =>me"
 & "th(s)\t\n\tcheckptSX(s);\n\ts.Multiplicity := not(s.Multiplicity);\n\tr"
 & "ebuildWidget( s);\n\tok\n   end,\t\n   (*- makeDormant() -*)\n    makeD"
 & "ormant => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dormant\";\n      form_put"
 & "Reactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"dormant\"); ok end,\n    (*- "
 & "makePassive() -*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := "
 & "\"Passive\";\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"p"
 & "assive\"); ok end,\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s)"
 & " \n      s.InitialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity("
 & "rm, & \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s.form,"
 & " & \"top\");\n      ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    m";

CONST E33_3 =
   "akeInvisible => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\n      re"
 & "freshWidget( s);\n    \tok end,\n  (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n (*= button"
 & " =*)\n  buttonNew => meth(s, n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n"
 & "    name => n,\n    class => \"button\",\n\n    (* Generic Attributes *"
 & ")\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>0, BgCol"
 & "or =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, E"
 & "mbellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \n"
 & "\n   (* Widget Attributes *)\n   textLabel => true, textString => \"\","
 & " pixmap => \"\",\n   Guard => false, Trill => false,\n\n    (*- makeDor"
 & "mant() -*)\n    makeDormant => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dorma"
 & "nt\";\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"dormant\""
 & "); ok end,\n    (*- makePassive() -*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n   "
 & "  s.InitialState := \"Passive\";\n      form_putReactivity(s.form,"
 & "me & \"filter\", \"passive\"); ok end,\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    m"
 & "akeActive => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Active\";\t\n      for"
 & "m_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_"
 & "popUp(s.form, & \"top\");\n      ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible("
 & ") -*)\n    makeInvisible => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\""
 & ";\n      refreshWidget( s);\n    \tok end,\n    \n    (*- putText(tx:te"
 & "xt) -*)\n    putText => meth(s, val) \t\n      s.textString := val;\t\n"
 & "      if not (s.textLabel) then\n\ts.textLabel := true;\n\trefreshWidge"
 & "t( s);\n      else\n\tform_putText(s.form, & \"text\", \"\", val"
 & ", false); \n     end;\n    ok end,\n    (*- putBgColor(clr:text) -*)\n "
 & "   putBgColor => meth(s, val) \t\n      s.BgColor := val;\n      form_p"
 & "utText(s.form, & \"text\", \"BgColor\", val, false); ok end,\n  "
 & "  (*- getText() returns text -*)\n    getText => meth(s) \n\ts.textStri"
 & "ng\n    end,\n   (*- putPixmap(filename:text) -*)\n    putPixmap => met"
 & "h(s, val) \t\n      s.pixmap := val;\n      if s.textLabel then\n\ts.te"
 & "xtLabel := false;\n\trefreshWidget( s);\n      else\n\tform_putText(s.f"
 & "orm, & \"pixmap\", \"\", val, false); \n     end;\n      ok end,"
 & "\n   (*- ";

CONST E33_4 =
   "-*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n (*= choice  =*)\n  choiceNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { "
 & "\n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"choic"
 & "e\",\n\n   (* Generic Attributes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y "
 & "=> 0, width =>0, height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font"
 & " => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialSta"
 & "te => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \n\n     (* Widget Attributes *)\n    "
 & "textLabel => true, textString => \"\", pixmap => \"\", \n    initialVal"
 & "ue => false, feedbackStyle => \"CheckBox\", \n  \n \n    (*- getValue()"
 & " returns boolean -*)\n    getValue => meth(s) \n      form_getBoolean(s"
 & ".form, end,\n    (*- setValue(booleanval) -*)\n    setValue => "
 & "meth(s, val) \n      form_putBoolean(s.form,, val); ok end,\n   "
 & " (*- setLabel(tx:text) -*)\n    setLabel => meth(s, val) \n      s.text"
 & "String := val;\t\n      form_putText(s.form, & \"text\", \"\", v"
 & "al, false); ok end,\n     (*- makeDormant() -*)\n    makeDormant => met"
 & "h(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dormant\";\n      form_putReactivity(s."
 & "form, & \"filter\", \"dormant\"); ok end,\n    (*- makePassive()"
 & " -*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Passive\";\n"
 & "      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"passive\"); ok "
 & "end,\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s) \n      s.Ini"
 & "tialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \""
 & "filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s.form, & \"top\");\n "
 & "     ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    makeInvisible => meth(s)"
 & " \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\n      refreshWidget( s);\n    \t"
 & "ok end,    \n  (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n (*= filebrowser =*)\n  filebro"
 & "wserNew => meth(s,   n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    nam"
 & "e => n,\n    class => \"filebrowser\",\n\n   (* Generic Attributes *)\n"
 & "    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>0, BgColor "
 & "=>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embe"
 & "llishment => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \n\n"
 & "    (* Widget Attributes *)\n    LabelFont => \"\", ReadOnly => false,\n"
 & "    V";

CONST E33_5 =
   "alue => \".\", Suffixes => [], ActionLabel => \"\",\n\n    (*- getFilen"
 & "ame() returns text -*)\n    getFilename => meth(s) \n      form_getText"
 & "(s.form,, \"\") end,    \n\n    (*- setFilename(fnm:text) -*)\n "
 & "   setFilename => meth(s, fnm) \n      form_putText(s.form,, \"\""
 & ",fnm, false ); ok end,    \n\n    (*- setActionLabel(lab:text)  -*)\n  "
 & "   setActionLabel => meth(s, lab)\n\ts.ActionLabel := lab;\n\trefreshWi"
 & "dget( s);\n\tok end,\n      (*- makeDormant() -*)\n    makeDormant => m"
 & "eth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dormant\";\n      form_putReactivity("
 & "s.form, & \"filter\", \"dormant\"); ok end,\n    (*- makePassive"
 & "() -*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Passive\""
 & ";\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"passive\"); "
 & "ok end,\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s) \n      s."
 & "InitialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, "
 & "& \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s.form, & \"top\")"
 & ";\n      ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    makeInvisible => met"
 & "h(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\n      refreshWidget( s);\n "
 & "   \tok end,\t   \n    (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n (*= form =*)\n  formNe"
 & "w => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,"
 & "\n    class => \"form\",\n\n   (* Generic Attributes *)\n    parent => "
 & "0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColo"
 & "r => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \""
 & "\",\n    InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \t\n\n    (* Split "
 & "Attributes *)\n    Texture => \"\", children => [],\n\n    (* Form Attr"
 & "ibutes *)\n    ParentForm => 0, ChildForms => [],\n    HasMenu => false"
 & ", MenuBgColor => \"\", MenuFgColor => \"\",\n    MenuFont => \"\", Menu"
 & " => [],\n    TitleBgColor => \"\",  TitleFgColor => \"\",\n    TitleStr"
 & "ing => \"\", StretchX => 0, StretchY => 0,\n    ShrinkX => 0,  ShrinkY "
 & "=> 0,\n\n    CheckpointedXY => false, (* if false pops up in default po"
 & "sition *)\n \n    (*- show(), shows form (toplevel or anchored)-*)\n   "
 & " show => meth(s) \n      if s.ParentForm is 0 then\n\tif  s.form is 0 t"
 & "hen";

CONST E33_6 =
   "\n\t\ts.SELF.FORM := form_new(computeSX(s));\n\t\ts.SELF.VOAttachCBacks"
 & "();   \n\t\tform_show(s.form);\n\tend\n      else\n\t s.popUp();\n     "
 & " end;\n   ok end,\n    (*- hide(), hides form (toplevel or anchored) -*"
 & ")\n    hide => meth(s) \n     if s.ParentForm is 0  then\n\tif  s.form "
 & "isnot 0 then\n\t      checkptSX(s);\n\t      form_hide(s.form); \n     "
 & "  \t      s.SELF.FORM := 0;\n\tend\n      else \n\t  s.close();    \n  "
 & "    end;\n     ok end,\n    (*- putTitleString(titstr:text) -*)\n    pu"
 & "tTitleString => meth(s, val)\n      s.TitleString := val;\n      form_p"
 & "utText(s.form, & \"titlestring\", \"\", val, false); ok end,\n  "
 & "  (*- putBgColor(clr:text) -*)\n    putBgColor => meth(s, val) \t\n    "
 & "  s.BgColor := val;\n      form_putText(s.form, & \"background\""
 & ", \"BgColor\", val, false); ok \n      end,\n    (*- getText() returns "
 & "text -*)\n    getText => meth(s) \n      form_getText(s.form, & "
 & "\"titlestring\", \"\") end,\n     (*- popUp(), shows anchored form -*)\n"
 & "    popUp => meth(s)\n      form_popUp(s.form,; \n      form_pu"
 & "tReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      ok end,\n"
 & "    (*- close(), hides anchored form -*)\n    close => meth(s) \n      "
 & "form_popDown(s.form,; ok end,\n    (*- hasSelectedChoice() retu"
 & "rns boolean -*)\n    hasSelectedChoice => meth(s)\n\ttry\n\t   s.getCho"
 & "ice();   true;\n        except else false end;\n    end,\t \n    (*- ge"
 & "tChoice() : text, exception if none selected. -*)\n    (*- - return val"
 & "ue is name of choice, not label -*)\n    getChoice => meth(s)\n \tform_"
 & "getChoice(s.form, & \"radio\")  end,\n     (*- putChoice(textnam"
 & "e:text),  exception if nonexistent -*)\n     (*- - \ttextname is the  n"
 & "ame(not label) of the choice -*)\n    putChoice => meth(s, item)\n \tfo"
 & "rm_putChoice(s.form, & \"radio\", item); ok\n    end,\t\n    (*-"
 & " -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n  (*= frame =*)\n  frameNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n"
 & "    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"frame\""
 & ",\n\n    (* Generic Attributes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y =>"
 & " 0, width =>0, height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\"";

CONST E33_7 =
   ",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n   "
 & " InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \t\n\n    Texture => \"\", "
 & "children => 0,\t\n\n    (*- hasSelectedChoice() returns boolean -*)\n  "
 & "  hasSelectedChoice => meth(s)\n\ttry\n\t   s.getChoice();   true;\n   "
 & "     except else false end;\n   end,\t \n    (*- getChoice() returns te"
 & "xt, raises exception if unselected -*)\n    (*- -\tThe return value is "
 & "the name of the choice, not its label -*)\n    getChoice => meth(s)\n \t"
 & "form_getChoice(s.form, & \"radio\")  end,\n    (*- putChoice(tex"
 & "tname: text), raises exception if nonexistant -*)\n    (*- - \ttextname"
 & " is a text containing the name (not label) of the choice -*)\n    putCh"
 & "oice => meth(s, item)\n \tform_putChoice(s.form, & \"radio\", it"
 & "em); ok\n    end,\t\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s"
 & ") \n      s.InitialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.f"
 & "orm, & \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s.form, s.nam"
 & "e & \"top\");\n      ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    makeInvi"
 & "sible => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\n      refreshWi"
 & "dget( s);\n    \tok end,\n    \n    (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n (*= hscro"
 & "ll =*)\n  hscrollNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0,\n    form => "
 & "0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"hscroll\",\n\n   (* Generic Attribu"
 & "tes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>0, "
 & "BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border =>"
 & " 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \""
 & "\", \n\n   (* Widget Attributes *)\n   Min => 0, Max => 0, Val => 0,\n "
 & "  Thumb => 0, Step => 0,\n\n   (*- getValue() returns integer -*)\n    "
 & "getValue => meth(s) \n      form_getInt(s.form, , \"\") end,\n  "
 & "  (*- getMin() returns integer -*)\n    getMin => meth(s) \n      form_"
 & "getInt(s.form, , \"Min\") end,\n    (*- getMax() returns integer"
 & " -*)\n    getMax => meth(s) \n      form_getInt(s.form, , \"Max\""
 & ") end,\n    (*- setValue(val) -*)\n    setValue => meth(s, val) \n     "
 & " form_putInt(s.form, , \"\", val); ok  end,\n    (*- setMi";

CONST E33_8 =
   "n(minval) -*)\n    setMin => meth(s, val) \n\ts.Min := val;\n      form"
 & "_putInt(s.form, , \"Min\", val); ok end,\n    (*- setMax(maxval)"
 & "  -*)\n    setMax => meth(s, val) \n\ts.Max := val;\n      form_putInt("
 & "s.form, , \"Max\", val); ok  end,\n    (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n"
 & "  (*= menuitem =*)\n  menuItemNew => meth(s,   l, n, lev, initst)\n  { "
 & "\n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    Label => l,\n    name => n,\n   "
 & " class => \"menuItem\",\n\n    Level => lev,\n    initialState => inits"
 & "t,\n\n    (*- setLabel(tx:text) -*)\n    setLabel => meth(s, val) \t\n\t"
 & "s.Label := val;\n      form_putText(s.form, & \"Label\", \"\", v"
 & "al, false); ok end,\n    (*- makeDormant() -*)\n    makeDormant => meth"
 & "(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dormant\";\n      form_putReactivity(s.f"
 & "orm, & \"filter\", \"dormant\"); ok end,\n    (*- makePassive() "
 & "-*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Passive\";\n"
 & "      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"passive\"); ok "
 & "end,\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s) \n      s.Ini"
 & "tialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \""
 & "filter\", \"active\"); ok end,\n     (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    makeI"
 & "nvisible => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\t\n      form"
 & "_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"vanished\"); ok end,\n   "
 & "(*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n  (*= numeric =*)\n  numericNew => meth(s,  n)"
 & "\n  { \n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \""
 & "numeric\",\n\n   (* Generic Attributes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x =>"
 & " 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n  "
 & "  Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    Init"
 & "ialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \n\n   (* Widget Attributes *)\n"
 & "   AllowEmpty => false, HideButtons => false,\n   Min => 0, Max => 0, V"
 & "al => 0, \n\n   (*- getValue() returns integer -*)\n    getValue => met"
 & "h(s) \n      form_getInt(s.form, , \"\") end,\n    (*- getMin() "
 & "returns integer -*)\n    getMin => meth(s) \n      form_getInt(s.form, "
 & " , \"Min\") end,\n    (*- getMax() returns integer -*)\n    get";

CONST E33_9 =
   "Max => meth(s) \n      form_getInt(s.form, , \"Max\") end,\n    "
 & "(*- setValue(val) -*)\n    setValue => meth(s, val) \n      form_putInt"
 & "(s.form, , \"\", val); ok  end,\n    (*- setMin(minval) -*)\n   "
 & " setMin => meth(s, val)\n\ts.Min := val; \n      form_putInt(s.form, s."
 & "name , \"Min\", val); ok end,\n    (*- setMax(maxval)  -*)\n    setMax "
 & "=> meth(s, val) \n      s.Max := val;\n      form_putInt(s.form,"
 & " , \"Max\", val); ok  end,\n    (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n(*= text =*) \n"
 & "  textNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    na"
 & "me => n,\n    class => \"text\",\n\n   (* Generic Attributes *)\n    pa"
 & "rent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0, height =>0, BgColor =>\"\""
 & ", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embellishm"
 & "ent => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \n\n    (*"
 & " Widget Attributes *)\n    tOrientation => \"Center\", tVal => \"\",\n\n"
 & "    (*- getText() returns text -*)\n    getText => meth(s) \n      form"
 & "_getText(s.form,, \"\") end,\n    (*- putText(val:text) -*)\n   "
 & " putText => meth(s, val) \n     s.tVal := val;\n      form_putText("
 & "rm,, \"\", val, false); ok end,\n    (*- appendText(val:text) -*"
 & ")\n    appendText => meth(s, val) \n\ts.tVal := s.tVal @ val;\n      fo"
 & "rm_putText(s.form,, \"\", val, true); ok end,\n    (*- putBgColo"
 & "r(clr:text) -*)\n    putBgColor => meth(s, val) \n\ts.BgColor := val;\n"
 & "      form_putText(s.form,, \"BgColor\", val, false); ok end,\n "
 & "   (*- putFgColor(clr:text) -*)\n    putFgColor => meth(s, val) \n\ts.F"
 & "gColor := val;\n      form_putText(s.form,, \"FgColor\", val, fa"
 & "lse); ok end,\n    (*- putValue(intval:integer) -*)\n    putValue => me"
 & "th(s, val) \n      var v = ok; \n      try v := fmt_int(val) except els"
 & "e v := \"\" end;\n\ts.tVal := v;\n      form_putText(s.form,, \""
 & "\", v, false); \n      ok end,\n     (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActi"
 & "ve => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putRe"
 & "activity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s"
 & ".form, & \"top\");\n      ok end,\n     (*- makeInvis";

CONST E33_10 =
   "ible() -*)\n    makeInvisible => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Va"
 & "nish\";\n      refreshWidget( s);\n    \tok end,\t   \n    (*- -*)\n  }"
 & "\n  end,\n\n(*= textedit =*) \n  texteditNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n    "
 & "SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"textedit\","
 & "\n\n   (* Generic Attributes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0"
 & ", width =>0, height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => "
 & "\"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState ="
 & "> \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \n\n   (* Widget Attributes *)\n    teRead"
 & "Only => false, teClip => false, teHasScrollbar => true,\n    teContents"
 & " => \"\", teFromFile => \"\", getFromFile => false,\n    \n    (*- getT"
 & "ext() returns text -*)\n    getText => meth(s) \n      form_getText(s.f"
 & "orm,, \"\") end,\n    (*- putText(t:text) -*)\n    putText => me"
 & "th(s, val) \n      form_putText(s.form,, \"\", val, false); ok e"
 & "nd,\n    (*- appendText(t:text) -*)\n    appendText => meth(s, val) \n "
 & "     form_putText(s.form,, \"\", val, true); ok end,\n    (*- fl"
 & "ush() -*)\n    flush => meth(s) \n      form_putText(s.form,, \""
 & "\", \"\", false); ok end,\n      (*- makeDormant() -*)\n    makeDormant"
 & " => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dormant\";\n      form_putReacti"
 & "vity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"dormant\"); ok end,\n    (*- makePa"
 & "ssive() -*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Pas"
 & "sive\";\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"passiv"
 & "e\"); ok end,\n    \n   (*- putBgColor(clr:text) -*)\n    putBgColor =>"
 & " meth(s, val) \t\n\ts.BgColor := val;\n      form_putText(s.form, s.nam"
 & "e, \"BgColor\", val, false); ok end,\n     (*- putFgColor(clr:text) -*)"
 & "\n     putFgColor => meth(s, val) \n     s.FgColor := val;\n      form_"
 & "putText(s.form,, \"FgColor\", val, false); ok end,\n(*- makeActi"
 & "ve() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Active\""
 & ";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"active\");"
 & " \n      form_popUp(s.form, & \"top\");\n      ok end,\n (*- mak"
 & "eInvisible() -*)\n    makeInvisible => meth(s) \n      s.Initial";

CONST E33_11 =
   "State := \"Vanish\";\n      refreshWidget( s);\n    \tok end,\n   (*- -"
 & "*)\n  }\n  end,\n\n(*= typein =*)\n  typeinNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n  "
 & "  SELF => 0,\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"typein\","
 & "\n\n    (* Generic Attributes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => "
 & "0, width =>0, height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font =>"
 & " \"\", Rim => 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState "
 & "=> \"\", ResizeModel => \"\", \n\n    (* Widget Attributes *)\n     tyR"
 & "eadOnly => false, tyExpand => false, tyInit => \"\",\n\n   \n    (*- pu"
 & "tText(t:text) -*)\n    putText => meth(s, val) \n      form_putText(s.f"
 & "orm,, \"\", val, false); ok end,\n    (*- appendText(t:text) -*)"
 & "\n    appendText => meth(s, val) \n      form_putText(s.form,, \""
 & "\", val, true); ok end,\n    (*- getText() returns text -*)\n    getTex"
 & "t => meth(s) \n      form_getText(s.form,, \"\") end,\n   (*- fl"
 & "ush() -*)\n    flush => meth(s) \n      form_putText(s.form,, \""
 & "\", \"\", false); ok end,\n\n(*- makeDormant() -*)\n    makeDormant => "
 & "meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Dormant\";\n      form_putReactivity"
 & "(s.form, & \"filter\", \"dormant\"); ok end,\n    (*- makePassiv"
 & "e() -*)\n    makePassive => meth(s) \n     s.InitialState := \"Passive\""
 & ";\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filter\", \"passive\"); "
 & "ok end,\n    (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s) \n      s."
 & "InitialState := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, "
 & "& \"filter\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s.form, & \"top\")"
 & ";\n      ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    makeInvisible => met"
 & "h(s) \n      s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\n      refreshWidget( s);\n "
 & "   \tok end,\n    \n\n   (*- putBgColor(clr:text) -*)\n    putBgColor ="
 & "> meth(s, val) \t\n\ts.BgColor := val;\n      form_putText(s.form,"
 & "me, \"BgColor\", val, false); ok end,\n     (*- putFgColor(clr:text) -*"
 & ")\n     putFgColor => meth(s, val) \n     s.FgColor := val;\n      form"
 & "_putText(s.form,, \"FgColor\", val, false); ok end,  \n  }\n  en"
 & "d,\n\n(*= vscroll =*)\n  vscrollNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0"
 & ",";

CONST E33_12 =
   "\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"vscroll\",\n\n   (* G"
 & "eneric Attributes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0"
 & ", height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim ="
 & "> 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", Res"
 & "izeModel => \"\", \n \n    (* Widget Attributes *)\n   Min => 0, Max =>"
 & " 0, Val => 0,\n   Thumb => 0, Step => 0,\n\n   (*- getValue() returns i"
 & "nteger -*)\n    getValue => meth(s) \n      form_getInt(s.form, "
 & ", \"\") end,\n    (*- getMin() returns integer -*)\n    getMin => meth("
 & "s) \n      form_getInt(s.form, , \"Min\") end,\n    (*- getMax()"
 & " returns integer -*)\n    getMax => meth(s) \n      form_getInt(s.form,"
 & " , \"Max\") end,\n    (*- setValue(val) -*)\n    setValue => met"
 & "h(s, val) \n      form_putInt(s.form, , \"\", val); ok  end,\n  "
 & "  (*- setMin(minval) -*)\n    setMin => meth(s, val) \n\ts.Min := val;\n"
 & "      form_putInt(s.form, , \"Min\", val); ok end,\n    (*- setM"
 & "ax(maxval)  -*)\n    setMax => meth(s, val) \n\ts.Max := val;\n      fo"
 & "rm_putInt(s.form, , \"Max\", val); ok  end,\n    (*- -*)\n  } \n"
 & "  end,\n\n(*= video =*)\n  videoNew => meth(s,  n)\n  { \n    SELF => 0"
 & ",\n    form => 0, \n    name => n,\n    class => \"video\",\n\n   (* Ge"
 & "neric Attributes *)\n    parent => 0,\n\n    x => 0, y => 0, width =>0,"
 & " height =>0, BgColor =>\"\", FgColor => \"\",\n    Font => \"\", Rim =>"
 & " 0, Border => 0, Embellishment => \"\",\n    InitialState => \"\", Resi"
 & "zeModel => \"\", \n\n    (* Widget Attributes *)\n     Source => \"\", "
 & "Quality => 0, Width => 0, Height => 0,\n     Colours => 0, MSecs => 0, "
 & "Synchronous => false,\n     FixedSize => false, Paused => false,\n \n  "
 & "  AuSource => \"\", Volume => 0, Mute => false, \n    IgnoreMapping => "
 & "false,\n\n    (*- setQuality(val:integer) returns boolean -*)\n    setQ"
 & "uality => meth(s, val) \t\t\n     try\n      form_putInt(s.form,"
 & ", \"Quality\", val); \n      true\n     except else false  end\n     en"
 & "d,\n   (*- setWidth(wid:integer) -*)\n    setWidth => meth(s, val) \t\t"
 & "\n      form_putInt(s.form,, \"Width\", val); ok end,\n  (*-";

CONST E33_13 =
   " setSource(src:text) returns ok -*)\n    setSource => meth(s, src)\n\ts"
 & ".AuSource := src;\n    \ts.Source := src; refreshWidget( s); ok  end,\n"
 & "   (*- setHeight(ht:integer) -*)\n    setHeight => meth(s, val) \t\t\t\n"
 & "      form_putInt(s.form,, \"Height\", val); ok end,\n   (*- set"
 & "FramesPerSec(fps:integer) -*)\n    setFramesPerSec => meth(s, val) \t\t"
 & "\t\n      form_putInt(s.form,, \"MSecs\", (1000 /val)); ok end,\n"
 & "   (*- setVolume(v:integer) returns boolean -*)\n    setVolume => meth("
 & "s, val) \t\t\n      try\t\n      \tform_putInt(s.form, & \"audio"
 & "\" , \"Volume\", val);\n\ttrue\n      except else\n\tfalse\n      end\n"
 & "     end, \n    (*- setMute(onoff:boolean) -*)\n     setMute => meth(s,"
 & " val)\n\tform_putBool(s.form, & \"audio\" , \"Mute\", val);\t\n "
 & "       ok end,\n    (*- setIgnoreMapping(onoff:boolean) -*)\n      setI"
 & "gnoreMapping => meth(s, val)\n\tform_putBool(s.form, & \"audio\""
 & " , \"IgnoreMapping\", val);\t\n        ok end,\n     (*- setSynchronous"
 & "(onoff:boolean)  -*)\n      setSynchronous => meth(s, val)\n\tform_putB"
 & "ool(s.form,, \"Synchronous\", val);\t\n        ok end,\n     (*-"
 & " setPaused(onoff:boolean) -*)\n      setPaused => meth(s, val)\n\tform_"
 & "putBool(s.form,, \"Paused\", val);\t\n        ok end,\n     (*- "
 & "setFixedSize(onoff:boolean) -*)\n      setFixedSize => meth(s, val)\n\t"
 & "form_putBool(s.form,, \"FixedSize\", val);\t\n        ok end,\n "
 & "     (*- makeActive() -*)\n    makeActive => meth(s) \n      s.InitialS"
 & "tate := \"Active\";\t\n      form_putReactivity(s.form, & \"filt"
 & "er\", \"active\"); \n      form_popUp(s.form, & \"top\");\n     "
 & " ok end,\n    (*- makeInvisible() -*)\n    makeInvisible => meth(s) \n "
 & "     s.InitialState := \"Vanish\";\n      refreshWidget( s);\n    \tok "
 & "end,\n    \n     (*- -*)\n  } \n  end,\n\n(* placeholders for restricte"
 & "d access procs  *)\nprocessNew => ok,\nrdOpen => ok,\nwrOpen =>  ok,\nw"
 & "rOpenAppend => ok\n};\n\n\n(* Some useful procedures that will be copie"
 & "d into volibLocal\n    in cases where the computation needs to happen l"
 & "ocally *)\n\n(*: Join(ssn:text, host:text) returns boolean  :*)";

CONST E33_14 =
   "\nlet Join = proc(ssn, host) \n  try\n    let sessionConst = net_import"
 & "(ssn, host);\n    (sessionConst.New)(volibLocal);\n    true\n  except e"
 & "lse \n    false\n  end; \nend;\n\n(* normal versions of restricted acce"
 & "ss procs  *)\n(*: processNew(nameAndArgs:[text], mergeOut:boolean) retu"
 & "rns process :*)\nvar processNew = proc(nameAndArgs, mergeOut) \n\tproce"
 & "ss_new(processor, nameAndArgs, mergeOut)\nend;\n\n(*: rdOpen(filename:t"
 & "ext) returns reader :*)\nvar rdOpen = proc(fnm) \n\trd_open(fileSys, fn"
 & "m)\nend;\n\n(*: wrOpen(filename:text) returns writer :*)\nvar wrOpen = "
 & " proc(fnm) \n\t\twr_open(fileSys, fnm);\nend;\n\n(*: wrOpenAppend(filen"
 & "ame:text) returns writer :*)\nvar wrOpenAppend = proc(fnm) \n\t\twr_ope"
 & "nAppend(fileSys, fnm);\nend;\n\n\nvolibLocal.Join := Join;\n\nvolibLoca"
 & "l.processNew := meth(s, n , mer)\n\tprocessNew(n, mer)\nend;\n\nvolibLo"
 & "cal.rdOpen := meth(s, fnm)\n\trdOpen(fnm)\nend;\n\nvolibLocal.wrOpen :="
 & " meth(s, fnm)\n\twrOpen(fnm)\nend;\n\nvolibLocal.wrOpenAppend := meth(s"
 & ", fnm)\n\twrOpenAppend(fnm)\nend;\nsys_popSilence();\n\n\n";

   "(Filter %attrfilter\n (Shape (Width 370 + Inf) (Height + Inf)\n       ("
 & "BgColor \"VeryLightBlue\")\n (Rim (Pen 10)\n (Macro\n    LField\n    BO"
 & "A\n    (label wid contents)\n    `(Rim\n       (Pen 3) \n       (Shape\n"
 & "         (Width ,wid + Inf)\n         (HBox (Text ,label) (Frame Lowere"
 & "d ,contents))\n        )))\n (Macro\n    BoxAround\n    BOA\n    (heigh"
 & "t contents)\n    `(Border (Pen 1)\n        (Shape (Height ,height)\n   "
 & "       (HBox Fill ,contents Fill))) \n )   \n (Macro\n    Field\n    BO"
 & "A\n    (label wid contents)\n    `(Rim\n       (Pen 3) \n       (Shape\n"
 & "         (Width ,wid + Inf)\n         (HBox (Text ,label) ,contents)\n "
 & "       )))  \n (Macro\n     Title\n     BOA\n     (label)\n    `(Frame "
 & "Lowered (Shape (BgColor \"VeryPaleLightBlue\") (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\")"
 & " (Height 15) (Text ,label))))\n\n (Macro \n    ColorField\n    BOA\n   "
 & " (typeinname btnname)\n    `(HBox (PopButton %,btnname (For ColorPopup)"
 & " (Pixmap \"triangleSE.pbm\"))\n           (Frame Raised  (BgColor \"Whi"
 & "te\") (TypeIn ReadOnly %,typeinname (Value \"\"))) ))\n (Macro\n     RF"
 & "ield\n     BOA\n     (radioname label contents height initial glue)\n  "
 & "  `(Radio %,radioname (Value ,initial)\n         (Shape (Height ,height"
 & ")\n             (HBox (Text ,label) ,contents (Glue ,glue))\n         )"
 & "\n      )      \n ) \n (Macro \n    FontField\n    BOA\n    (typeinname"
 & " btnname)\n    `(HBox (PopButton %,btnname (For FontPopup) \n          "
 & " (Pixmap \"triangleSE.pbm\"))\n           (Frame Raised  (BgColor \"Whi"
 & "te\") (TypeIn ReadOnly %,typeinname (Value \"\"))) ))\n\n(ZSplit \n \n "
 & "(Font \"-*-fixed-bold-R-*120-*\")\n(ZBackground  \n(TSplit %wholepage\n"
 & "(VBox %attrmain\n  (VBox\n  \n  \n    (Title \"General Attributes\")\n "
 & "   (Glue 10) \n    (HBox  (LField \"Name :\" 150 (TypeIn (TabTo type) %"
 & "name (BgColor \"White\"))) (Glue 10) \n           (LField \"Type :\" 15"
 & "0 (TypeIn %type ReadOnly (BgColor \"VeryPaleBlue\"))))\n    (Glue 5)\n "
 & "   (BoxAround 100\n    (VBox Fill\n    (HBox  (Field \"Bg Color :\" 230"
 & " (ColorField bgctypein bgc)) (Glue 3)\n           (Field \"Rim      :\""
 & " 150  (Numeric (TabTo bordersize) %rimsize (Min 0)) ";

CONST E34_0 =
   " )\n           )\n    (Glue 5)        \n    (HBox  (Field \"Fg Color :\""
 & " 230 (ColorField fgctypein fgc))  (Glue 3) \n           (Field \"Border"
 & " :\" 150 (Numeric (TabTo name)  %bordersize (Min 0))))\n    (Glue 5)\n "
 & "    (Field \"Font :\" 200 (FontField fonttypein font)) \n     Fill))\n "
 & "   (Glue 5)     \n    (HBox  \n           (RField Embellishment \"Shado"
 & "w :\" (HBox (Choice %Flat Inverting \"Flat\")\n                        "
 & "                    (Choice %Raised Inverting \"Raised\")\n            "
 & "                                (Choice %Lowered Inverting \"Lowered\")"
 & "\n                                            (Choice %Ridged Inverting"
 & " \"Ridged\")\n                                             (Choice %Chi"
 & "seled Inverting \"Chiseled\")\n                                        "
 & "     (Choice %None Inverting \"None\")\n                               "
 & "              ) 20  Flat 5)\n              (Shape (Width 30)  (PageButt"
 & "on (BgColor \"PalePink\") (For jeff)  (Pixmap \"FlipPage.pbm\"))))\n   "
 & " (Glue 5)\n   (HBox (RField Reshape \"Reshape :\"\n      (HBox (Choice "
 & "%CenterPin Inverting \"Center Pin\")\n            (Choice %Scaled Inver"
 & "ting \"Scaled\")\n            (Choice %HScaled Inverting \"Horiz. Stret"
 & "ch\")\n            (Choice %VScaled Inverting \"Vert. Stretch\")) 20 Ce"
 & "nterPin 5))\n\n    )\n    (Glue 5)\n    \n    (BoxAround 70\n      (VBo"
 & "x Fill\n       (HBox (Text \"Callback :\")   \n        (RField exechow "
 & "\"\" (HBox (Choice (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") %Foreground Inverting \"For"
 & "eground\")\n                                          (Choice (Color \""
 & "VeryDarkBlue\") %Background Inverting \"Background\")) 20 Foreground 25"
 & ")\n          (TSplit %cbTS (LinkButton %ecb (For wat) (LinkButton  (Sha"
 & "dowSize 0) (For CallbackEditor)\n          (BgColor \"PalePink\")  (VBo"
 & "x \"Edit\" \"Attached Code\") ))\n                        (LinkButton %"
 & "wat (For ecb) (LinkButton  (ShadowSize 0) (For jeff) \n                "
 & "        (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowishPeachpuff\")  (VBox \"Return To \" "
 & "\"Widget Attributes\"))))\n         (Glue 5) )\n        (Glue 5)\n     "
 & "   (RField execwhere \"\" (HBox (Choice";

CONST E34_1 =
   " %Local (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\")  \"Local\") (Glue 5)\n                "
 & "                       (Choice   (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") %Remote\n    "
 & "                                      (LField \"Remote :\" 500 (Filter "
 & "%remFilter Dormant (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand \n                           "
 & "                   (TabTo type) %Location\n                            "
 & "                 (BgColor \"White\")) ))\n                             "
 & "      )) 20 Local 5)\n       Fill))\n       (Glue 5)\n       (HBox (RFi"
 & "eld InitialState \"Initial State :\" (HBox (Choice %Active Inverting \""
 & "Active\")\n                                            (Choice %Passive"
 & " Inverting \"Passive\")\n                                            (C"
 & "hoice %Dormant Inverting \"Dormant\")\n                                "
 & "            (Choice %Vanish Inverting \"Invisible\")\n                 "
 & "                           ) 20 Active 5)\n                            "
 & "                \n      (Shape (Width 50) (Button  (BgColor \"PalePink\""
 & ") %apply \"Apply\")) \n \n    )\n   (Glue 5)\n     \n    \n  Ridge\n (T"
 & "Split %mutt Circular \n  (TSplit %jeff Circular\n      (Insert \"formAT"
 & "T.fv\")\n      (Insert \"frameATT.fv\")\n      (Insert \"texteditATT.fv"
 & "\")    \n      (Insert \"browserATT.fv\")\n      (Insert \"filebrowserA"
 & "TT.fv\")\n      (Insert \"typeinATT.fv\")\n      (Insert \"buttonATT.fv"
 & "\")\n      (Insert \"numericATT.fv\")\n      (Insert \"scrollerATT.fv\""
 & ")\n      (Insert \"textATT.fv\")\n      (Insert \"choiceATT.fv\")\n    "
 & "  (Insert \"booleanATT.fv\")\t\n      (Insert \"videoATT.fv\")\t\n  )\n"
 & "  (VBox (Glue 5)\n  (Frame Lowered (Shape (BgColor \"VeryPaleLightBlue\""
 & ") (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") (Height 15) (Text %codetype \"Callback\")))\n"
 & "  (Glue 5) \n     (Border (Pen 1) (BgColor \"VeryPalePink\") (TextEdit "
 & "(Font \"-*-courier-bold-*R-*120-*\")\n                          %Callba"
 & "ckEditor)) )\n )\n)\n(Insert \"menuATT.fv\")\n(VBox %SupportCode \n    "
 & " (Glue 10)\n     (Title \"Form Support Code\") \n      (Glue 10)\n     "
 & " (Border (Pen 1) (Frame Lowered (TextEdit (BgColor \"White\")\n      (F"
 & "ont \"-*-courier-bold-*R-*120-*\") %supportCodeEditor)))\n ";

CONST E34_2 =
   "     (Glue 10)\n     (HBox Fill \n         (Shape (Width 150)(Height 20"
 & ")\n             (LinkButton (For attrmain)  (BgColor \"SlightlyYellowis"
 & "hPeachpuff\") \"Return to Attribute Sheet\" ))\n        Fill )\n     (G"
 & "lue 10) )\n)\n)\n\n(ZChild %ColorPopup\n (Border (Pen 1)\n  (Shape (Wid"
 & "th 320) (Height 300) \n       (VBox (BgColor \"PaleTan\")\n          (G"
 & "lue 5)\n          (HBox Fill (Frame Lowered (Shape (BgColor \"VeryPaleT"
 & "an\") (Height 12) (Text \"Color Selection\"))) Fill) \n          (Glue "
 & "5)\n          (HBox (Glue 10)\n              (VBox\n                (HB"
 & "ox\n                (Border (Pen 1) (BgColor \"White\") (Browser Quick "
 & "%modifier2))\n                (Glue 5)\n                (Border (Pen 1)"
 & " (BgColor \"White\") (Browser Quick %modifier1))\n                )\n  "
 & "              (Glue 5)\n                (Frame (Text %showcolor \"\"))\n"
 & "                )\n                (Glue 5)\n                (Shape (Wi"
 & "dth 105) (Border (Pen 1) (BgColor \"White\") (Browser Quick %colorlist)"
 & "))\n                \n                (Glue 10)\n           )\n        "
 & "   \n         \n               \n           (Glue 10)\n           (HBox"
 & " Fill (CloseButton (BgColor \"PalePink\") %inheritcolor \"Inherit Color"
 & "\")  Fill \n           (CloseButton (BgColor \"PalePink\") %applycolor "
 & "\"Apply\") Fill \n           (CloseButton (BgColor   \"PalePink\") %can"
 & "celcolor \"Cancel\")  Fill)\n           (Glue 10)\n       ))\n\n  ))\n "
 & "       \n(ZChild %FontPopup \n(Macro\n    FChoice\n    BOA\n    (name f"
 & "ont label)\n    `(Shape\n       (Height 25) (Width 70)\n       (Choice\n"
 & "           %,name\n           (LabelFont ,font) Inverting\n           ,"
 & "label\n       ) \n     )\n)  \n (Border (Pen 1)\n  (Shape (Width 320) ("
 & "Height 200) \n       (VBox (BgColor \"PaleTan\")\n          (Glue 5)\n "
 & "         (HBox Fill (Frame Lowered (Shape (BgColor \"VeryPaleTan\") (He"
 & "ight 12)\n               (Text \"Font Selection\"))) Fill) \n          "
 & " (Glue 10)\n           (Frame Lowered\n           (HBox\n            (R"
 & "adio   %fontradio (Value tmR)\n              (HBox \n                  "
 & "(Glue 10)\n              \n                  ";

CONST E34_3 =
   "(VBox\n                      (Glue 10)\n                          \n   "
 & "                   (FChoice tmR \"-*-times-medium-R-*-140-*\"  \"Times\""
 & ")\n                      (FChoice  tbR \"-*-times-bold-R-*-140-*\"  \"T"
 & "imes\")\n                      (FChoice tmI \"-*-times-medium-I-*140-*\""
 & "   \"Times\")\n                      (FChoice tbI \"-*-times-bold-I-*14"
 & "0-*\"  \"Times\")\n                      (Glue 10)\n                  )"
 & "\n            \n                   (VBox\n                    (Glue 10)"
 & "\n                      (FChoice hmR \"-*-helvetica-medium-R-*140-*\" \""
 & "Helvetica\")\n                      (FChoice hbR \"-*-helvetica-bold-R-"
 & "*140-*\" \"Helvetica\")\n                      (FChoice hmO  \"-*-helve"
 & "tica-medium-O-*140-*\" \"Helvetica\")\n                      (FChoice h"
 & "bO \"-*-helvetica-bold-O-*140-*\" \"Helvetica\")\n                     "
 & " (Glue 10)\n                  )\n                  \n                  "
 & " (VBox\n                      (Glue 10)\n                      (FChoice"
 & " cmR \"-*-courier-medium-R-*140-*\"  \"Courier\")\n                    "
 & "  (FChoice  cbR \"-*-courier-bold-R-*140-*\"  \"Courier\")\n           "
 & "           (FChoice cmO \"-*-courier-medium-O-*140-*\" \"Courier\")\n  "
 & "                    (FChoice cbO  \"-*-courier-bold-O-*140-*\" \"Courie"
 & "r\")\n                      (Glue 10)\n                   )\n          "
 & "        (Glue 10)\n               ))\n             (Glue 10)\n         "
 & "     (Radio %sizeradio (Value pt140)\n                (VBox\n          "
 & "            (Glue 10)\n                      (Choice %pt80 (LabelFont \""
 & "-*-times-medium-R-*80-*\") Inverting  \"Tiny\")\n                      "
 & "(Choice %pt120 (LabelFont \"-*-times-medium-R-*120-*\") Inverting  \"Sm"
 & "all\")\n                      (Choice %pt140 (LabelFont\"-*-times-mediu"
 & "m-R-*140-*\")  Inverting \"Medium\")\n                      (Choice %pt"
 & "180 (LabelFont \"-*-times-medium-R-*180-*\") Inverting \"Big\")\n      "
 & "                (Choice %pt240  (LabelFont \"-*-times-medium-R-*240-*\""
 & ") Inverting \"Huge\")\n                      (Glue 10)\n               "
 & "    )\n              )\n              (Glue 10";

CONST E34_4 =
   ")\n             ))\n            (Glue 10)\n           (HBox Fill (Close"
 & "Button (BgColor \"PalePink\") %inheritfont \"Inherit Font\")           "
 & " Fill\n           (CloseButton (BgColor \"PalePink\") %fixedfont \"Use "
 & "Fixed Font\")  \n           Fill    \n           (CloseButton (BgColor "
 & "\"PalePink\") %applyfont \"Apply\") Fill \n           (CloseButton (BgC"
 & "olor   \"PalePink\") %cancelfont \"Cancel\")  Fill)\n           (Glue 1"
 & "0)\n       ))\n\n  ))\n  \n  ( ZChild %msgbox (At 0.5 0.5) \n  (Border "
 & "(Pen 2) \n              (Shape (Width 300) (BgColor \"PaleYellow\") (He"
 & "ight 100)\n                 (VBox  Fill\n                    (Text (Col"
 & "or \"DarkBrown\") \"Error\")\n                    Fill\n               "
 & "     (Text %msg \"Invalid Color Specification\") \n                    "
 & " Fill\n                    (HBox Fill (Shape (Width 80) (BgColor \"Pale"
 & "Green\") (CloseButton (For msgbox) \"Continue\")) Fill)\n              "
 & "     Fill )\n              ))\n             \n) \n\n)\n\n\n))\n)";

   "(ZChild $ZChildState$ %@ \n  (Filter %@filter $FilterState$ \n    (Radi"
 & "o %@radio\n      $ZSplitHeader$\n      (Shape %@shape \n        (Width "
 & "$XSpan$ + $XStretch$ - $XShrink$) \n        (Height $YSpan$ + $YStretch"
 & "$ - $YShrink$)\n        (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") \n        (Color \"$FgC"
 & "olor$\")\n        (LabelFont \"$Font$\")\n        (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimP"
 & "en$) \n          (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n            (VBox\n"
 & "\t     (Macro $TitleBar$ ()\n              \'(Shape %@title (Height 20)"
 & "\n                (Frame $FrameStyle$ \n                  (BgColor \"$T"
 & "itleBgColor$\") \n                  (Color \"$TitleFgColor$\")\n       "
 & "           (HBox \n                    (Shape (Width 15) \n            "
 & "          (CloseButton (ShadowSize 0) (Pixmap \"close.pbm\"))) \n      "
 & "              Chisel\n                    (Shape (Width + 1000)  \n    "
 & "                   (ZMove (ShadowSize 0) (Text %@titlestring \"$TitleSt"
 & "ring$\")))    \n                    Chisel \n                    (Shape"
 & " (Width 15) \n                      (ZGrow (ShadowSize 0) (Pixmap \"gro"
 & "w.pbm\"))))))\n\t      )\n\t      $IncludeTitleBar$\t\t\n              "
 & "$MenuStructure$\n              (Text  %@background \"\" )))))\n      $Z"
 & "SplitFooter$\n)))         \n";

   " (Shape %texteditatt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Tit"
 & "le \"Text Editor\")\n    \n    \n       (Glue 5) (HBox (Boolean %teRead"
 & "Only \"ReadOnly\")  Fill (Boolean %teClip \"Clip\") \n                 "
 & "     Fill (Boolean (Value TRUE) %teHasScrollbar \"Has Scrollbar\" ))\n "
 & "      (Glue 5)  \n       (Boolean %teToggle\n                   (LField"
 & " \"From File :\" 150 (Filter %teFilter1 Dormant\n                      "
 & "                 (TypeIn ExpandOnDemand %teFrom\n                      "
 & "                       (BgColor \"White\")))))\n      (Glue 5)\n      ("
 & "Filter %teFilter2\n        (VBox \n         (Frame Lowered (Shape (BgCo"
 & "lor \"VeryLightPink\") (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") (Height 15)\n          "
 & " (Text \"Initial Contents\")))\n          (Border  (Pen 1)\n           "
 & " (Rim (Pen 1) (TextEdit (BgColor \"VeryLightPink\") %teInitial)))\n    "
 & "  ) )\n   )\n  )\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:47:30 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\nmodule vowidgets;\n(* used by mod"
 & "ule \"volib\" *)\n(* requires module \"templates\" *)\n\nsys_pushSilenc"
 & "e();\n\n(* generic routine - forward declaration *)\nvar computeSX = 0;"
 & "\n\n(* find and replace *)\nlet rep = proc(sx , pattern, newval)\n\ttex"
 & "t_replaceAll(\"$\" & pattern & \"$\", newval, sx);\nend;\n\nlet replist"
 & " = proc(s, plist)\n\tvar sx = s;\n\tforeach tuple in plist do\n\t\tsx :"
 & "= rep(sx, tuple[0], tuple[1]); \n\tend;\n\tsx;\nend;\n\nlet ResizeStrin"
 & "g = proc(ch) \n\tlet model = ch.ResizeModel;\n\tif text_equal(model, \""
 & "CenterPin\") then\n\t\"FixedHV\";\n\telsif text_equal(model, \"HScaled\""
 & ") then\n\t\"FixedV\";\n\telsif text_equal(model, \"VScaled\") then\n\t\""
 & "FixedH\";\n\telse \"Scaled\";\n\tend;\nend;\n\nlet mutateName = proc(wi"
 & "d)\n\tlet ix = text_findLast(\"vq\",, 1000);\n\tif ix is -1 th"
 & "en\n\t\ := & \"vq0\";\n\telse\t\n\t\tlet num = text_s"
 & "ub(, ix+2, text_length(;\n\t\tlet no = text_toIn"
 & "t(num) + 1;\n\t\ :=  text_sub(, 0, ix+2) &  fmt_int(no"
 & "); \n\tend;\nend;\n\nlet genericSX = proc(v, s)\n\tvar sx =  replist(s,"
 & "[ [\"XSpan\", fmt_int(v.width)],\n\t\t\t\t  \t [\"YSpan\", fmt_int(v.he"
 & "ight)],\n\t\t\t\t\t [\"RimPen\", fmt_int(v.Rim)],\n\t\t\t\t\t [\"Border"
 & "Pen\", fmt_int(v.Border)],\n\t\t\t\t\t [\"BgColor\", v.BgColor],\n\t\t\t"
 & "\t\t [\"FgColor\", v.FgColor],\n\t\t\t\t\t [\"Font\", v.Font],\n\t\t\t\t"
 & "\t [\"FilterState\", v.InitialState],\n\t\t\t\t\t]);\t\n\tif text_equal"
 & "(v.Embellishment, \"None\") then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"FrameStyle\", \"("
 & "ShadowSize 0)\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"FrameStyle\", v.Embellis"
 & "hment);\n\tend;\n\tsx := \ttext_replaceAll(\"%@\", \"%\" &, sx);"
 & "\n\tsx;\nend;\n\nlet splitSX = proc(nv, s)\n\tvar sx = s;\n\tvar footer"
 & " = \")\\n\";\n\tvar includeTitleBar = true;\n\tvar childOffRed = 0;\n\n"
 & "\tsx := rep(sx, \"ZSplitHeader\", \"(ZSplit %@zsplit\\n (ZBackground %@"
 & "zback\\n\");\n\tif tex";

CONST E37_0 =
   "t_equal(nv.class, \"form\") then\n\t\tif nv.ParentForm is 0 then \n\t\t"
 & "\tchildOffRed := 20;\n\t\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"YSpan\", fmt_int(nv.height-"
 & "childOffRed));\n\t\t\tincludeTitleBar := false;\n\t\tend\n\tend;\t\t\n\t"
 & "foreach child in nv.children do\n\t\tlet csx = computeSX(child);\n\t\tv"
 & "ar visibility = \"\";\n\t\tif child.InitialState isnot \"Vanish\" then\n"
 & "\t\t\tvisibility := \"Open\";\n\t\tend;\n\t\tfooter := footer & \"(ZChi"
 & "ld %\" & & \"top (At \" & fmt_int(child.x) & \"  \"\n       "
 & "               & fmt_int(child.y - childOffRed) & \"  NW Absolute) \" &"
 & " visibility & \"\\n \" &\n                      ResizeString(child) &\n"
 & "                      csx & \"\\n    )\\n\";\n\tend;\n\tif text_equal(n"
 & "v.class, \"form\") then\n\t\tforeach ch in nv.ChildForms do\n\t\t\tfoot"
 & "er := footer & computeSX(ch);\n\t\tend\n\tend;\n\tfooter := footer & \""
 & ")\\n\";\n\tsx := rep(sx, \"ZSplitFooter\", footer);\n\tsx := rep(sx, \""
 & "TextureFile\", nv.Texture);\n\tif text_equal(nv.class, \"form\") then\n"
 & "\t\tif includeTitleBar then \n\t\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"IncludeTitleBar\", "
 & "\"($TitleBar$)\");\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"IncludeTitleBar\", "
 & "\"\");\n\t\tend;\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"TitleBar\", & \"TitleBar\""
 & ");\n\tend;\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet menuSX = proc(nv)\n\t(* a"
 & "ssert: nv is a formnode with a menu *)\n\tvar sx =;\n\ts"
 & "x := replist(sx, [[\"MenuBgColor\", nv.MenuBgColor],\n\t\t\t\t\t    [\""
 & "MenuFgColor\", nv.MenuFgColor],\n\t\t\t\t\t     [\"MenuFont\", nv.MenuF"
 & "ont]]);\n\tvar menuDef = \"\";\n\tlet first = 0;\n\tlet last = #(nv.Men"
 & "u)-1;\n\tvar i = first;\n\tloop\n\t\tif  i > last then exit; end;\n\t\t"
 & "let m = nv.Menu[i];\n\t\tmutateName(m);\n\t\tif (m.Level is 0) and not "
 & "(text_equal(, \"RIDGE\")) then\n\t\t\tvar ctr = 0;\n\t\t\tvar ix "
 & "= i+1;\n\t\t\tvar pulldownDef = \"(VBox \\n\"; (* start creation of pul"
 & "ldown *)\n\t\t\tif ix <= last then\n\t\t\t  \tloop\n\t\t\t\t\tlet mx = "
 & "nv.Menu[ix];\n\t\t\t\t\tif (ix > last) or (mx.Level is 0) then exit; en"
 & "d;\n\t\t\t\t\tif mx.Level is 1 then\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif text_equal(,"
 & " \"RIDGE\") then\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \tpulldownDef := pulldownDef & \"Ridge\\"
 & "n\";\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpulldownDef :=\n              \t\t"
 & "\t\t\t      pulldownDef & \"(MenuButton \" &\n                \t"
 & "\t\t\t\t ";

CONST E37_1 =
   "     & \"Filter \" & mx.initialState & \" \"\n                 \t\t\t\t"
 & "\t      & & \" \" & & \"Label \"\n                     "
 & "\t\t\t\t\t      & \"\\\"\" & mx.Label & \"\\\")\\n\"\n                \t"
 & "\t\t\tend;\t\n\t\t\t\t\t        ctr := ctr + 1;\n\t\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\t"
 & "\t\tix := ix +1;\n\t\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\t\tpulldownDef := pulldownDef & \""
 & ")\\n\"; (* close VBox *)\n\t\t\tend; (* if ix <= last  *)\n\t\t        "
 & "if ctr > 0 then \n\t\t\t\t menuDef :=\n         \t\t\t     menuDef & \""
 & "(PullDownMenuItem \" & & \"Filter \"\n           \t\t\t     & m."
 & "initialState & \" \" & & \" \"\n             \t\t\t     &"
 & " & \"Label \" & \"\\\"\" & m.Label & \"\\\"\\n\"\n              \t\t\t "
 & "    & pulldownDef & \")\\n\";\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tmenuDef :=\n     \t\t"
 & "\t\t         menuDef & \"(MenuItem \" & & \"Filter \"\n         "
 & "     \t\t\t\t  & m.initialState & \" \" & & \" \"\n             "
 & "  \t\t\t\t  & & \"Label \" & \"\\\"\" & m.Label & \"\\\")\\n\";\n"
 & "\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\ti := ix -1;\n\t\tend;\n\t\ti := i +1;\n\tend;\t\n\tre"
 & "p(sx, \"MenuItems\", menuDef);\nend;\n\n\nlet booleanSX = proc(nv)\n\tv"
 & "ar sx = Templates.boolean;\n\tsx := rep(sx, \"fbstyle\", nv.feedbackSty"
 & "le);\n\tif nv.initialValue then\n\t\tsx :=rep(sx, \"initValue\", \"TRUE"
 & "\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx, \"initValue\", \"FALSE\");\t\n\tend;\n\ti"
 & "f nv.textLabel then\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx, \"BooleanContents\", \"Text %@text"
 & " \\\"\" & nv.textString & \"\\\"\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx, \"Boolean"
 & "Contents\",\"Pixmap %@pixmap \\\"\" & nv.pixmap & \"\\\"\");\n\tend;\t\n"
 & "\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet browserSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Temp"
 & "lates.browser;\n\tif nv.Multiplicity then\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx, \"typeOfBrow"
 & "ser\", \"MultiBrowser\");\n\t\tif #(nv.Selections) is 0 then\n\t\t\tsx:"
 & "=rep(sx, \"ValueList\", \"\");\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tvar values = \"\";\n\t\t"
 & "\tforeach i in nv.Selections do\n\t\t\t\t values := values & fmt_int(i)"
 & " & \" \";\n\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ValueList\", \"(Value \" &"
 & " values  & \" )\" );\n\t\tend;\n\telse\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx, \"typeOfBrowser"
 & "\", \"Browser\");\t\n\t\tif nv.Selection is -1 then\n\t\t\tsx := rep(sx"
 & ", \"ValueList\", \"\");\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ValueList\",  "
 & "\"(Value \" & fmt_int(nv.Selection) & \" )\" );\n\t\tend;\n\tend;\n\tif"
 & " nv.Quick then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"quick\", \"Quick\");\n\telse\n\t\ts"
 & "x := rep(sx, ";

CONST E37_2 =
   "\"quick\", \"\");\n\tend;\n\n\tif #(nv.Contents) is 0 then\n\t\t\tsx:=r"
 & "ep(sx, \"Items\", \"\");\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tvar items = \"\";\n\t\t\tfore"
 & "ach item in nv.Contents do\n\t\t\t\t items := items & \"\\\"\" & item &"
 & "  \"\\\" \";\n\t\t\tend;\n\t\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Items\", items );\n\t\t"
 & "end;\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet buttonSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx ="
 & " Templates.button;\n\tif nv.Guard then\n\t\tsx := replist(sx, [[\"Guard"
 & "Header\", \"(Guard %@guard \"],\n\t\t\t\t\t    [\"GuardFooter\", \")\"]"
 & "]);\n\telse\n\t\tsx := replist(sx, [[\"GuardHeader\", \"\"],\n\t\t\t\t\t"
 & "    [\"GuardFooter\", \"\"]]);\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.Trill then\n\t\tsx :="
 & " rep(sx, \"Trill\", \"\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Trill\", \"\");"
 & "\n\tend;\t\t\t\n\tif nv.textLabel then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ButtonConte"
 & "nts\",\"Text %@text \\\"\" & nv.textString & \"\\\"\" );\n\telse\n\t\ts"
 & "x := rep(sx, \"ButtonContents\",\n\t\t\t\t\t       \"Pixmap Accurate %@"
 & "pixmap \\\"\" & nv.pixmap & \"\\\"\");\n\tend;\t\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\t"
 & "\t\nend;\n\nlet choiceSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Templates.choice;\n\tsx"
 & ":=rep(sx, \"fbstyle\", nv.feedbackStyle);\n\tif nv.initialValue then\n\t"
 & "\tsx:=rep(sx, \"initValue\", \"TRUE\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx, \"init"
 & "Value\", \"FALSE\");\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.textLabel then\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx,"
 & " \"ChoiceContents\", \"Text %@text \\\"\" & nv.textString & \"\\\"\");\n"
 & "\telse\n\t\tsx:=rep(sx, \"ChoiceContents\",\"Pixmap %@pixmap \\\"\" & n"
 & "v.pixmap & \"\\\"\");\n\tend;\t\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\t\nend;\n\nlet fi"
 & "lebrowserSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Templates.filebrowser;\n\tif nv.Read"
 & "Only then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ReadOnly\", \"ReadOnly\");\n\telse\n\t\t"
 & "sx :=  rep(sx, \"ReadOnly\", \"\");\n\tend;\n\tsx := replist(sx, [[\"La"
 & "belFont\", nv.LabelFont],\n\t\t\t\t     [\"Initial\", nv.Value],\n\t\t\t"
 & "\t     [\"fbName1\",],\n\t\t\t\t     [\"fbName2\",],\n\t"
 & "\t\t\t     [\"ActionLabel\", nv.ActionLabel]]);\n\tif #(nv.Suffixes) is"
 & " 0 then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Suffixes\", \"\\\"\\\"\");\n\telse\n\t\tva"
 & "r suffixList = \"\";\n\t\tforeach suf in nv.Suffixes do\n\t\t\tsuffixLi"
 & "st := suffixList & \" \\\"\" & suf &\n\t\t\t\t\"\\\" \";\n\t\tend;\n\t\t"
 & "sx := rep(sx, \"Suffixes\", suffixList);\n\tend;\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\n"
 & "end;\n\nlet formSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Templates.form;\n\t(* plug in"
 & " all the appropriate values *)\n\tvar location = \"\";\n\n\tif nv.Check"
 & "pointedX";

CONST E37_3 =
   "Y then\n\t\tlocation :=\" (At  \" & fmt_int(nv.x) & \" \" & fmt_int(nv."
 & "y) & \"  NW Absolute) \";\n\tend;\n\n\tif nv.InitialState isnot \"Vanis"
 & "h\" then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ZChildState\", location & \"Open\");\n\te"
 & "lse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ZChildState\", location);\n\tend;\n\tif nv.Has"
 & "Menu then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"MenuStructure\", \n\t\t\t\t\tmenuSX(nv))"
 & ";\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"MenuStructure\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tsx "
 & ":= replist(sx,\n\t [ [\"XStretch\", fmt_int(nv.StretchX)],\n\t   [\"YSt"
 & "retch\", fmt_int(nv.StretchY)],\n\t   [\"XShrink\", fmt_int(nv.ShrinkX)"
 & "],\n\t   [\"YShrink\", fmt_int(nv.ShrinkY)],\n\t   [\"TitleBgColor\", n"
 & "v.TitleBgColor],\n\t   [\"TitleFgColor\", nv.TitleFgColor],\n\t   [\"Ti"
 & "tleString\", nv.TitleString],\n\t]);\n\tsplitSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet f"
 & "rameSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Templates.frame;\t\n\tsplitSX(nv, sx);\ne"
 & "nd;\n\nlet numericSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Templates.numeric;\n\tsx :="
 & " replist(sx, [[\"Value\", fmt_int(nv.Val)],\n\t\t\t\t    [\"Min\", fmt_"
 & "int(nv.Min)],\n\t\t\t\t    [\"Max\", fmt_int(nv.Max)]\n\t\t\t\t]);\n\ti"
 & "f nv.AllowEmpty then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"AllowEmpty\", \"AllowEmpty\")"
 & ";\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"AllowEmpty\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv."
 & "HideButtons then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"HideButtons\", \"HideButtons\");\n"
 & "\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"HideButtons\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tgenericS"
 & "X(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet scrollerSX = proc(nv, s)\n\tvar sx = s;\n\tsx :"
 & "= replist(sx, [[\"Value\", fmt_int(nv.Val)],\n\t\t\t\t    [\"Min\", fmt"
 & "_int(nv.Min)],\n\t\t\t\t    [\"Max\", fmt_int(nv.Max)],\n\t\t\t\t    [\""
 & "Thumb\", fmt_int(nv.Thumb)],\n\t\t\t\t    [\"Step\", fmt_int(nv.Step)],"
 & "\n\t\t\t\t\t]);\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet textSX = proc(nv)\n\t"
 & "var sx = Templates.text;\n\tsx := replist(sx, [[\"Alignment\", nv.tOrie"
 & "ntation],\n\t\t\t\t    [\"Initial\", nv.tVal]]);\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\n"
 & "end;\n\nlet texteditSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Templates.textedit;\n\tif"
 & " nv.teReadOnly then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ReadOnly\", \"ReadOnly\");\n\t"
 & "else\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ReadOnly\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.teClip "
 & "then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Clip\", \"Clip\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx,"
 & " \"Clip\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.teHasScrollbar then\n\t\tsx := rep"
 & "(sx, \"NoScrollbar\", \"\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"NoScrollbar\""
 & ", \"NoScrollbar\");\t\n\te";

CONST E37_4 =
   "nd;\n\tif nv.getFromFile then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Initial\", \"From \\"
 & "\"\" & nv.teFromFile & \"\\\"\")\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Initial\""
 & ", \"Value \\\"\" & text_replaceAll(\"\\n\", \"\\\\n\",nv.teContents ) &"
 & " \"\\\"\")\n\tend;\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet typeinSX = proc(n"
 & "v)\n\tvar sx = Templates.typein;\n\tif nv.tyReadOnly then\n\t\tsx := re"
 & "p(sx, \"ReadOnly\", \"ReadOnly\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"ReadOnl"
 & "y\", \"\");\t\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.tyExpand then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Exp"
 & "andOnDemand\", \"ExpandOnDemand\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Expand"
 & "OnDemand\", \"\");\t\t\n\tend;\n\tsx := rep(sx, \"Initial\", nv.tyInit)"
 & ";\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\nlet videoSX = proc(nv)\n\tvar sx = Tem"
 & ";\n\tif nv.Source is \"\" then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"PlayVid"
 & "eo\", \"1\");\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"PlayVideo\", \"0\");\n\tend;"
 & "\n\tsx := replist(sx, [ [\"VideoSource\", nv.Source],\n\t\t\t\t      [\""
 & "Quality\", fmt_int(nv.Quality)],\n\t\t\t\t      [\"Width\", fmt_int(nv."
 & "Width)],\n\t\t\t\t      [\"Height\", fmt_int(nv.Height)],\n\t\t\t\t    "
 & "  [\"Colours\", fmt_int(nv.Colours)],\n\t\t\t\t      [\"MSecs\", fmt_in"
 & "t(nv.MSecs)],\n\t\t\t\t      [\"AudioSource\", nv.AuSource],\n\t\t\t\t "
 & "     [\"Volume\", fmt_int(nv.Volume)],\n\t\t\t\t]); \n\tif nv.Synchrono"
 & "us then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Synchronous\", \"Synchronous\");\t\n\telse"
 & "\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Synchronous\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.FixedSiz"
 & "e then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"FixedSize\", \"FixedSize\");\t\n\telse\n\t\t"
 & "sx := rep(sx, \"FixedSize\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.Paused then\n\t\t"
 & "sx := rep(sx, \"Paused\", \"Paused\");\t\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"P"
 & "aused\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\tif nv.Mute then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Mute\""
 & ", \"Mute\");\t\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"Mute\", \"\");\t\n\tend;\n\t"
 & "if nv.IgnoreMapping then\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"IgnoreMapping\", \"Ignore"
 & "Mapping\");\t\n\telse\n\t\tsx := rep(sx, \"IgnoreMapping\", \"\");\t\n\t"
 & "end;\n\tgenericSX(nv, sx);\nend;\n\n\n(* procedure dispatching kludge *"
 & ")\ncomputeSX := proc(wid)\n\tmutateName(wid); (* unique sx-expression w"
 & "ill result *)\t\n        if wid.class is \"boolean\" then\n\t\tbooleanS"
 & "X(wid);\n        elsif wid.class is \"button\" then\n\t\tbuttonSX(wid);"
 & "\n\telsif wid.class is \"browser\" then\n\t\tbrowserSX(wid);\n\telsif w"
 & "id.class is \"choice\" then\n\t\tchoiceSX(wid);\n\t";

CONST E37_5 =
   "elsif wid.class is \"filebrowser\" then\n\t\tfilebrowserSX(wid);\n\tels"
 & "if wid.class is \"form\" then\n\t\tformSX(wid);\n\telsif wid.class is \""
 & "frame\" then\n\t\tframeSX(wid);\n\telsif wid.class is \"hscroll\" then\n"
 & "\t\tscrollerSX(wid, Templates.hscroll);\n\telsif wid.class is \"numeric"
 & "\" then\n\t\tnumericSX(wid);\n\telsif wid.class is \"text\" then\n\t\tt"
 & "extSX(wid);\n\telsif wid.class is \"textedit\" then\n\t\ttexteditSX(wid"
 & ");\n\telsif wid.class is \"typein\" then\n\t\ttypeinSX(wid);\n        e"
 & "lsif wid.class is \"video\" then\n\t\tvideoSX(wid);\n\telsif wid.class "
 & "is \"vscroll\" then\n\t\tscrollerSX(wid, Templates.vscroll);\n\tend;\n\t"
 & "\nend;\n\nsys_popSilence();";

   " (Shape %choiceatt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Title"
 & " \"Choice\")\n     (Glue 10)\n      (HBox Fill (Shape (Width 100) (Bool"
 & "ean %chInitial \"Initial Value\")) Fill)\n      (Glue 10)\n    (BoxArou"
 & "nd 50\n     (HBox (RField Choicefbs \"Feedback Style :\" \n            "
 & " (VBox (Glue 5) (Choice %CCheckBox CheckBox \"Check Box\")\n           "
 & "        (Choice %CCheckMark CheckMark \"Check Mark\")\n                "
 & "   (Choice %CInverting Inverting \"Inverting\")\n                   (Gl"
 & "ue 5)\n              ) 45 Active 5) Fill))\n     (Glue 10)\n     (Radio"
 & " %chRadio\n     (BoxAround 95\n      (VBox\n        (HBox  (Text  \"Lab"
 & "el\") (Glue 250))\n        (Glue 10)\n        (Choice (Color \"VeryDark"
 & "Blue\") %chTChoice (LField \"Text       :\" 250 (TypeIn (TabTo chPix) %"
 & "chText (BgColor \"White\") ExpandOnDemand (Value \"Choice\"))))\n      "
 & "  (Glue 10)\n        (Choice %chPChoice (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") (LFiel"
 & "d \"Pixmap :\" 250 (TypeIn (TabTo name) %chPix ExpandOnDemand (BgColor "
 & "\"White\") (Value \"\"))))\n        (Glue 10)\n       )))\n      Fill\n"
 & "   )\n  )\n";

   "(*     This file was automatically generated by the\t*)\n(* \t\t\t\t\t\t"
 & "\t*)\n(*\t\t VisualObliq Dialog Editor \t \t*)\n(*\t       \t     VERSI"
 & "ON 1.0 \t        \t*)\n(*       Krishna Bharat/Marc H Brown/Luca Cardel"
 & "li  \t*)\n(* \t\tModify at your own peril\t\t*)\n\n(* Copyright (C) 199"
 & "3, Digital Equipment Corporation \t*)\n(* All rights reserved. \t\t\t\t"
 & "*)\n(* See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. \t*)\n(* \t\t\t\t"
 & "\t\t\t*)\n\n\n$declarations$\n\n$GlobalCode$\n\n$constructors$\n\n\t\t "
 & " \n\n\n\n\n\n\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - 20) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - 20)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") (C"
 & "olor \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Frame "
 & "$FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n     "
 & "  (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n\n        (Text $Alignment$ %@tex"
 & "t \"$Initial$\")\n         \n        )\n           \n        )\n      )"
 & "\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (LabelFont \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Fram"
 & "e $FrameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n   "
 & "    (Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n        $GuardHeader$\n        "
 & "  ($Trill$Button %@\n          ($ButtonContents$)\n          )\n       "
 & " $GuardFooter$\n        )\n           \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n"
 & "  \n\n";

   " (Shape %numericatt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Titl"
 & "e \"Numeric\")\n     (Glue 10)\n     (HBox\n       (Glue 10)\n         "
 & "    (VBox  (Field \"Min  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo numVal) %numMin  ))\n"
 & "                 (Glue 3)\n                (Field \"Value :\" 150  (Num"
 & "eric (TabTo numMax) %numVal  ))\n                (Glue 3)\n            "
 & "    (Field \"Max  :\" 150  (Numeric (TabTo name) %numMax  ))\n         "
 & "      )\n      (Glue 50) Fill\n              (VBox  \n                 "
 & " (Boolean %numAllowEmpty \"Allow Empty\")\n                  Fill\n    "
 & "              (Boolean %numHideButtons \"Hide Buttons\")\n             "
 & "  )\n        (Glue 10)\n     )\n      Fill\n   )\n  )\n";

   "(Filter %@filter $FilterState$\n \n  (Shape %@shape (Width $XSpan$ + In"
 & "f - Inf) (Height $YSpan$ + Inf - Inf)\n  \n    (BgColor \"$BgColor$\") "
 & "(Color \"$FgColor$\")\n     (Font \"$Font$\")  \n     \n     (Frame $Fr"
 & "ameStyle$  \n      (Rim %@rim (Pen $RimPen$) (ShadowSize 1.5)\n       ("
 & "Border %@border (Pen $BorderPen$)\n     (TSplit %@toggle   =$PlayVideo$"
 & "\n        (Audio %@audio =\"$AudioSource$\" (Volume $Volume$)\n\t\t$Mut"
 & "e$ $IgnoreMapping$\n            (Video %@ \n\t\t(Quality $Quality$)\n\t"
 & "\t(Width $Width$) (Height $Height$)\n\t\t(Colors $Colours$) (MSecs $MSe"
 & "cs$)\n\t\t$Synchronous$ $FixedSize$ $Paused$\n\t\t\"$VideoSource$\"\n\t"
 & "\t)\n         )\n\t(Text \"\")\n      )\n         \n        )\n        "
 & "   \n        )\n      )\n    )\n )\n  \n\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:47:21 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\nvar reinstall = true;\n\ntry \n  "
 & "net_import(\"vos\", \"\").ping();\n  reinstall := false;\nexcept else\n"
 & "end;\n\nif reinstall then\n  let fv = \n    \"(Shape (Width 600) (Heigh"
 & "t 300) (Font\" &\n    \"\\\"-\\*-helvetica-bold-\\*R-\\*240-\\*\\\") (L"
 & "abelFont\" &\n    \"\\\"-\\*-helvetica-bold-\\*R-\\*240-\\*\\\") (VBox "
 & "(Text (BgColor\" &\n    \"\\\"DarkBrown\\\") (Color \\\"White\\\") \\\""
 & "Session Request\\\") (Text (Color\" &\n    \"\\\"DarkBrown\\\") \\\"You"
 & " are invited to join a session of\\\") (Text (Color\" &\n    \"\\\"Red\\"
 & "\") (Name name) \\\"foo\\\") Fill (HBox Fill (Button (Name accept)\" &\n"
 & "    \"(BgColor \\\"PaleGreen\\\") (Rim (Pen 5) \\\"Accept\\\")) Fill (B"
 & "utton (Name \" &\n    \"reject) (BgColor \\\"LightRed\\\") (Rim (Pen 5)"
 & " \\\"Reject\\\")) Fill) Fill))\";\n\n  let vos = {\n    Install => meth"
 & "(s, constructor, name)\n      let noticeform = form_new(fv);\n      for"
 & "m_putText(noticeform, \"name\", \"\", name, false);\n      form_attach("
 & "noticeform, \"accept\", \n        proc(fv) \n          form_hide(fv);\n"
 & "          (constructor)(volibLocal);\n          end);\n      form_attac"
 & "h(noticeform, \"reject\", \n        proc(fv) \n          form_hide(fv);"
 & " \n          ok \n          end);\n      form_show(noticeform);\n      "
 & "ok\n      end,\n     ping => meth(s)\n        true\n     end\n    };\n "
 & " net_export(\"vos\", \"\", vos);\nend;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";

   " (Shape %browseratt (Height 200)\n   (VBox \n     (Glue 10)\n     (Titl"
 & "e \"Browser\")\n     (Glue 5)\n     (HBox (Boolean %brQuick \"Quick\") "
 & "Fill \n         (PageButton (For brNestedTS) (ShadowSize 0.01) \n      "
 & "                   (Boolean (ShadowSize 1) %brMultiplicity \"Allow Mult"
 & "iple Selection\")))\n     (Glue 5)\n     (HBox (Radio %brModes (Value b"
 & "rEditMode)\n              (Shape (Width  100)\n                 (VBox  "
 & " Fill\n                      (LinkButton (For brEdit)  (ShadowSize 0.01"
 & ")\n                       (LinkButton (For page1)  \n                  "
 & "           (Choice (ShadowSize 1) %brEditMode Inverting \"Edit Mode\"))"
 & ")\n                       (LinkButton (For brNestedTS) (ShadowSize 0.01"
 & ") \n                           (LinkButton (For page2) \n              "
 & "           (Choice (ShadowSize 1) %brSelectMode  Inverting \"Select Mod"
 & "e\")))\n                    Fill\n                  )\n                "
 & " )\n              )\n           (Glue 10) \n           (TSplit %brSelec"
 & "tionMode\n               (Border %page1 (Pen 1) (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\""
 & ")\n                 (VBox (Glue 5)\n                        (HBox  (Glu"
 & "e 5) \n                                (Button %brAddFirst \"Add First\""
 & ") Fill\n                                (Filter %brFilter Dormant\n    "
 & "                                (HBox\n                                "
 & "    (Button %brAddAfter \"Add After\") Fill\n                          "
 & "          (Button %brDelete \"Delete\")))\n                            "
 & "    Fill\n                          )\n                      (Glue 5)\n"
 & "                      (LField \"Item to Insert :\" 300 (TypeIn ExpandOn"
 & "Demand (BgColor \"White\") %brItem ))\n                 )\n            "
 & "    )\n            (Text %page2 \" \")\n            )\n      )\n     (G"
 & "lue 5)\n    (TSplit %brBrowsers\n        (VBox %brEdit\n          (Fram"
 & "e Lowered (Shape (BgColor \"VeryLightPink\") (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") ("
 & "Height 15)\n                    (Text \"Initial Contents\")))\n        "
 & "  (Border  (Pen 1)\n            (Rim (Pen 1) (Browser (BgColor \"VeryLi"
 & "ghtPink\") %brIniti";

CONST E45_0 =
   "al))\n          ) \n        )\n       (TSplit %brNestedTS Circular\n   "
 & "      (VBox %brUni\n          (Frame Lowered (Shape (BgColor \"VeryLigh"
 & "tPink\") (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") (Height 15)\n                    (Tex"
 & "t \"Initial Selection\")))\n          (Border  (Pen 1)\n            (Ri"
 & "m (Pen 1) (Browser (BgColor \"VeryLightPink\") %brSingle))\n          )"
 & " \n        )\n\n         (VBox %brMulti\n          (Frame Lowered (Shap"
 & "e (BgColor \"VeryLightPink\") (Color \"VeryDarkBlue\") (Height 15)\n   "
 & "                 (Text \"Initial Selections\")))\n          (Border  (P"
 & "en 1)\n            (Rim (Pen 1) (MultiBrowser (BgColor \"VeryLightPink\""
 & ") %brMultiple))\n          ) \n        )\n      )\n        \n    )\n   "
 & ")\n  )\n";

   "(* Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation.       *)\n(* All "
 & "rights reserved.                                     *)\n(* See the fil"
 & "e COPYRIGHT for a full description.           *)\n(*                   "
 & "                                       *)\n(* Last modified on Tue Jan "
 & "10 11:46:20 PST 1995 by mhb     *)\n\n$objname$Proc => proc(VOForm)\n$b"
 & "gHeader$\n$remoteHeader$\n(*-------------------------------------------"
 & "------------------*)\t\n$usercode$\n(*---------------------------------"
 & "----------------------------*)\nok\n$remoteFooter$\n$bgFooter$\nend,\n\n"

END DialogBundle.