
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 Distributed only by permission. 
 Last modified on Wed Jun 23 14:59:30 PDT 1993 by steveg 
      modified on Thu Sep 24 10:28:53 PDT 1992 by mhb 
 modified on Tue Aug 18 14:04:03 PDT 1992 by johnh 
 modified on Tue Jul 21 0:56:50 PDT 1992 by sclafani 

An Algorithm.T is a subclass of a ZeusClass.T with two additional methods and four additional fields:

The run method is invoked when the user clicks on GO in the control panel. It typically contains the algorithm as one would find in a text book. The default method raises a fatal error (i.e., there is no default).

If the user requests that the algorithm be aborted (via the Zeus control panel), a Thread.Alert exception is raised to abort the algorithm. Thus, if the algorithm spawns any threads, it should handle the Thread.Alerted exception by aborting its children threads and then exiting. Most single-threaded algorithms can just ignore the Thread.Alerted exception.

The init method should be called right after an Algorithm.T is created with NEW. The default method is a no-op (returns itself), but sub-classes may use it for necessary set-up. Therefore, any user-supplied override to the init method must invoke the init method of the supertype.

The data field is a VBT.T (usually a FormsVBT.T), which will be displayed to the user in the session control panel. The algorithm may use it to get input data from the user. (Don't forget to lock VBT.mu before calling FormsVBT procedures to return data from the form!) Subclasses of Algorithm.T should ensure that the data field is initialized, either in the init method or before. It's OK for this field to be NIL; in that case, Zeus will not call the display anything to the user.

The codeViews field is an association list (a list of two-element lists). In each tuple, the key is the public name of the view (a TEXT), and the second element is the name of a resource containing its source (also a TEXT). The codePath field specifies the path to use when looking for resources. If codePath is NIL, then ZeusPanel.GetPath() is used.

One way to construct this list is to load it from a file using Sx.Read. Here's what such a file specifying 3 elements would contain:

         (("Insertion.m3" "Ins.m3.txt")
          ("Insertion.c"  "Ins.c.txt")
          ("Insertion"    "Ins.pseudo.txt"))
Alternatively, it's easy to construct such a list on the fly:

             RefList.List2("Insertion.m3", "Ins.m3.txt"),
             RefList.List2("Insertion.c",  "Ins.c.txt"),
             RefList.List2("Insertion",    "Ins.pseudo.txt"))

The varView field contains the DataView.T to be used to the algorithm.

Typically, the variable view is generated by ZeusDataView. The procedure ZeusDataView.New should be passed when the view is registered. The Startrun method will fill in the varView field, based on the values in the varRsrc and varPath fields. If varPath is NIL, then ZeusPanel.GetPath() is used.

The default ZeusClass methods install, delete, config, and reactivity are all noops.

The default snapshot and restore methods test whether the data field is subclass of FormsVBT.T, and if so uses the FormsVBT snapshot and restore methods to save and restore the state of the data form. If an algorithm keeps its primary data in the data form, then it does not need to override the snapshot/restore methods. Otherwise, it needs to override the restore method with a procedure that invokes the supertype's restore method (restoring the FormsVBT.T), and then loads its variables from the data FormsVBT.T.

Subclasses of Algorithm.T that are created by zume will be extended with methods for each FEEDBACK event in the .evt file. The feedback methods must be invoked by a view while holding VBT.mu. User-supplied overrides for FEEDBACK methods MUST NOT invoke the corresponding supertype methods.

INTERFACE Algorithm;

IMPORT DataView, RefList, Rsrc, Thread, VBT, ZeusClass;

  T <: Public;
  Public = ZeusClass.T OBJECT
             data     : VBT.T      := NIL;
             codeViews: RefList.T  := NIL;
             codePath : Rsrc.Path  := NIL;
             varView  : DataView.T := NIL;
             varRsrc  : TEXT       := NIL;
             varPath  : Rsrc.Path  := NIL;
             (* LL = VBT.mu *)
             init (): T;
             (* LL < VBT.mu *)
             run () RAISES {Thread.Alerted};

END Algorithm.