Project Reporting ANNUAL REPORT FOR AWARD # 9972883

Ahmed K Elmagarmid ; Purdue Research Foundation
CISE Research Infrastructure: MSI: A Research Infrastructure for Integrated Quality of Service Management in Multimedia Computing Environments

Participant Individuals:
CoPrincipal Investigator(s) : John T Korb; Arif Ghafoor; Eugene H Spafford; Kihong Park
Senior personnel(s) : Walid Aref; Sonia Fahmy; Sunil Prabhakar; David Yau
Post-doc(s) : Jianping Fan; M. Hacid; Heejo Lee
Graduate student(s) : Mustafa Hammad; Ihab Ilyas; Abdulmounaam Rezgui; Evimaria Terzi; Husni Fahmi; Wasfi Al-Khatib; Muddasar Latif; Basit Shafiq; James Joshi; Rahul Chari; Y. Xia; Jiangtao Li; Shaogang Chen; John Cruz; Huan Ren; Tsunyi Tuan
Undergraduate student(s) : Spencer Stanton
Technician, programmer(s) : Mirette Marzouk; Nicholas Hirschberg; X. Zhang
Senior personnel(s) : Shane Blair
Technician, programmer(s) : David Whittinghill
Post-doc(s) : Athena Vakali

Partner Organizations:
Cisco Systems Inc: In-kind Support; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges

Clarian Health: Collaborative Research

Indiana University Medical School: Collaborative Research

Florida A&M University: Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges

Indiana Health Industry Forum: Collaborative Research

Med Institute: Collaborative Research

Methodist Hospital of Indiana Inc: Facilities; Collaborative Research

Micro Data Base Systems Inc: In-kind Support; Collaborative Research

Ohio State University: Collaborative Research

Siemens Corporate Research: Collaborative Research

Spelman College: Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges

University of Delaware: Collaborative Research

University of Notre Dame: Collaborative Research

Internet2: Collaborative Research

Santa Fe Institute: Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges

Tuskegee University: Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges
We have purchased and delivered to Tuskegee University a
videoconferencing system to help them participate in our research

Other collaborators:

Fred Baker (Cisco)

E. Bertino (University of Milan)

Jennifer Hou (Ohio State University)

Andrea Lawrence (Spelman College)

Peiya Liu (Siemens Corporation)

Jon Reid (MDBS)	

V. Verykios (Drexel University)

Deidre Williams (Florida A&M University)

Ashfaq Khokhar (University of Delaware)

Ben Teitelbaum (Internet2)

Suzanne Dulle (Santa Fe Institute)

Hira Narang (Tuskegee University)

Activities and findings:

Research and Education Activities: 

We are pleased to report great strides in several areas. We have
ordered most of the equipment on schedule for the first year and a
half, we have been successful in getting the proper staffing, and we
continue to involve faculty and students from historically black
colleges and universities in our research activities.  We continue to
be successful in leveraging the NSF CISE RI funds in several
significant and noticeable ways.

Equipment purchases to date, summarized by project area, include:	



    Cisco routers (4) for QoS experiments                $100,520 

    Intel workstations (12)                               $26,935 

    Sun workstations (2)                                   $6,990 

Databases and Storage						

    Sun E450/A1000 database server                        $53,197 

    Intel-based storage server engine                      $4,905 

    Dell-based multimedia proxy servers (3)               $20,858 

Image Compression						

    SGI high resolution display                            $2,335 


    Futuretel MPEG-2 encoder                               $5,520 

    Sony camcorder                                         $3,429 

    Laptop computers (3) for distance learning            $10,146 

    Workstation/printer accessories                        $1,062 

    Videoconferencing stations (3) and streamer           $14,338 

Total                                                    $250,235 


***** SUNIL: I've changed nothing below here. *****

We have been extremely successful in obtaining research funds and
grants from numerous sources. Noted among them is our recently awarded
grant from the State of Indiana for supporting faculty and graduate
students to conduct research and experimental development of a
multimedia system for the telemedicine application.  These funds are
in direct support of this effort.  The total funding from the State is
over $1.7 million for two years, starting February 1, 2000. 

In addition, we have received the first year of cost sharing promised
by Telcordia and we are in the process of obtaining the second year of
funding. We have also established research collaboration in the area
of multimedia document delivery with Siemens Corporation. 

We have also received internal funding from the Center for Education
and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) to support
one post doctoral fellow, a visiting scholar, and two graduate
research assistants.

We are also pleased to report that our group has recently received two
large grants, one from NCR/Wal-Mart and the other from Hewlett Packard
(HP).  The NCR grant is an unprecedented 1.6 terabyte parallel
database engine valued at approximately $7 million.  This system will
help augment the other storage and compute servers we are purchasing
through the NSF grant.  This state-of-the-art parallel server has 80
processors and 400 disk drives.  The grant from HP allows us to have
20 workstations and one server to use as desktops for the researchers
in this project.  The NCR machine arrived on campus in late April and
the HP machines are scheduled to arrive at the beginning of June.

The remainder of this section highlights specific activities in each
of the three major areas of the project: multimedia databases and
storage management systems, networking, and security.

Multimedia Databases and Storage Management Systems

·	We have designed an architecture for a real-time distributed
multimedia database system (RTDMDS) for managing multimedia documents
with Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. This system is one of the
key components of MSI. The system allows distributed users to author,
store, query, and retrieve multimedia documents over a broadband
network.  We have developed several modules of RTDMDS and continue the
development of the whole system using the equipment acquired through
the NSF grant. 

·	We are pursuing research issues related to the development of
individual media databases. In particular, we are pursuing activities
aimed at developing a video database to allow content-based retrieval
and indexing of large-scale video data as a critical component of
multimedia document management system.

·	For physical storage management of multimedia documents, we have
designed several novel data placement and scheduling schemes. These
schemes are currently being implemented on a Sun E450 server and a Sun
A1000 Raid array, acquired through the NSF grant. Also, for video
data, due to its unique temporal nature, we are analyzing several
techniques for real-time disk scheduling. 

·	Currently, we are exploring different approaches that will allow
mapping of the user-specified Quality of Presentation (QoP) parameters
to Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for different system
components of the overall MSI architecture, including storage,
servers, networking and security subsystems.  The implementation of
the translation mechanisms will be an integral part of the QoS-based
resource scheduling modules that will be implemented using several
dynamic and static approaches.


·	We have set forth a new unified theory of differentiated services
that is implementable on IP networks.  It improves on our earlier work
on QoS scheduling, facilitating a theory of aggregate-flow QoS

·	We have benchmarked the new architecture and theory using QSim, our
ns-based WAN QoS simulator, confirming the theoretical predictions. 
Our work shows that differentiated services, following our
architecture, can provide scalable and efficient user-specified

·	We have installed Purdue Infobahn comprised of, presently, four
Cisco 7206 VXR routers that form an IP-over-SONET QoS backbone.  We
have implemented initial signaling and end-to-end controls using both
RSVP (Int-Serv) and AS (Diff-Serv) to ascertain the routers' operating


·	We are focusing our efforts to build security-based access control
mechanisms for video and multimedia databases.  For video databases,
we are currently developing an access control system on top of a video
database system.  At the higher levels, we are developing an access
control model that specifies the users' credentials and qualifications
as well as the content description of the underlying video.  On the
other hand, at the lower levels, we are building a toolbox for
extracting desired features from the underlying video streams.  For
multimedia document system, we are developing a security framework to
allow integration of heterogeneous access control policies in a
distributed environment.

·	We have advanced and analyzed a denial-of-service (DoS) attack
prevention framework based on probabilistic packet marking (PPM), and
shown its effectiveness in the presence of single-source DoS attacks.
 We have used an adversarial framework to derive solutions to optimal
decision making in a 2-player environment comprised of the attacker
and victim/target.

·	We have investigated the distributed DoS attack problem under PPM
and general network topologies where the attacker can pick the
location and number of attack hosts.  We have shown that uncertainty
factor amplification --- a measure of the attacker's ability to hide
his true location(s) --- is achievable by reducing the attack volume
at each individual attack site.

·	We have investigated the network security architecture of Cisco's
router operating system IOS with the aim of incorporating the adaptive
security architecture AdSec into its structure.


The findings in this section are organized according to the three
major areas of the project: multimedia databases and storage
management systems, networking, and security.

Multimedia Databases and Storage Management Systems

·	We have expanded our earlier proposed Petri-net based model for
composing multimedia document to allow specification of user level QoP
parameters and content information of individual media in a document.
The enhanced model has several desired features that facilitate
content based-based retrieval of documents, determination of
system-wide resource requirements to guarantee QoS, and implementation
of stream scheduling mechanisms for storage and server subsystems. 

·	For content-based retrieval and indexing of large-scale video
databases, we have proposed an approach for automatically extracting
video contents from the underlying video directly without relying on
any annotations to be provided by the viewers of the video.  We have
also proposed and implemented several novel algorithms for low-level
processing of video frames for  their spatial segmentation. We have
developed new indexing techniques beyond B-trees and R-trees that are
more suitable for spatio-temporal and high-dimensional object

·	For the storage management of multimedia documents, we have
developed several novel data placement and scheduling schemes that
exploit the timing relationship between the multimedia components that
make up the documents, as well as the patterns of access. We are
currently analyzing schemes to determine the appropriate configuration
for the storage hierarchy and data migration policies. For video
storage management, we have developed techniques for progressively
changing the spatial and temporal resolution of video to make best use
of the available bandwidth and to get the best possible presentation



·	Advance foundations of effective differentiated services
architecture.  We have developed a framework for reasoning about the
'goodness' of various differentiated services architectures, which
considers both the per-hop behavior (PHB) and edge control parts when
provisioning user-specified QoS-sensitive network services.  In the
PHB part, we have formulated the problem of optimal aggregate-flow
per-hop behavior and solved it by showing the optimal aggregate-flow
classifier that dominates all other per-hop behaviors with respect to
both efficiency and fairness.  We have shown that the optimal
aggregate-flow classifier--implementable over IPv4 and IPv6 in modern
routers and performing stateless per-hop control scheduling in linear
time--satisfies certain properties (called (A1), (A2), and (B)) which
allows desired end-to-end QoS to be achieved using edge control, both
open-loop and closed-loop.  Our framework, analysis machinery, and
tools allows pressing questions such as 'what is the loss of power due
to flow aggregation?', 'what is the impact of a discrete, bounded
label set (DSCP in the DS field) on QoS?', 'what edge control can
achieve setting of end-to-end TOS label values to achieve system
optimal QoS?' to be answered both qualitatively and quantitatively. 
We have benchmarked the architecture over QSim, an ns-based WAN QoS
simulation environment, and shown that optimal aggregate-flow per-hop
behavior can export efficient differentiated services commensurate
with user requirements.

·	Configure Purdue Infobahn QoS Testbed and perform initial tests and
exploratory implementations.  As a starting point to implementing a
full-fledged version of our optimal aggregate-flow classifier inside
Cisco 7206 VXR routers with system support from Cisco, we have
implemented end-to-end signaling controls, both for current IETF
Diff-Serv specifications (i.e., Assured Service) and IETF integrated
services (Int-Serv) using RSVP.  Our end-to-end signaling platform can
be adapted, with modular changes, to the optimal aggregate-flow
per-hop control architecture advanced in our theoretical and
simulation work.  We have tested the real-time scheduling and
switching capabilities of a network of Cisco 7206 VXR routers
connected as an IP-over-SONET internetwork with 100 Mbps network
interfaces tapping end station PCs -- serving both as QoS end points
and traffic generators -- and ascertained their operating dimensions
and properties with respect to yielding predictable performance.  The
latter include saturation effects stemming from processor scheduling
and software switching overhead at the router.  We are in the process
of implementing the first version of optimal aggregate-flow PHB inside
Cisco 7206 VXR routers, which will then be tested with respect to its
QoS provisioning properties when incorporating all software and
processing overheads associated with routers and end stations.

·	Advance end-to-end traffic control for QoS shaping.  We have
developed and implemented end-to-end QoS amplification techniques
using adaptive packet-level forward error correction and multiple time
scale traffic control.  Adaptive FEC (AFEC) allows invariant
end-to-end QoS to be exported over variable network conditions
stemming from shared bottleneck routers and congestion effects.  Since
differentiated services-even in the presence of optimal aggregate-flow
PHB-is subject to occasional variability due to imperfect QoS
protection resulting from abstaining from per-flow reservation and
admission control, AFEC can provide QoS amplification over varying
degrees of imperfect QoS channels which can further improve the
operating range and usefulness of differentiated services on top of
scalability.  We have advanced the multiple time scale (MTS) traffic
control framework that exploits large time scale correlation structure
present in bursty-in particular, self-similar-network traffic for
traffic control purposes.  An important consequence of MTS traffic
control is the ability to mitigate the cost of feedback traffic
controls in high delay-bandwidth product networks that which is
especially pronounced in high-bandwidth wide area networks.  By
exploiting predictability structure resident at time scales exceeding
the round-trip time (RTT) or feedback loop by an order of magnitude or
more, timeliness of reactive can be achieved by bridging the
'uncertainty gap' inherent in reactive actions.  Thus, MTS traffic
control facilitates a much needed measure of proactivity, which, in
turn, facilitates scalable end-to-end traffic and QoS control.  MTS
traffic control has been implemented both for QoS (a multiple time
scale extension of AFEC called AFEC-MT), and throughput maximization
for TCP (MTS extension called TCP-MT over Reno, Tahoe, and Vegas) and
rate-based control for ATM.  Multiple time scale redundancy control
(i.e., AFEC-MT) has been benchmarked over UDP/IP internetworks that
transport real-time MPEG I & II video and audio.  The systems run both
for UNIX and Windows NT.  In the latter, the sender interfaces with a
real-time MPEG compression board (Optibase I for MPEG I video/audio
and Futuretel for MPEG II video/audio), which is fed by high-end
digital and analog video cameras.


·	For video databases, we have developed an access control mechanism
that can allow different users to view different contents based on
their qualifications and credentials.  The units of access control can
either be a sequence of one or more frames, or parts of a frame, e.g.,
objects in a frame. For multimedia document system, we have developed
a Petri-net based model for role-based access control mechanism that
allows selective viewing of different parts of document by authorized

·	We have advanced a framework for probabilistic packet marking for
distributed denial-of-service attack (DoS) prevention which puts forth
an effective technique for dealing with an important security and QoS
threat.  Instead of logging path information at routers which makes
traceback of DoS attack overhead-prone and ineffective in high-speed
networks where routers are expected to switch at Gbps or higher rates,
the complexity is pushed to the edge following the end-to-end
paradigm, and 'logging' is carried out by probabilistic sampling of
path information in an end-to-end manner.  This method can be easily
implemented in IP routers.  Our work provides a comprehensive analysis
of the power of probabilistic packet marking (PPM) with respect to
DoS, both single-source and distributed.  We use a 2-player
adversarial framework to analyze the minimax and maximin optimal
strategies of the attacker and victim, and show that PPM is effective
at preventing DoS attacks.  We show using numerical results the
outcome of optimal strategies when using typical Internet based
configurations including hop count, topology, spoofing, and marking

Training and Development:

The advanced multimedia course 'Multimedia Information Systems' taught
by Ghafoor (co-PI) in Fall 1999 used the multimedia database servers
(video data server) and exposed graduate students to state-of-the-art
multimedia database and document management techniques.

The exploratory advanced networking course 'Multimedia and High-Speed
Networks' taught by Park (co-PI) in Spring 2000 used the evolving
Purdue Infobahn QoS Testbed, and exposed graduate students to
state-of-the-art network QoS techniques and implementations.

Outreach Activities:

Our outreach efforts have been more successful than we anticipated in
the proposal.  We have been able to involve four HBCUs instead of only
one originally.  Our efforts have been in getting faculty and students
from Fisk, Florida A&M, Spelman, and Morehouse to get involved in this
research project.  To this end, we have organized a workshop for
department heads at these schools at Purdue on May 22, 2000.   We have
plans underway for a larger summer program to be held next May.  The
summer program has been finalized during our May 22nd meeting.  It
will be composed of four parts:

·	A two week workshop at Purdue to be held May 21 to June 1, 2001. 
This workshop will be attended by faculty representatives from each of
the participating schools and up to five students from each
institution.  The two week program will consist of five two-day short
courses:  intensive review of programming languages and systems,
database systems, computer networking, security, and multimedia
computing.  These courses will be taught by Professors Korb,
Elmagarmid, Park, Spafford, and Ghafoor, respectively.

·	Summer internships will be arranged for students from the workshop
with Telcordia Technologies for the entire summer.

·	Faculty from Purdue and faculty from the participating schools will
visit periodically with the students during their internship.

·	We will encourage students to apply to the masters and Ph.D.
programs at Purdue.

Three additional programs have also evolved out of our workshop on May
22, 2000:

·	Joint weekly seminar: Purdue will help the participating
institutions to develop capabilities to attend a weekly seminar using
video conferencing.   The goal is to allow students and faculty at the
participating institutions to attend the 'Advances in DBMS'weekly
seminar.  This will be first attempted in the fall semester to start
in August 2000.  Some institutions in close proximity will be
encouraged to share the site such as Spelman and Morehouse.

·	Joint colloquia program:  Purdue faculty will periodically visit
participating institutions and faculty from those institutions will be
encouraged to visit Purdue to give seminars on research topics related
to the subject of this project.

·	Invite participating institutions to participate in our Web portal
currently under development using state funding.

Kihong Park has interacted with members of the Santa Fe Institute in
the capacity of Fellow-at-Large.  Park is also organizing a workshop
at the Santa Fe Institute (for February 2001) called 'The Internet as
a Complex System', which looks at scaling, performance, and control
issues related to the Next Generation Internet.  It is a by-invitation
only meeting, and selected contributions will be published by Oxford
Press as part of the SFI book series.

Journal Publications:
J. Cruz and K. Park, "Towards performance-driven system support for distributed computing in clustered environments", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 59, (1999), p. 132. Published
K. Park, M. Sitharam, and S. Chen, "Quality of service provision in noncooperative networks with diverse user requirements", Decision Support Systems, Special Issue on Information and Computation Economies, vol. 28, (2000), p. 101. Published
T. Tuan and K. Park, "Multiple time scale congestion control for self-similar network traffic", Performance Evaluation, vol. 36, (1999), p. 359. Published
F. Kokkoras, H. Jiang, I. Vlahavas, A. K. Elmagarmid, E. N. Houstis, and W. Aref, "Smart Video Text: An Intelligent Video Database System", Journal of ACM Multimedia Systems, vol. , (), p. . Accepted
S. Dagtas, W. Al-Khatib, R. L. Kashyap, and A. Ghafoor, "Motion Modeling and Indexing of Video Data", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. , (2000), p. 1. Published
W. Aref, I. Kamel, and S. Ghandeharizadeh, "Disk Scheduling in Video Editing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. , (2000), p. . Accepted
Jianping Fan, Walid G. Aref, and A. Rezgui, "Adaptive Motion-Compensated Video Coding Scheme Towards Content-Based Bit Rate Allocation", Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. , (2000), p. . Accepted
David K. Y. Yau and Xiangjing Chen, "Resource Management on Software-Programmable Router Operating Systems", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 19, (2001), p. . Published
David K. Y. Yau, "Performance Evaluation of CPU Isolation Mechanisms in a Multimedia OS Kernel", Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking, vol. , (2001), p. . Published
David K. Y. Yau and Bharat Bhargava, "Heterogeneous CPU Services using Differentiated Admission Control", Kluwer Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal, vol. , (), p. . Submitted
Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Raj Jain, Sonia Fahmy, Rohit Goyal, and Bobby Vandalore, "The ERICA Switch Algorithm for ABR Traffic Management in ATM Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. , (2000), p. . Published
Bobby Vandalore, Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, and Mukul Goyal, "General Weighted Fairness and its Support in Explicit Rate Switch Algorithms", Computer Communications Journal, vol. 23, (2000), p. 149. Published
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Bobby Vandalore, and Rohit Goyal, "A Framework for Virtual Channel onto Virtual Path Multiplexing in ATM-ABR", Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, vol. , (2000), p. . Published
Bobby Vandalore, Wu-chi Feng, Raj Jain, and Sonia Fahmy, "A Survey of Application Layer Techniques for Adaptive Streaming of Multimedia", Journal of Real Time Systems, Special Issue on Adaptive Multimedia, vol. , (), p. .
M. Frantzen, F. Kerschbaum, E. Schultz, and S. Fahmy, "A Framework for Understanding Vulnerabilities in Firewalls Using a Dataflow Model of Firewall Internals", Computers and Security, vol. , (2000), p. . Submitted
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, and Bobby Vandalore, "Fairness Definition and Flow Control for ATM Multipoint Connections", Computer Communications, vol. , (2001), p. . Submitted
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal and Bobby Vandalore, "On Determining the Fair Bandwidth Share for ABR Connections in ATM Networks", Journal of High Speed Networks, vol. , (2001), p. . Submitted
A. Habib, S. Fahmy, and B. Bhargava, "Traffic Conditioner Design for Assured Forwarding in Differentiated Services Networks", IWQoS 2001, vol. , (2001), p. . Submitted
J. Joshi, A. Ghafoor, W.G. Aref, E. H. Spafford, "Digital Government Security Infrastructure Design Challenges", IEEE Computer, vol. 34, (2001), p. 66. Published
J. Joshi, W. G. Aref, A. Ghafoor and E. H. Spafford, "Security models for web-based applications", Communications of the ACM, vol. 44, (2001), p. 38. Published
J. Joshi, A. Ghafoor, "A Petri-Net Based Multilevel Security Specification Mechanism for Multimedia Documents in a Multidomain Environment", The Second Annual Systems Security Engineering Conference, vol. , (2001), p. . Published
J. Joshi, A. Ghafoor, "A Petri-Net Based Multilevel Security Specification Model for Multimedia Documents", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, vol. , (2000), p. . Published
Z. Ali, A. Ghafoor and C.S.G. Lee, "Media Synchronization in Multimedia Web Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Framework", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 18, (2000), p. 168. Published
Z. Ali and A. Ghafoor, "Synchronized Delivery of Multimedia Information over ATM Networks", Communications of the ACM, vol. 43, (2000), p. 239. Published
H. Fahmi, M. Latif, A. Ghafoor, P. Liu, and L. Hsu, "Performance Evaluation of an Interactive Web-Based Multimedia Document", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2000), vol. , (2000), p. . Published
H. Fahmi, W. G. Aref, M. Latif, B. Shafiq, A. Ghafoor, "Distributed Framework for Real-Time Multimedia Object Communication", Journal of Computer System Science and Engineering, vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
J. Joshi, Z. K. Li, H. Fahmi, B. Shafiq, and A. Ghafoor, "A Model for Secure Multimedia Document Database Systems", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. , (), p. . Submitted

Book(s) of other one-time publications(s):
P. Liu and A. Ghafoor, "Multimedia Document Systems: A Perspective" , bibl. Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1999). Book Published
of Collection: P. Liu and A. Ghafoor, ""
S. Chen, "Stratified Best-effort QoS Provisioning in Noncooperative Networks" , bibl. Purdue University, (2000). Thesis Published
S. Chen and K. Park, "An architecture for noncooperative QoS provision in many-switch systems" , bibl. IEEE, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "INFOCOM '99"
K. Park, "Future directions and open problems in performance evaluation and control of self-similar network traffic" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience, (2000). Book Chapter Published
of Collection: , "Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation"
K. Park and W. Wang, "QoS-sensitive transport of real-time MPEG video using adaptive forward error correction" , bibl. IEEE, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Multimedia Systems '99"
K. Park and W. Willinger, "Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience, (2000). Book Published
of Collection: K. Park and W. Willinger, ""
K. Park and W. Willinger, "Self-similar network traffic: An overview" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience,, (2000). Book Chapter Published
of Collection: Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation, ""
H. Ren and K. Park, "Toward a theory of differentiated services." , bibl. IEEE/IFIP, (2000). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "International Workshop on Quality of Service"
H. Ren and K. Park, "Efficient shaping of user-specified QoS using aggregate-flow control" , bibl. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2000). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services"
T. Tuan and K. Park, "Multiple time scale redundancy control for QoS-sensitive transport of real-time traffic" , bibl. IEEE, (2000). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "INFOCOM '00"
T. Tuan and K. Park, "Congestion Control for self-similar network traffic" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience, (2000). Book Chapter Published
of Collection: , "Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation"
Husni Fahmi, Walid G. Aref, Muddasar Latif, and Arif Ghafoor, "Distributed Framework for Real-Time Multimedia Object Communication" , bibl. IEEE, (2000). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Third International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing"
Jianping Fan, Walid G. Aref, and A. Rezgui, "Automatic Object-Oriented Segmentation and Conceptual Modeling Algorithm towards Content-Based Representation" , bibl. Unknown, (2000). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "International Conference on Visual Communication and Image Processing"
Elisa Bertino, Mostafa Hammad, Walid G. Aref, and Ahmed Elmagarmid, "Access Control in Video Database Systems" , bibl. Unknown, (2000). Proceedings Submitted
W. Aref and I. Ilyas, "The SP-Tree: A generalized space-partitioning Indexing structure" , bibl. Unknown, (2000). Proceedings Submitted
W. Aref and William J. McIver, "Indexing Techniques for Video Database Systems" , bibl. Unknown, (2000). Survey Article Submitted
S. Dagtas and A. Ghafoor, "Indexing and Retrieval of Video Based Spatial Relation Sequences" , bibl. ACM, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Multimedia '99"
W. Al-Khatib and A. Ghafoor, "An Approach for Video Data Modeling and Query Processing" , bibl. ACM, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Multimedia '99"
W. Al-Khatib, "Modeling and Querying in Video Databases" , bibl. Doctoral Thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (2001). Thesis Published

Other Specific Products:

Internet Dissemination:

The MSI site connects all the researchers and associated organizations
working on this project.  Additional URLs, linked from the MSI web
page above, include...

Indiana Telemedicine Incubator

Indiana Center for Database Systems

Distributed Multimedia Systems Lab

Network Systems Lab


Contributions within Discipline:

 The RTDMDS architecture for the MSI framework is based on some of the
most advanced techniques and models developed for multimedia document
management and content-based retrieval of multimedia information. In
particular, several novel techniques have been proposed by the PIs for
the QoP-based specification of complex multimedia objects, video data
modeling for efficient searching and querying of multimedia data and
access control mechanisms for multimedia database systems. These
techniques have the potentials of significantly advancing the
Web-based multimedia information technology. In addition, the new
techniques for multimedia storage management and access control will
allow the development of high performance secure Web-based multimedia

The network QoS architecture contains the some of the most advanced
theory developed for differentiated services, with the potential to
impact the design and implementation of the Next Generation Internet.

Contributions to Other Disciplines:
 Several science and engineering disciplines can considerably reap the
benefits from our research related to the MSI framework.  In
particular, the results and the products from the RTDMDS architecture
can be directly extended to the GIS-based applications for the civil
engineering discipline, to electronic publication and management of
manuals and documents in industrial and mechanical engineering, and to
telemedicine and digital library related science and engineering

The optimal aggregate-flow switching theory in the networking area
significantly advances the state-of-the-art in scheduling (electrical
engineering, operations research, industrial engineering, applied
mathematics), and the network QoS game theory advances the
state-of-the-art in noncooperative game theory (economics, management
science, applied mathematics).

Contributions to Education and Human Resources:
 Both our graduate students (Ph.D. and Master's) and undergraduate
students get exposed to cutting edge material, encompassing both
theory and implementation, related to the design and development of
advanced multimedia database systems and broadband multimedia
networking technologies. In the area of database the students learn
the state-of-the-art techniques for storing, accessing, and delivery
of multimedia documents in a distributed environment.

In the networking area, the leading edge research allows students to
understand and experiment with the novel techniques needed for the
design and development of the Next Generation Internet and its QoS
provisioning architecture. 

Contributions to Resources for Science and Technology:
 Collaborative efforts, in particular, with industrial organizations
foster technology transfer as well as collaborative research at the
national and international scale.  As a part of this project, we have
been extremely successful in establishing collaboration with the
several leading organizations that include Cisco, Sprint, Siemens, and
many Indiana-based telemedicine and database companies.  We also have
close interaction with several academic organizations as listed at the
beginning of the report.

Contributions Beyond Science and Engineering:
 The success of the Next Generation Internet is one of the most
pressing and important problems facing technological advancement of
society today.  The knowledge and experience gained from the network
QoS project can have a significant impact on the development of the
core international infrastructure critical to all other electronic
infrastructures.  The integration of secure multimedia document
capabilities with this network infrastructure will have significant
economic and social impact-and will help protect the environment by
reducing our dependence on distribution media for videos, software,
and data.

Special Requirements for Annual Project Report:

Unobligated funds: less than 20 percent of current funds
Categories for which nothing is reported:
Products: Other Specific Product
Special Reporting Requirements
Animal, Human Subjects, Biohazards