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99Q1 Order Status

A spreadsheet order form and PDF version are now available.

Project   Contact   99Q1 Status
A.01 Elias Houstis
A.02 Hank Dietz Cluster configuration received
A.03 Jose Fortes No orders this quarter
B.01 Ed Delp Info received from Bailey
B.02 Dan Marinescu
H. J. Siegel
B.03 Phil Rawles No orders this quarter
B.04 Avi Kak Done
B.05 George Graber Done
B.06 Christoph Hoffmann Spreadsheet received from Turek; also, graphics boards
B.07 Rick Westerman
C.01 Alok Chaturvedi Spreadsheet received
C.02 Bernie Engel No orders this quarter
C.03 Tim Haley Done
C.04 Bernie Engel No orders this quarter
C.05 Dennis Lyn Spreadsheet received
C.06 Elisa Sotelino Done
C.07 John Abraham May not order this quarter
C.08 Pat Lawless Done
C.09 Tom Downar Done
C.10 Joe Pekny Info received from Venkat and Pekny
C.11 Matt Krane Done
C.12 John Sullivan Done
C.13 Robert Bernhard
D.01 Franz Frederick Done
D.02 Elias Houstis
D.03 Chris Niessen No orders this quarter
D.04 Bill Simmons


Last updated 01/31/99. Corrections and suggestions to Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu).