Sponsored by Intel Corporation
(with software support from Microsoft)

Contact Lab Name Posters
Abraham Laboratory for Cluster Computing in Combustion 3
Alok SEAS 1
Coyle Networking Research Laboratory 1
Downar Nuclear Engineering Computational Research Laboratory 1
Haley CIFMC: Food Process Modeling and Control Engineering Lab 3
Hoffmann Geometric Modeling and Scientific Visualization 0
Huggins PACE: Purdue Academic Computing Environment 0
Jamieson Spoken Language Research Lab 0
Kak Computer Integrated Process Operations Center 1
Kak Computer Integrated Process Operations Center 1
Korb Computer Graphics Instructional Laboratory 3
Lee Intelligent Robotics and Automation Lab (IRALAB) 1
Lyn* Computational Environmental Dynamics 1
Mathur Testing Distributed Systems 0
Meyer* Advanced Digital Systems Laboratory 1
Meyer* Microprocessor System Design Laboratory 1
Meyer* Multimedia Learning Research Laboratory 1
Rawles Intel Network Management and Simulation Laboratory 3
Sotelino* SECSDE Group 0

* Request submitted after the deadline.  Plaques and posters may not be available.


Last updated 01/14/98. Corrections and suggestions to Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu).