Classroom Setup Guide for Course
A-111: NT Developer Training

Classroom Requirements

This course requires a classroom with a minimum of one computer for the instructor and each student. Before class begins, install and configure all computers using the information and instructions that follow.

In some cases, it may be possible to obtain an image of the software. This would greatly reduce the time required for installation. Please check with the instructor.


Instructor Computer

The instructor computer requires the following hardware and software configuration.



Student Computer

Each student computer requires the following hardware and software configuration.



Setup Instructions

Use the following procedures to prepare each computer for class.

Instructor Computer Setup

Use the following instructions to set up the instructor computer.

      1. Create a Primary partition of size 2GB. Format as C:
      2. Copy I386 directory on C: and install Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 as stand-alone server on C:\Winnt. Convert C: to NTFS partition. Do not install Internet Information Server at this time.
      3. Create a workgroup (=NTWRKGRP) for the computers in the class and name the machine INSTR. Be sure to install TCP/IP protocol. (Use DHCP, if available, else assign the appropriate IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and address of the DNS.) Administrator password = password.
      4. Install Network Monitor Tools and Agent from Control Panel/Network/Services. Install NT ServicePack 3 or higher.
      5. Install Office 97 – Typical with default options.
      6. Install NT Server Resource Kit. Typical install.
      7. Install Internet Explorer 4.01(which includes Service Pack1). Standard Installation, Yes to Windows Desktop Update, default options for the rest.
      8. Install SQL Server and apply SQL Server service pack 4 or higher. (All defaults; Executive account = Administrator, password = password.)
      9. Install NT 4.0 Option pack – Typical with default options.
      10. Install Visual Studio.6.0 Enterprise Edition – Workstation Tools and Components
      11. Select VB6.0, VC++6.0, FoxPro 6.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, Visual SourceSafe 6.0, ActiveX, Data Access, Enterprise Tools and Tools – all with Default options. Install VJ++6.0 – Default options.
      12. Test the installation by accessing IIS, VB6, VJ++, VintDev, VC++ and IE4.
      13. Additional Requirements: Instructor machine should be connected to LCD Projector (not LCD tablet). Sound drivers should be installed and speakers connected to the sound card. Whiteboard should be made available.

Student Computer Setup

Use the following instructions to set up each student’s computer.

      1. Create a Primary partition of size 2GB. Format as C:
      2. Copy I386 directory on C: and install Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 as stand-alone server on C:\Winnt. Convert C: to NTFS partition. Do not install Internet Information Server at this time.
      3. Create a workgroup (=NTWRKGRP) for the computers in the class and name the machines STD1, STD2 and so on. Be sure to install TCP/IP protocol. (Use DHCP, if available, else assign the appropriate IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and address of the DNS) Administrator password = password.
      4. Install Network Monitor Tools and Agent from Control Panel/Network/Services. Install NT ServicePack 3 or higher.
      5. Install Office 97 – Typical with default options.
      6. Install NT Server Resource Kit. Typical Install.
      7. Install Internet Explorer 4.01 (which includes Service Pack1). Standard Installation, Yes to Windows Desktop Update, default options for the rest..
      8. Install NT 4.0 Option pack – Typical with default options.
      9. Install Visual Studio.6.0 Enterprise Edition – Workstation Tools and Components
      10. Select VB6.0, VC++6.0, FoxPro 6.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, Visual SourceSafe 6.0, ActiveX, Data Access, Enterprise Tools and Tools – all with Default options. Install VJ++6.0 – Default options.
      11. Test the installation by accessing IIS, VB6, VJ++, VintDev, VC++ and IE4.