Site Visit Agenda and Presentations

PowerPoint Presentation Template for Site Visit

Links below point to the slides for the corresponding presentation.  These are the versions that will be used for the printed materials and on the laptop at the site visit.   Please make sure your version is current.

The Owner column indicates who is currently responsible for editing the given talk.  Please do not make changes to a talk unless you are listed as the owner.

Time Event/Slides Presenter Owner
8:00 Breakfast at the Directors Room, Purdue Memorial Union    
8:50 Welcome A. Sameh,
Head of CS (Fu Room/Potter)
9:00 MSI Overview A. Elmagarmid jtk
9:30 Infrastructure Organization T. Korb jtk
9:45 Networking K. Park jtk
10:15 End System Scheduling D. Yau jtk
10:30 Break    
10:45 Multimedia Databases A. Ghafoor jtk
11:15 Multimedia Storage Management S. Prabhakar jtk
11:30 Image and Video Compression E. Delp jtk
11:45 Information Assurance and Security E. Spafford jtk
12:15 Lunch    
12:45 Minority Programs D. Lewis jtk
1:00 Overview of Fisk University H. Mann jtk
1:15 Recruitment, Retention, and Outreach Efforts J. Jackson and P. Addison jtk
1:30 Certificate in Internet Computing A. Mathur jtk

MSI Applications: POL and PUMA

E. Houstis and L. Tsoukalas jtk
2:00 Multi-Service Networks
Scalable Multimedia Servers
S. Fahmy
W. Aref
2:15 Break    
2:30 Meeting with Administration H. Morrison,
Dean of the School of Science
3:00 Tour and Demonstrations    
4:00 Briefing of PIs and/or
meeting of site visitors

Labs and Contacts

Contact Room Lab Name
Spafford CS G50/CS G18 CERIAS Lab
Park CS G16 Network Systems Lab
Elmagarmid MA 431 Multimedia Database Lab
Ghafoor MSEE 206 Distributed Multimedia Systems Lab
Delp MSEE 298 Video and Image Processing Lab
Nour LYNN Basic Medical Science Lab
Ishii ASL 24 Thermalhydralics and Reactor Safety Lab

Tour and Demonstrations

  • Tour of MA 431: Multimedia Database Lab, Elmagarmid
  • Tour of CS: 277, 257, G50, G40
  • Demo in CS G16: Network Systems Lab, Park
  • Demo in MSEE 298: Video and Image Processing Lab, Delp

Things to Do

  • Verify Fu Room has DHCP-enabled network connection.
  • Verify Fu Room has VCR and TV.
  • Prepare packets for site visitors.
  • Check refreshments with Paula (note change in break time).
  • Allocate computer projector (and backup?) for the day.
  • Finalize schedule for the day.
  • Verify titles of talks in agendas and slides.
  • Check and set all slide transitions in PowerPoint files.

Refreshment Schedule

8:30 Coffee, danish, water
11:00 Lunch boxes arrive (early)
2:00 Soda, juice

Site Visit Booklet 1 (Agenda and Presentation Slides)

  • Title Page ("Agenda and Presentation Slides")
  • Agenda (one page document)
  • Talks (two-up powerpoint handouts from talks above, black and white?)

Site Visit Booklet 2 (Supporting Materials)

  • Title Page ("Supporting Material")
  • Executive Summary ("B. Executive Summary")
  • Proposed Research ("1. Research Description")
  • Proposed Budget (official university budget sheets)
  • Sample Publications in Databases
  • Sample Publications in Security
  • Sample Publications in Networking
  • Sample Publications in Compression
  • Proposals in Databases
  • Proposals in Networking
  • Fisk University Participants (resumes)