Topics |
Notes/chapters posted on this web-page may be useful |
1. Basic geometric algorithms |
a. Predicates/Dualities [Note from Mount's lecture][Slides from Sacks] |
b. Segment trees
[E-note] c. Point location [E-note] |
d. Planar graphs [E-note] |
e. Polygon triangulation [E-note], also see Chapter 3 in book |
2. Convex Hull |
a. Algorithms (2D) [E-note] b. More on convex hull [Note from Mount's lecture] |
3. Simplicial complexes |
a. Definitions, properties [E-note] b. More [D-note] |
4. Voronoi/Delaunay |
a. Voronoi diagram [E-note] [D-note from CDS book] b. Delaunay triangulation [E-note] [D-note on 3D Delaunay from CDS book] c. Edge flipping [E-note] d. Alpha shapes [E-note] e. Lifting [E-note] |
5. Arrangements |
a. Line/plane arrangements [E-note] b. Many faces, k-levels [Link] c. Topological sweep [E-note] d. Euler/Gauss-Bonnet for polyhedra [E-note][D-note] |
6. Curve/surface reconstruction |
a. Basics of curves and surfaces [D-note] b. Medial axis, sampling [D-note] c. Curve recosntruction [D-note] d. Surface recosntruction [D-note] |
7. Mesh generation |
a. Delaunay meshing (2D) [D-note from CDS Meshbook(CDS)] b. Delaunay meshing of surfaces/volumes I [D-note from CDS Meshbook] |
8. Mesh simplification |
a. Collapsings[E-note] b. Link condition and topology simplification [E-note] |
9. Clustering |
a. K-means clustering [D-note] b. Other clustering [D-note] c. More clustering [D-note] |
10. Topological data analysis |
a. Simplicial homology [D-note] b. Persistent homology [D-note] c. Persistence algorithm [D-note] |
Homework |
20% |
Class participation |
5% |
3 Exams |
75% |