Jiayi Liu

Jiayi Liu

Ph.D. student of Computer Science
Purdue University



Department of Computer Science
Purdue University
305 N University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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I’m a fourth year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, supervised by Professor Jennifer Neville.

In general, my research interests lie in machine learning and recommendation system. Recently I am working on dialogue-level relationship prediction. I am also interested in GNN related topics.

Published & Forthcoming Papers

Stationary Algorithmic Balancing Over Dynamic Email Re-Ranking Problem
Jiayi Liu, Jennifer Neville
Under Rivew.

DAPred: Dynamic Attention Location Prediction with Long-Short Term Movement Regularity
Jiayi Liu, Quan Yuan, Carl Yang, He Huang, Chao Zhang, Philip Yu
Codes at github

ClaimVerif: a real-time claim verification system using the web and fact databases
Shi Zhi, Yicheng Sun, Jiayi Liu, Chao Zhang, Jiawei Han
Codes at github

Works in Progress

Dialogue-level Relationship Extraction
Jiayi Liu, Jennifer Neville

Coming soon.


Teaching Assistant
CS 37300: Data Mining & Machine Learning
CS 24200: Introduction to Data Science

Honors and Rewards

CIKM Travel Award
SIGIR Student Travel Grant
Graduate with Distinction
Rockwell Automation Scholarship
National First Prize in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling