NT Developer Training

Duration: 3 Days

Tuition: US $1,275

Who Should Attend

This three-day course (with hands-on labs) was designed specifically for academics that wish to apply their UNIX knowledge when exploring Windows NT. The primary audience is faculty, researchers and graduate students with some development background on UNIX.

Course Overview

A number of Microsoft Official Courses are combined and condensed, and then tuned to take into account the UNIX experience that is common among Computer Science faculty at universities across the United States. The result is a course that will prepare the student to understand and oversee the work of staff and students that use Microsoft Windows NT.

At Course Completion

At the conclusion of this course, the student will have a sufficient understanding of the features and implementation of Windows NT’s operating system, services, and tools, to undertake more specialized studies in areas of interest and/or to direct the work of others that use Windows NT.


Course Features

Module 1: Platform Overview


Windows NT architecture vs Unix

Processes and threads

NT as a platform for Windows applications

Use of the Win32 API

Component Object Model (COM)

NT/UNIX interoperability

Sharing files and resources

Running distributed business applications

Networking issues

Application migration and integration

New features of Windows 2000 (NT 5.0)

Module 2: NT System Fundamentals


Configuration process of Windows NT

Registry and the Control Panel

Key administration tools

Module 3: Application Development


Creating applications on the Windows platform

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for Visual Basic

Visual C++

Visual J++

Visual InterDev

Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC

Win32 API

Module 4: High Volume/Scalable Application Development


Multiprocessor computers

Development of distributed and scalable applications

Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)

Distributed COM (DCOM)

Microsoft Message Queue

Microsoft Cluster Server.

Module 5: Networking and Web Application Development


Networking services and APIs in Windows NT

NT Network Architecture

Windows Sockets


Windows Terminal ServerI

Internet Information Server

Creating Web Applications using Visual InterDev