Pedro Fonseca
Assistant Professor
Reliable and Secure Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University


Pedro Fonseca leads the Reliable and Secure Systems Lab. His research focuses on building systems that are both reliable and secure. In particular, he develops techniques and methodologies that target core software systems – the building blocks in modern computing that other software layers critically rely upon, such as operating systems, hypervisors, and distributed systems. He is the recipient of a NSF CAREER award and a Google Faculty Research award.

Before joining Purdue, he was a postdoc at the University of Washington, where he worked with Arvind Krishnamurthy, Hank Levy, and Xi Wang. He graduated from MPI-SWS and the University of Saarland, where he worked with Rodrigo Rodrigues.

Fall 2024 I am looking for talented, highly motivated PhD students to join my lab next Fall! Prospective students should email me and explain their research interests and how they relate to my work.


Selected Service

SOSP'24 (PC), SESAME'24 (PC co-chair, co-organizer), OSDI'24 (PC), EuroSys'24 (PC), ASPLOS'24 (PC), SoCC'23 (PC), SESAME'23 (PC co-chair, co-organizer), EuroSys'23 (PC), ASPLOS'23 (PC), EuroSys'22 (PC), SoCC'22 (PC), ATC'22 (PC), SP'22 (PC), SoCC'21 (PC), SOSP'21 (publicity chair), EuroSys'21 (mentorship co-chair), ATC'21 (PC), EuroDW'21 (co-chair), EuroSys'21 (PC), ATC'20 (PC), HotCloud'20 (PC), SoCC'20 (PC), HotCloud'19 (PC), ICDCS'19 (PC), OPODIS'18 (PC), ICDCS'18 (PC)



Purdue University
Department of Computer Science
305 N. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
E: pfonseca AT THIS DOMAIN
O: LWSN 3154N