CS59300CVD: Comp. Vision With Deep Learning (Fall 2024)

Images generated from ImageGen 2 with the text prompt Computer Vision

Course Information

Computer vision is a field that focuses on building machines that can see. In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of major tasks in computer vision, starting from the basics of image formation to modern computer vision methods based on deep learning. By the end of this course, students will have a solid foundation for conducting research in computer vision and the necessary technical background to understand and implement state-of-the-art vision papers.




The final grade will be curved and no stricter than the cutoff: A+: 97-100, A: 93-96, A-: 90-92, B+: 87-89, ..., etc.
The percentage is computed following (without any rounding):


Instructor & TAs

Raymond A. Yeh


Email: rayyeh [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Monday 9AM
Location: Zoom

Chiao-An Yang

Teaching Assistant

Email: yang2300 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Tuesday 9:30-10:30
Location: HAAS072

Time & Location

  • Time: MWF (12:30PM - 01:20PM)
  • Location: Max W & Maileen Brown Hall (BHEE 236)

Course Schedule

The following schedule is tentative and subject to change.

Aug 19 Lecture 1 Introduction & Overview

Aug 21 Lecture 2 Applied Deep Learning - I

Aug 23 Lecture 3 Applied Deep Learning - II

Aug 26 Info. Assignment 1 Released

Select from the following:
Aug 26 Lecture 4 Image Processing - I

RS 2
Aug 28 Lecture 5 Image Processing - II

Aug 30 Lecture 6 Image Processing - III

Sept 2 Info. Labor Day

Select from the following:
Sept 4 Lecture 7 Image filtering - I

FP 4
Sept 6 Lecture 8 Image filtering - II (Cancelled, see recording on BrightSpace)

RS 3.4
Sept 9 Lecture 9 Image filtering - III

Sept 11 Lecture 10 Edge / Corner Detection - I

FP 5.1-5.2
Sept 13 Lecture 11 Edge / Corner Detection - II

FP 5.3
Sept 15 Deadline Assignment 1 Due at 11:59PM

Select from the following:
Sept 16 Info. Assignment 2 Released

Select from the following:
Sept 16 Lecture 12 Edge / Corner Detection - III

Sept 18 Lecture 13 SIFT / Optical Flow- I

Sept 20 Lecture 14 SIFT / Optical Flow- II

Sept 23 Lecture 15 SIFT / Optical Flow- III

Sept 25 Lecture 16 Fitting & Alignment - I

FP 10.2-10.4, 22.1
Sept 27 Lecture 17 Fitting & Alignment - II

FP 12.1
Sept 30 Lecture 18 Fitting & Alignment - III

Oct 2 Lecture 19 Fitting & Alignment - IV

Oct 4 Lecture 20 Cameras, Light, and Shading - I

FP 1
Oct 6 Deadline Assignment 2 Due at 11:59PM

Select from the following:
Oct 7 Info. Assignment 3 Released

Select from the following:
Oct 7 Info Fall Break

Select from the following:
Oct 9 Lecture 21 Cameras, Light, and Shading - II

FP 2
Oct 11 Lecture 22 Cameras, Light, and Shading - III

Oct 13 Deadline Project Proposal Due at 11:59PM

Select from the following:
Oct 14 Lecture 23 Midterm Review

Oct 16 Deadline Midterm

Select from the following:
Oct 18 Lecture 24 Color

Oct 21 Lecture 25 Perspective projection - I

FP 1
Oct 23 Lecture 26 Perspective projection - II

Oct 25 Lecture 27 Camera calibration & Single-view modeling - I

FP 1
Oct 28 Lecture 28 Camera calibration & Single-view modeling - II

Oct 30 Lecture 29 Camera calibration & Single-view modeling - III

Nov 1 Lecture 30 Epipolar geometry & Structure from motion - I

FP 7.1
Nov 3 Deadline Assignment 3 Due at 11:59PM

Select from the following:
Nov 4 Info. Assignment 4 Released

Select from the following:
Nov 4 Lecture 31 Epipolar geometry & Structure from motion - II

FP 8
Nov 6 Lecture 32 Epipolar geometry & Structure from motion - III

Nov 8 Lecture 33 Two-view stereo - I

FP 7
Nov 11 Lecture 34 Two-view stereo - II

Nov 13 Info No Lecture due to CVPR

Select from the following:
Nov 15 Lecture 35 Multi-view stereo

Nov 18 Lecture 36 Light field modeling - I

Nov 20 Lecture 37 Light field modeling - II

Nov 22 Lecture 38 Image Classification, segmentation, detection

DDL 4, 14
Nov 24 Deadline Assignment 4 Due at 11:59PM

Select from the following:
Nov 25 Lecture 39 Language and Vision

Nov 27 Info Thanksgiving

Select from the following:
Nov 29 Info Thanksgiving

Select from the following:
Dec 2 Lecture 40 Project Presentations

Dec 4 Lecture 41 Project Presentations

Dec 6 Lecture 42 Project Presentations

Dec 6 Deadline Final Project Report Due at 11:59PM

Select from the following:


Late & Absence Policy

We do not accept late assignments, i.e., late assignment by a second will be counted as 0%. For the consistency and fairness to all students, we follow the policy and absence request through the Office of the Dean of Students.

Academic Honesty

Please refer to Purdue's Student Guide for Academic Integrity. Academic dishonesty will result in an automatic zero on an assignment (not droppable) and the course grade will be reduced by one full letter grade. A second attempt will result in a failing grade for the course. It is one's responsibility to prevent others from copying your work.


Purdue University strives to make learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center at: drc@purdue.edu or by phone at 765-494-1247 and the course instructor to arrange for accommodations.

Classroom Guidance Regarding Protect Purdue

Any student who has substantial reason to believe that another person is threatening the safety of others by not complying with Protect Purdue protocols is encouraged to report the behavior to and discuss the next steps with their instructor. Students also have the option of reporting the behavior to the Office of the Student Rights and Responsibilities. See also Purdue University Bill of Student Rights and the Violent Behavior Policy under University Resources in Brightspace.

University Policies

Please refer to additional university policies in BrightSpace.