Lin Tan
Open Positions:

Postdoctoral Position
A postdoctoral position is available (start time negotiable). Strong applicants are solicited in the broad areas of software reliability, text analytics, bug prediction/detection/repair, program comprehension, program synthesis, mining software repositories, and empirical studies. The exact scope of the project(s) is flexible and will be determined at by mutual agreement between the postdoc and Dr. Lin Tan. The term of the position is one year with a possible extension.

Applications for this position should:
- have received (or soon expect) their PhD
- have a strong publication record in software engineering and/or related areas
- strong programming skills

If interested, please send a CV and a brief research statement to Lin Tan, and arrange to have 3 letters of recommendation sent to the same email address.

PhD and Master's Positions
We have funded positions available for highly-motivated PhD and Master's students. Be sure to attach your resume and transcripts in pdf or plain text format with your email.

Undergraduate Student Positions
Open positions (funded or unfunded) are available for students who are interested in conducting research with me. Please attach your resume and transcripts in pdf or plain text format with your email.

Here are some example projects (note that our exciting research moves fast and projects finishes and new exciting projects starts all the time).

PhD and Master's Students:

I am very lucky to work with outstanding people:

  1. Shangshu Qian (PhD in progress, co-advised by Yongle Zhang)
  2. Jonathan Rosenthal (PhD in progress)
  3. Jiannan Wang (PhD in progress)
  4. Danning Xie (PhD in progress, co-advised by Xiangyu Zhang)
  5. Nan Jiang (PhD in progress)
  6. Qi Li (PhD in progress)
  7. Yi Wu(PhD in progress)
  8. Shanchao Liang (PhD in progress)
  9. Yiran Hu (PhD in progress)

Alumni - PhD and Master's Students:
  1. Hung Pham (PhD, August 2022, Tenure-track Assistant Professor at York University, co-advised by Yaoliang Yu)
  2. Thibaud Lutellier (PhD, December 2020, Tenure-track Assistant Professor at University of Alberta, Augustana Campus)
  3. Song Wang (PhD, December 2018, tenured Associate Professor at York University)
  4. Edmund Wong (PhD, December 2018, Caffeine TV)
  5. Jinqiu Yang (PhD, April 2018, tenured Associate Professor at Concordia University)
  6. Shin Hwei Tan (MS at U. of Illinois, April 2012; co-advised by Darko Marinov; tenured Associate Professor at Concordia University) Won David J. Kuck Outstanding MS Thesis Award for 2013)
  7. Yitong Li (MMath Thesis@CS, December 2020; First Employment: Cisco, co-advised by Mike Godfrey)
  8. Yuan Xi (MMath Thesis@CS, January 2020; First Employment: Microsoft, co-advised by Mike Godfrey and Mei Nagappan)
  9. Moshi Wei (MASc, September 2019; First Employment: Achievers)
  10. Alexey Zhikhartsev (MMath Thesis@CS, December 2017; First Employment: Huawei)
  11. Yuefei Liu (MASc, December 2017; First Employment: Amazon)
  12. Michael Chong (MASc, August 2016; First Employment: Master of International Public Policy at Wilfrid Laurier University)
  13. Taiyue Liu (MASc, August 2016; First Employment: Amazon)
  14. Thibaud Lutellier (MASc, August 2015; enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Waterloo, under Dr. Tan's supervision)
  15. Ming Tan (MASc, August 2015; First Employment: Laserfiche)
  16. Devin Chollak (MMath Thesis@CS, April 2015; First Employment: Curve Dental)
  17. Sandeep Chaudhary (MMath Thesis@CS, December 2014; co-advised by Sebastian Fischmeister; First Employment: Amazon)
  18. Quinn Hanam (MASc, August 2014; co-advised by Reid Holmes; enrolled as a PhD student at the University of British Columbia)
  19. Lei Zhang (MASc, June 2014; First Employment: Google)
  20. Edmund Wong (MASc, April 2014; enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Waterloo, under Dr. Tan's supervision)
  21. Tian Jiang (MASc, August 2013; First Employment: Amazon)
  22. Pei Wang (MASc, August 2013; enrolled as a PhD student at Pennsylvania State University; Now at Google)
  23. Jinqiu Yang (MASc, April 2013; enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Waterloo, under Dr. Tan's supervision)
  24. Chen Liu (MASc, December 2012; First Employment: Microsoft)

Alumni - Postdoctoral Fellows:
  1. Dr. Yiling Lou (Pre-Tenure Associate Professor at Fudan University)
  2. Dr. Thibaud Lutellier (Tenure-track Assistant Professor at University of Alberta, Augustana Campus)
  3. Dr. Mijung Kim (Tenure-track Assistant Professor at UNIST, South Korea, co-advised by Xiangyu Zhang)
  4. Dr. Jaechang Nam (Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Handong Global University, South Korea)
  5. Dr. Nasir Ali (Now Research Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis, USA)