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this reserach we design algorithms to compute cycles that represent homology
classes. The challenge is to incorporate geometry in this computation.
The cycles/loops not only should be topologically correct but also should
be `short' or optimal. There are three main results: 1. Computing Handle and Tunnel loops on a surface: Here input is a triangulated surface or a volume in 3d. Output is a set of loops called handle and tunnel loops. Go here to know the details. HanTun software is based on this result 2. Computing loops in a shortest homology basis: Here we consider computing a set of loops that represent a shortest basis of the first homology group. The input could be a simplicial complex (more general than a surface) or a point cloud data of a manifold. See below for details. ShortLoop software is based on this result.
3. Computing optimal homologous cycle: Here input is a cycle (any dimensional, not necessarily one dimensional) in a simplicial complex. The output is a shortest (optimal) cycle in the same homology class under integer coefficient. See below for details.
(This research is supported by NSF grants CCF-0830467 and CCF-0915996)
Paper: T. K. Dey, J. Sun, and Y. Wang. Approximating loops in a shortest homology basis from point data. Proc. 26th Annu. Sympos. Comput. Geom. (SOCG 2010), 166--175. arXiv:0909.5654v1[cs.CG], 30th September 2009. We present an algorithm that, given a smooth manifold without boundary M, computes a set of homology loops G = {g1, ... , gk} from an ε-sample P of M and a parameter α > 0 whose total length is within a factor (dependent on ε and α ) of the total length of a shortest set of generators in M. In fact, our proof implies a stronger result, where the length of each gi approximates the length of a generator in an optimal set. The results are illustrated in the following image.
Rips Complex We compute a Rips complex R2α(P) out of the given point cloud P. We observe that the rank of the persistence homology group H1α,2α(R(P)) coincides with that of H1(M) for appropriate α. We show that a shortest basis of H1α,2α(R(P)) approximates a shortest basis for H1(M). This shortest basis can be computed from the Rips complex. For this we devise an algorithm to compute the loops in a shortest basis for any finite simplicial complex K. Candidate Loops We collect all tight loops (loops that contain a shortest path between every pair of points in the loop) by considering all canonical loops defined as follows. Given a shortest path tree in 1-skeleton of the simplicial complex K rooted at p, let spT(q1,q2) denote the unique path from q1 to q2 going through p in T. For a non-tree edge e, we define the canonical loop of e with respect to T as the concatenation spT(p,q1) ο e ο spT(p,q2). Denote the set of all canonical loops with respect to p as Cp. Assuming Gp is the greedy set chosen from ∪pCp, we show that the greedy set chosen from ∪pGp is a shortest basis of H1(K). Algorithm Description The algorithm proceeds as follows.
Paper: T. K. Dey, A. Hirani, and B. Krishnamoorthy. Optimal homologous cycles, total unimodularity, and linear programming. 42nd ACM Sympos. Comput. Theory (STOC 2010), 221--230. arXiv:1001.0338v1[math.AT], 2nd January, 2010. Under Z2 coefficients, computing an optimal p-cycle c* is NP-hard for p ≥ 1. Moreover, various relaxations may still be NP-hard. For example, constant factor approximation of c* is NP-hard. Even if the rank of the p-dimensional homology group is constant, computing c* remains NP-hard for p ≥ 2. Fortunately, our result shows that if we switch to the coefficient group Z instead of Z2, the problem becomes polynomial time solvable for a fairly large class of spaces when casted as a linear optimization problem. Total unimodularity A matrix is totally unimodular if the determinant of each square submatrix is 0, 1, or -1. The significance of total unimodularity in our setting is due to the following result. Consider an integral vector b ∈ Zm and a real vector of cost coefficients f ∈ Rn. Consider the integer linear program Let A be a totally unimodular matrix. Then the integer linear program above can be solved in time polynomial in the dimensions of A. Optimal homologous chains and linear programming Assume that the number of p- and (p + 1)-simplices in K is m and n respectively and let W be a diagonal m x m matrix. Given an integer valued p-chain c the optimal homologous chain problem is to solve: If the boundary matrix [∂p+1] of a finite simplicial complex of dimension greater than p is totally unimodular, the optimal homologous chain problem above for p-chains can be solved in polynomial time. Some examples of computing optimal homology cycles are shown in the image below.