Subject: Schedule Request: Microsoft sponsored NT Developer Training - Stu dents will receive $3,500 worth of software at course completion Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:48:21 -0800 From: Mark Scott To: "''" CC: Dave Greeness Dear Tim, Mark Hayes, representing the Microsoft University Relations Program has contracted with ARIS Corporation to deliver to your university a three day class designed specifically for academics who wish to apply their UNIX knowledge when exploring Windows NT. This training is designed to utilize the computers provided to your university by Intel Corporation as part of their Technology for Education 2000 Grant Program. This course has already been delivered to a number of universities in both the US and Australia with excellent reviews. Students who attend the entire course will receive over $3,500 worth of Microsoft software at the completion of the course so that they may immediately apply what they've learned. Having several deliveries under our belt now, we have found that the following information should help you prepare for this training and ensure the appropriate people are attending this course. Attached to this eMail you will find the following documents in Microsoft Word 97 format: Course Invitation - A one page document with Overview, Who Should Attend, and Free Software details. Course Description - A one page document with an overview of each of the five modules of the course. Course Outline - A three page document detailing by module, the Main Topics, Prerequisite Knowledge, and Objectives. Table of Contents - An eight page detailed table of contents. Setup Guide - A four page document specifying hardware requirements and setup instructions. Dave Greeness will be following up with you to determine a delivery schedule. We have a number of universities to schedule and our instructors are generally scheduled 6-8 weeks out so please contact Dave as soon as possible with some dates in mind. Please let me know if there is someone else Dave should work coordinate with. Thanks for your time and we look forward to visiting your campus. Dave can be contacted at 425-990-4106 or MarkS Mark Scott ARIS Corporation Microsoft Program Manager (425) 372-2776 <> <> <> <> <> Name: Course Invitation (USA).doc Course Invitation (USA).doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: x-uuencode Name: Course Description.doc Course Description.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: x-uuencode Name: Course Outline.doc Course Outline.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: x-uuencode Name: Table of Contents 8-14-98.doc Table of Contents 8-14-98.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: x-uuencode Name: Course Setup Guide.doc Course Setup Guide.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: x-uuencode