Tamal Krishna Dey
(Curriculum  Vitae)

(Fellow ACM,  Fellow IEEE, Fellow SMA)

I am looking for motivated PhD students to work in Computational Topology, Topological Data Analysis
If you are interested, drop a note at my Purdue email

Department of Computer Science
Purdue University
e-mail: tamaldey at purdue.edu

Previous affiliation (1999-2020)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Ohio State University

1. A Book on
Curve and Surface Reconstruction : Algorithms with Mathematical Analysis
Tamal. K. Dey
Published by Cambridge University Press, October 2006
Preface and contents
Two chapters

2. A Book on
Delaunay Mesh Generation
Siu-Wing Cheng, Tamal K. Dey, Jonathan R. Shewchuk
Published by CRC Press, December 2012
See Details including sample chapters

3. A Book on
Computational Topology for Data Analysis
Tamal K. Dey, Yusu Wang
Published by Cambridge University Press, 2022
A free electronic copy available here


Post Doctorate U. of Illinois, U-C 1991-1992
PhD Purdue University 1988-1991
M.E. IISC, Bangalore 1985-1987
B.E. Jadavpur University, Calcutta 1981-1985

I lead the Computational Geometry and Topology for Data Analysis (CGTDA) research group at Purdue
I belong to Theory, Graphics, and ML groups at Purdue

I belonged to Theory, Graphics, and TGDA (topology, geometry, data analysis) groups at OSU

Personnel Projects Software

  • Current
  • Shreyas Samaga, PhD
    Gilberto Gonzalez, PhD
    Andrew Haas, PhD
    Shubhankar Varshney, PhD

  • Past
  • Simon Zhang, PhD
    Soham Mukherjee Candence
    Cheng Xin, Post-doc, CS, Rutgers U.
    Tao Hou, Asst. Prof. Depaul
    Ryan Slechta, U.Michigan.
    Tianqi Li, Linkedin
    Sayan Mandal
    Jiayuan Wang
    Alfred Rossi, post-doc
    Mickael Buchet, post-doc, currently at Tohoku Univ., Japan
    Abhishek Rathod, post-doc
    Ramsay Dyer, post-doc, currently at INRIA,France
    Hyuckje Woo, Post-doc, Prof. KINST, Korea
    Joachim Giesen, Post-doc, Prof. U. Jena, Germany
    Dayu Shi, Phd, Google
    Lei Wang, Phd, Google
    Andrew Slatton, Phd
    Fengtao Fan, Phd, Google
    Oleksiy Busaryev, PhD, Google
    Kuiyu Li, PhD, post-doc at Texas A&M
    Pawas Ranjan, PhD
    Joshua Levine, PhD, post-doc at U. Utah, Prof. U. of Arizona
    Jian Sun, PhD, post-doc at Stanford and Princeton, Prof. Tsinghua U., China
    Tathagata Ray, PhD, Prof. BITS, Pilani,India
    Samrat Goswami, PhD, post-doc at UT-Austin
    Wulue Zhao, PhD
    James Hudson, PhD, Prof. at Swansee U.
    Naveen Leekha, Masters, NVIDA
    Luke Molnar, Masters

    • TDA software
      • TDA-Jyamiti Github contains recent TDA software
      • FastZigzag : Software for computing zigzag persistence based on paper
      • GRIL : Software for computing vectorization for 2-parameter persistence modules for ML applications based on paper
      • SimBa software (computes persistence of Rips filtration efficiently)
    • Reconstruction
      • Cocone: Software for surface reconstruction based on paper.
      • AMLS software for noisy point cloud smoothing based on paper.
      • SingularCocone software for reconstructing surfaces with singular features
      • Peel software for reconstructing surfaces with boundaries based on paper
    • Meshing
      • DelPSC: software for Delaunay meshing of surfaces, volumes, complexes based on paper, talk slides, [video]
      • LocPSC: Localized version of DelPSC, runs faster. based on paper.
      • Qualmesh: Software for quality Delaunay meshing of polyhedra based on paper.
      • SurfRemesh: software for Delaunay meshing of polygonal surfaces based on paper.
      • DelIso: software for Delaunay meshing of isosurfaces
      • LocDel software for generating large Delaunay meshes
    • Homology Features
      • HanTun software for computing handle and tunnel loops on surfaces based on paper [video]
      • ReebHanTun software for handle and tunnel loops that does not require 3D tessellation, paper, web-page
      • ShortLoop software for computing loops in a shortest homology basis based on paper.
      • PersLoop software for persistent  1-cycles

    For book chapters and papers visit  Publications 

    Purdue courses:

    OSU courses:
  • Geometric Modeling (5543) (Sp18)
  • Shape Modeling in graphics and visualization (Sp00)
  • Subdivision surfaces (888) (Wi00)
  • Formal Languages and Automata Theory (Wi '09)
  • Sample Based Modeling for Graphics and Visualization (Au05)

  • Professional Activities
    Program Committee Member Invited Talks Other Activities

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