CS49000-VIZ - Fall 2020
Final Project Presentation and Report

Key Dates

Presentations: During dead week
Date and time TBA
Report: Saturday, December 5, 2020
11:59:59 pm

Final Project Presentation

The presentations will take place over Zoom during dead week (Nov 30 - Dec 4) at a date and time to be decided. A list of presentations and associated times will be provided beforehand. Each presentation will be allotted 7 minutes, including time for transition and questions. You should budget 5 minutes for the presentation itself and 1 to 2 minutes for questions.

The presentation should be structured around an interactive demo of the visualization that you created for your final project. The demo should highlight the main features of the visualization, as well as its application to the chosen data. Make sure that your demo works ahead of time! In particular, prepare a precise list of the steps needed to perform your demo from beginning to finish.

Each presentation should start by motivating the work, in other words, answer the question "Why should your audience care?" ("What?"). This portion of the presentation should also introduce the dataset(s) that will be used as part of the demo and explain their significance. You should also explain what specific objective(s) you were trying to achieve with your visualization. Refer to the "Why?" question in the proposal instructions.

As you perform your demo, discuss and motivate the design and algorithmic decisions you made ("How?") to create your visualization. You can also explain at that time the problems you encountered and how you addressed them. Present your main findings and say a few words to summarize your experience with the project. You may also want to discuss potential extensions of your work. Finally, make sure to leave time for questions at the end of your presentation. Be ready also for questions that may be asked in the middle of your presentation.

Final Project Report

Your final project report should summarize the work that you did in the project and follow a structure similar to that of the proposal. Specifically, it should cover the following points.

The project report should be roughly 1-2 pages long.


Submit your report on Brightspace before December 5, 2020 at midnight. Submit a report in text format (PDF or Word) addressing all the points listed above. Include in the same submission the code of your visualization software as well as any explanation needed to run it. If your test dataset is not too large (< 20 MB), include it as well. I am here referring to the size of the data in compressed form (using bzip2, gzip, or rar).