Project Participants

Elmagarmid K Ahmed : Principal Investigator
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Korb T John : CoPrincipal Investigator
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Ghafoor Arif : CoPrincipal Investigator
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Spafford H Eugene : CoPrincipal Investigator
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Park Kihong : CoPrincipal Investigator
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Aref Walid : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Fahmy Sonia : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Prabhakar Sunil : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Yau David : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Blair Shane : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Delp Ed : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Szpankowski Wojtek : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Catlin Ann Christine : Senior personnel
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Fan Jianping : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Jianping Fan (Ph.D., Post-Doctorate) is pursuing his research in providing low-level support in video databases including, feature extraction, spatial and temporal segmentation, object detection and recognition, object motion tracking, and multimedia database indexing.
Hacid M. : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : M. Hacid (Ph.D., Post-Doctorate) recently joined the MSI project. His main role will be to design and oversee the implementation of the QoP/QoS Interface.
Lee Heejo : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Heejo Lee has begun preliminary work on ascertaining Cisco's network security framework for subsequent adaptation to the AdSec network security architecture advanced in the project. Lee and Park (co-PI) have written a paper on probabilistic packet marking for distributed denial-of-service attack (DoS) prevention, which puts forth an effective technique for dealing with an important security and QoS threat.
Vakali Athena : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Bahk Saewoong : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Kim Jae-Kwan : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Kim Jisoo : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Kim Jae-Young : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : A new postdoc in the Network Systems Lab who is handling the measurement and workload generation aspects of the Q-Bahn architecture.
Zhu Xing Quan : Post-doc
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Hammad Mustafa : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Mustafa Hammad (Purdue Fellowship, Ph.D. student) is pursuing his research in developing access control mechanisms for video database systems both at the frame and object levels.
Ilyas Ihab : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Ihab Ilyas (RA, Ph.D. student) is pursuing his research in developing multimedia indexing techniques to support fast content-based retrieval of multimedia objects in the context of video databases.
Rezgui Abdulmounaam : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Abdulmounaam Rezgui (RA, Ph.D. student) is pursuing his research in developing scalable multimedia servers that support real-time streaming of video data, quality of service, and quality of presentation.
Terzi Evimaria : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Evimaria Terzi (RA, Ph.D. student) will begin as an RA on the multimedia database project in August 2000.
Fahmi Husni : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Husni Fahmi (defended PhD thesis in April 2002). Husni Fahmi's research is related to the development of an overall framework for a proxy-based real-time distributed multimedia document system (RTDMDS) to allow searching and retrieval of distributed multimedia documents.
Al-Khatib Wasfi : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Wasfi Al-Khatib (RA, Ph.D. student) completed his doctoral studies and has been trained in the area of multimedia databases. In particular, he has developed models for indexing and content-based retrieval of video data. He has published papers in several conferences and journals.
Latif Muddasar : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Muddasar Latif (RA, M.S. student) is pursuing his MS thesis in multimedia document delivery over the Web. He is involved in the development of different modules of RTDMDS.
Shafiq Basit : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Basit Shafiq (RA, PhD. student) is pursuing his doctoral thesis in multimedia document modeling and search mechanism. He has completed the development of several modules for RTDMDS. Currently, he is pursuing his work on the synchronization and integration aspects of heterogeneous multimedia databases.
Joshi James : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : James Joshi (RA, Ph.D. student) is pursuing his research in the area of multimedia database security. Currently he is developing a framework that will allow integration of heterogeneous security and access control mechanisms in a distributed multimedia document environment. The framework will integrate both Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) models and Task-Based Access Control (TBAC) models.
Chari Rahul : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Rahul Chari (RA, Ph.D. student) is developing a simulator for the storage management aspects of MSI, and developing and testing alternative schemes.
Xia Y. : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Y. Xia is a graduate student working on an independent study project in the storage area.
Li Jiangtao : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Jiangtao Li (RA, Ph.D. student) is implementing different storage management schemes for their testing and evaluation.
Chen Shaogang : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Shaogang Chen (RA, Ph.D. student) has graduated May 2000, with his Ph.D. dissertation 'Stratified Best-effort QoS Provisioning in Noncooperative Networks' advancing the state-of-the-art in the area. Chen has joined CPlane, a start-up company that focuses on QoS and network management switching products.
Cruz John : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : John Cruz (RA, Ph.D. student) has performed end system scheduling work for end-to-end QoS using, in part, the Purdue Infobahn network QoS infrastructure.
Ren Huan : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Huan Ren (RA, Ph.D. student) has published two recent papers on differentiated services QoS with a third paper presently in submission.
Tuan Tsunyi : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Tsunyi Tuan (RA, Ph.D. student) has published one journal paper, one book chapter, and two conference papers based on traffic control work related to the project.
Ferreira Ronaldo : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Lei Shan : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Li Wei : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.
Ren Zhong : Graduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : A research assistant in the Network Systems Lab who has worked on the QoS benchmarking and testing aspect of the project.
Stanton Spencer : Undergraduate student
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Spencer Stanton (senior) did an independent study with Park (co-PI) in the spring semester where he assisted graduate students with implementing the MPEG audio part of AFEC for Optibase real-time compression board under Windows NT.
Marzouk Mirette : Technician, programmer
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Mirette Marzouk is a staff programmer involved with general application support, Web page design, and software development.
Hirschberg Nicholas : Technician, programmer
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : Nicholas Hirschberg maintains commercial databases (Oracle and Teradata) for the project and provides general support of the Web server.
Zhang X. : Technician, programmer
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : X. Zhang is a visiting scholar who started in September 2000. She will serve as a programmer working on object identification for the video database system.
Whittinghill David : Technician, programmer
Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes
Contribution to project : No information.