simple program to convert temperature (Fahrenheit to Centigrade) variables, expressions, assignments (sequential/simultaneous) reading input Data comes in from keyboard (or file -- will see later) in "character" form Each character ("a", "b", "?", "8","3", "A", etc.) is stored in a byte in ASCII code In-built library function ord() tells you the code, and function chr() is the reverse. Function eval() evaluates string expressions, so it can be used to convert "8" to the number 8 .... Which you must do if you want to use the 8 (as a number) in arithmetic If you have small doubts, just use the Python shell to experiment and clear up your doubts. Experimentation is the best way to learn. for-loops, interest rate program Understand the structure of a for-loop (the index, the increment, the stopping condition) numeric data types, math library ("import math") using the same assignment repeatedly ("accumulation?") computer word sizes are finite, so computer arithmetic has limitations type conversion, rounding ** Please check Brightspace for the Wednesday video lectures ** (should be posted shortly). You can watch these at your own pace, but try to finish them by Friday evening. ** Please read the pdfs for Chapters 1 AND 2, and then read these two chapters from the textbook **.