Pedro Fonseca leads the Reliable and Secure Systems Lab.
He makes systems reliable and secure, and targets core software systems
– the building blocks in modern computing
that other software critically relies upon, such as operating systems,
hypervisors, and distributed systems.
He is the recipient of a NSF CAREER award, a Google Faculty Research award, and a Google Research Scholar award.
Before joining Purdue, he was a postdoc at the University of Washington, where he worked with
Arvind Krishnamurthy,
Hank Levy, and
Xi Wang.
He graduated from MPI-SWS and
the University of Saarland,
where he worked with Rodrigo Rodrigues.
I am looking for talented, highly motivated PhD students to join my lab!
Prospective students should email me and explain their research interests and how they relate to my work.
Snowplow: Effective Kernel Fuzzing with a Learned White-box Test Mutator
Sishuai Gong, Rui Wang, Deniz Altınbüken, Pedro Fonseca, and Petros Maniatis.
In the 30th Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'25). To appear.
Pegasus: Transparent and Unified Kernel-Bypass Networking for Fast Local and Remote Communication
Dinglan Peng, Congyu Liu, Tapti Palit, Anjo Vahldiek-Oberwagner, Mona Vij, and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 20th USENIX EuroSys Conference 2025 (EuroSys'25). To appear.
Kaleidoscope: Precise Invariant-Guided Pointer Analysis
Tapti Palit and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 29th Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'24).
Pronghorn: Effective Checkpoint Orchestration for Serverless Hot-Starts
Sumer Kohli, Shreyas Kharbanda, Rodrigo Bruno, Joao Carreira, and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 19th USENIX EuroSys Conference 2024 (EuroSys'24).
Veil: A Protected Services Framework for Confidential Virtual Machines
Adil Ahmad, Botong Ou, Congyu Liu, Xiaokuan Zhang, and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 28th Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'23). Presented in ASPLOS'24.
Snowcat: Efficient Kernel Concurrency Testing using a Learned Coverage Predictor
Sishuai Gong, Dinglan Peng, Deniz Altınbüken, Pedro Fonseca, and Petros Maniatis.
In the 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'23).
An Extensible Orchestration and Protection Framework for Confidential Cloud Computing
Adil Ahmad, Alex Schultz, Byoungyoung Lee, and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'23).
μSWITCH: Fast Kernel Context Isolation with Implicit Context Switches
Dinglan Peng, Congyu Liu, Tapti Palit, Pedro Fonseca, Anjo Vahldiek-Oberwagner, and Mona Vij.
In the 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P'23).
Always-On Recording Framework for Serverless Computations: Opportunities and Challenges
Shreyas Kharbanda and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 1st Workshop on SErverless Systems, Applications and MEthodologies (SESAME'23).
KIT: Testing OS-level Virtualization for Functional Interference Bugs
Congyu Liu, Sishuai Gong, and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 28th Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'23).
Snowboard: Finding Kernel Concurrency Bugs through Systematic Inter-thread Communication Analysis
Sishuai Gong, Deniz Altınbüken, Pedro Fonseca, and Petros Maniatis.
In the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'21).
From Warm to Hot Starts: Leveraging Runtimes for the Serverless Era
Joao Carreira, Sumer Kohli, Rodrigo Bruno, and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 18th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS'21).
Reproducing Production Failures with Execution Reconstruction
Gefei Zuo, Jiacheng Ma, Andrew Quinn, Pramod Bhatotia, Pedro Fonseca, and Baris Kasikci.
In the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation 2021 (PLDI'21).
On-Demand-Fork: A Microsecond Fork for Memory-Intensive and Latency-Sensitive Applications
Kaiyang Zhao, Sishuai Gong, and Pedro Fonseca.
In the 16th USENIX EuroSys Conference 2021 (EuroSys'21).
KARD: Lightweight Data Race Detection with Per-Thread Memory Protection
Adil Ahmad, Sangho Lee, Pedro Fonseca, and Byoungyoung Lee.
In the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'21).
SHARD: Fine-Grained Kernel Specialization with Context-Aware Hardening
Muhammad Abubakar, Adil Ahmad, Pedro Fonseca, and Dongyan Xu.
In the USENIX Security Symposium 2021 (Usenix Security'21).
CHANCEL: Efficient Multi-client Isolation Under Adversarial Programs
Adil Ahmad, Juhee Kim, Jaebaek Seo, Insik Shin, Pedro Fonseca, and Byoungyoung Lee.
In the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2021 (NDSS'21).
SoK: Understanding the Prevailing Security Vulnerabilities in TrustZone-assisted TEE Systems
David Cerdeira, Nuno Santos, Pedro Fonseca, and Sandro Pinto.
In the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2020 (S&P'20).
Cirrus: A Serverless Framework for End-to-End ML Workflows
Joao Carreira, Pedro Fonseca, Alexey Tumanov, Andrew Zhang, and Randy Katz.
In the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2019 (SoCC'19).
A Case for Serverless Machine Learning
Joao Carreira, Pedro Fonseca, Alexey Tumanov, Andrew Zhang, and Randy Katz.
In the Workshop on Systems for ML at NeurIPS 2018 (MLSYS'18).
MultiNyx: A Multi-level Abstraction Framework for Systematic Analysis of Hypervisors
Pedro Fonseca, Xi Wang, and Arvind Krishnamurthy.
In the 13th USENIX EuroSys Conference (EuroSys 2018).
Cntr: Lightweight OS Containers
Jörg Thalheim, Pramod Bhatotia, Pedro Fonseca, and Baris Kasikci.
In the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC 2018).
An Empirical Study on the Correctness of Formally Verified Distributed Systems
Pedro Fonseca, Kaiyuan Zhang, Xi Wang, and Arvind Krishnamurthy.
In the 12th USENIX EuroSys Conference (EuroSys 2017).
Diamond: Automating Data Management and Storage for Wide-area, Reactive Applications
Irene Zhang, Niel Lebeck, Pedro Fonseca, Brandon Holt, Raymond Cheng, Ariadna Norberg, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Henry M. Levy.
In the 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2016).
iThreads: A Threading Library for Parallel Incremental Computation
Pramod Bhatotia, Pedro Fonseca, Umut Acar, Björn Brandenburg, and Rodrigo Rodrigues.
In the 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2015).
SKI: Exposing Kernel Concurrency Bugs through Systematic Schedule Exploration
Pedro Fonseca, Rodrigo Rodrigues, and Björn Brandenburg.
In the 11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2014)
Composing OS Extensions Safely and Efficiently with Bascule
Andrew Baumann, Dongyoon Lee, Pedro Fonseca, Lisa Glendenning, Jacob R. Lorch, Barry Bond, Reuben Olinsky, and Galen C. Hunt.
In the 7th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2013).
Fighting Cybercrime with Packet Attestation
Andreas Haeberlen, Pedro Fonseca, Rodrigo Rodrigues, and Peter Druschel.
Technical Report MPI-SWS-2011-002, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, July 2011.
Finding Complex Concurrency Bugs in Large Multi-Threaded Applications
Pedro Fonseca, Cheng Li, and Rodrigo Rodrigues.
In the 5th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2011).
A Study of the Internal and External Effects of Concurrency Bugs
Pedro Fonseca, Cheng Li, Vishal Singhal, and Rodrigo Rodrigues.
In the 40th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2010).
Zeno: Eventually Consistent Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Atul Singh, Pedro Fonseca, Petr Kuznetsov, Rodrigo Rodrigues, and Petros Maniatis.
In the 6th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 09).
Full-Information Lookups for Peer-to-Peer Overlays
Pedro Fonseca, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Anjali Gupta, and Barbara Liskov.
In the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 20, no. 9, September 2009.
Defining Weakly Consistent Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Services
Atul Singh, Pedro Fonseca, Petr Kuznetsov, Rodrigo Rodrigues, and Petros Maniatis.
In the Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS 2008).
Selected Service
SESAME'25 (PC co-chair, co-organizer),
SOSP'25 (PC),
OSDI'25 (PC),
SySDW'24 (PC),
SOSP'24 (PC),
SESAME'24 (PC co-chair, co-organizer),
OSDI'24 (PC),
EuroSys'24 (PC),
SoCC'23 (PC),
SESAME'23 (PC co-chair, co-organizer),
EuroSys'23 (PC),
EuroSys'22 (PC),
SoCC'22 (PC),
ATC'22 (PC),
SP'22 (PC),
SoCC'21 (PC),
SOSP'21 (publicity chair),
EuroSys'21 (mentorship co-chair),
ATC'21 (PC),
EuroDW'21 (co-chair),
EuroSys'21 (PC),
ATC'20 (PC),
HotCloud'20 (PC),
SoCC'20 (PC),
HotCloud'19 (PC),
ICDCS'19 (PC),