Intrusion Detection and
Database Systems

A Normalized Approach


      In studying the event types we used for our test cases, a common basic token structure is being shared. Five tokens are always present in these event types: header, subject, attribute, path, return.

      This common structure allowed us to define a database that could easily store these event types. In case new events are to be detected using this model, it does not need to be modified at table structure level: it just has to be added the new token types involved in the event. For maintainability purposes this is a very useful approach.


      This method of representing our data is much cleaner that the Flat Schema approach. Most DBAs will feel more comfortable working with this sort of a structure.


      This approach will increase the number of joins needed to find an intrusion, which may become a serious deficiency as the size of the tables and complexity of the detection queries increases. It still does little to address the redundancy issues that we face.