SimPers:  Software for Topological Persistence under Simplicial Maps

Tamal K DeyFengtao FanDayu ShiYusu Wang


SimPers software can be used in the following case: Given a sequence of simplicial maps f1, f2,...fn between an initial simplicial complex K and a resulting simplicial complex L, the Simpers uses the annotation-based method developed in the paper below to compute the persistence of the sequence of simplicial maps, that is the ranks of image H(K)--f1--f2--...--fn--> H(L) in all dimensions. For more details,  see the paper:

T. K. Dey, F. Fan and Y. Wang. Computing Topological Persistence for Simplicial Maps 30th Annu. Sympos. Comput. Geom. SoCG 2014.

There are two modes for the software, elementary mode: input simplicial maps are given by elementary operations (insertion or collapse), and general mode: input simplicial maps are given by vertex maps. It is suggested to use the elementary mode in most cases since usually users build the sequence of simplicial maps incrementally, namely, compute the elementary insertions and collapses that constitute each simplicial map. Also Simpers runs faster in elementary mode because of the incremental processing. However, there are situations where users can only compute the vertex maps which induce the simplicial maps rather than the elementary operations. For these applications, we offer the general mode. This mode is not incremental and involves recomputation for each simplicial map, thus it is usually slower than elementary mode.

For detailed usage of the software, see the README files included in the package.

Codes  (developed by Fengtao Fan and Dayu Shi) are available for  Linux,  and Windows. Please send an email to to get the password to access the download area.

   Download area for SimPers.


We have also developed a software for approximating the persistence of Rips-filtrations built from point cloud data. This uses SimPers quite heavily. It is based on the following paper:
   Download SimBa

 Other papers

Other Software : Shortloop, DelPsc, Qualmesh, SurfRemesh, Cocone, AMLS, NormFet, Segmatch

Disclaimer: We do not intend to be responsible for the maintenance of the software.

Copyright: Jyamiti group at the Ohio State University. No commercial use of the software is permitted without proper license.