CS49000-VIZ Fall 2020

Project 1

This first programming assignment provides a quick overview of various basic visualization techniques and allows you to become more familiar with the visualization library that you chose to work with this semester, if needed. Specifically, you will work with a tabular dataset and visualize it in several ways. This is your first project, so the implementation needed this time is very limited.

Deadline: Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 11:59 pm. [link]

Project 2

The second programming asssignment focuses on the interactivity of the visualization. Specifically, you will be creating a bubble chart visualization similar to what we saw in class and introduce dropdown menus to allow the user to control what attributes of the dataset should be mapped to what channels of the visualization.

Deadline: Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 11:59 pm. [link]

Project 3

The third programming assignment is considering the visualization of graph data. In this case, the graph corresponds to the flights that connect airports in the US. Because of the geographic context of this specific type of graph, you will visualize the dataset on the backdrop of a map of the US and use the geospatial information available to you to color code the airports. Note that the last task of this assignment is optional and counts toward 30% of the value of this assignment, or 4% of your overall grade this semester.

Deadline: Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 11:59 pm. [link]

Project 4

The fourth programming assignment concentrates on the visualization of tree (or hierarchy) datasets. You will implement three visualization methods seen in class, namely node-link, layered, and tree map and apply them in horizontal and radial layouts. This assignment requires you to become familiar with the algorithmic details of these layout methods since they are not readily available in bokeh or matplotlib/pyplot.

Deadline: Monday, October 26, 2020 at 11:59 pm. [link]

Project 5

The fifth and last (short) project of the semester introduces you to Tableau, a commercial visualization software that is widely used in the business world. Considering the short time available for this project, the scope is fairly limited. In brief, you are asked to recreate within Tableau some of the visualizations that you implemented in prior programming assignments. Note that in contrast to those prior assignments, this one does not require any programming.

Deadline: Monday, November 2, 2020 at 11:59 pm. [link]

Final Project Proposal

The first step of a successful final project consists in submitting a proposal that summarizes your thoughts and objectives. Specifically, you proposal must indicate what dataset you intend to work with, why you want to visualize it, and how you propose to visualize it. Note that this proposal is worth 20% of your overall score for the final project.

Deadline: Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 11:59 pm. [link]

Final Project Presentation and Report

The last graded item of the semester is your final project, which you will present through an interactive demo and a subsequent report. Similar to the progress report, your final report will mirror the organization of your proposal. The final project presentation will take place during dead week (Nov 30 - Dec 4) and the report itself will be due at the end of that same week.

Deadline: Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 11:59 pm. [link]