CS560: Reasoning About Programs
This is a graduate course on the logical
foundations and algorithmic techniques used to
ensure that programs do what they are supposed
to do. It focuses on two key aspects of
automated reasoning:
logics to define the expected
behavior of a program in a
machine-readable form,
methods to automatically check if a program
meets its specification.
The course explores both the theory and
practice of automated computer-aided
reasoning, and its application to reasoning
about program behavior. This exploration
covers a breadth of reasoning techniques and
tools currently in use, e.g. SAT/SMT solvers,
examining them from the both an implementation
and user perspective.
CS 456: Programming Languages
This is a course on the principles of programming
languages and their application. The emphasis is
on ideas and techniques relevant to practitioners,
but includes theoretical foundations crucial for
deeper understanding: abstract syntax, formal
semantics, type systems, and abstraction. Work in
the course involves exploring programming
languages and features as both a user (by writing
programs in those languages) and a language
designer (by implementing interpreters for various
languages), and as a scholar (by proving
mathematical properties of them). We will
investigate language-based techniques for
analyzing program behavior, and discuss what
guarantees a programming language can provide its
users about the abstractions it provides. The
course will also offer some historical perspective
on the evolution of programming languages and why
some designs thrive while others fail. Upon
successfully completing this course, students will
be able to:
- Write programs in two languages with state-of-the-art type systems, Rust and Haskell.
- Compare and contrast different language-provided abstractions, including ad-hoc and parametric polymorphism, user-defined data types, and static and dynamic memory safety.
- Precisely formulate the syntax and runtime behavior of a programming language.
- Specify different notions of safety for a programming language and implement language-based techniques for ensuring the safety of programs.
The first half of the course will discuss these
topics in the context of the (mostly) pure
functional language, Haskell, while the second
half will use the modern systems language Rust.
CS565: Programming Languages
This course will examine the design and
implementation of programming languages from a
foundational perspective. Our goal will be to
develop tools that will enable us to both design
and specify new language features, to precisely
understand the rationale for existing features in
modern languages, and to understand how design
decisions can impact implementations. The course
will be divided into roughly three parts:
principles (e.g., semantics, type systems, specifications)
proof techniques and formal reasoning
automated theorem proving using the Coq proof assistant
Our discussion of
principles will be crafted in the context of
definitions and theorems that capture salient
properties of modern languages. The validation of
these theorems will be undertaken using Coq, a
powerful theorem prover and mechanized proof
CS590: Advanced Topics in Programming Languages
Over the last several decades, the
programming languages and formal methods
communities have made significant progress
toward ensuring that a program is correct with
respect to some \emph{specification} of its
intended behavior, e.g. that an implementation
of quicksort always returns a sorted list, a
gradebook application correctly calculates the
average test score, or that a program is free
of any divide by zero errors. These
communities have developed a number of
techniques to automatically verify these sorts
of properties, to the point that these
techniques have been adopted to verify a wide
variety of real-world systems, from device
drivers at Microsoft, to absence of null
pointer exceptions and concurrency bugs in
Android and Java applications at
The vast majority of these techniques deal
with specifications of the behavior of a
single execution of a program. Many
desirable program behaviors fall outside this
class, however, and require specifications that
can describe multiple program
executions. Somewhat surprisingly, examples of
such relational properties or
hyperproperties include foundational
programming language concepts like
parametricity, program refinement, and compiler
correctness. Hyperproperties also abound in
other computer science communities, including
security ( absence of information
leakeage) multiparty computation)
databases (weak consistency), and AI
(fairness, robustness).
This seminar will consider both
the specification of a wide variety of hyperproperties, as
well as the
verification of programs with respect to relational
specifications. Importantly, this class will strive to appreciate
hyperproperties from the perspective of the communities that created
them, in order to better connect them to a more PL/FM-view. To this
end, the last fourth of the class will be an in-depth look at secure
multiparty computation and how PL techniques for relational reasoning
can be applied in that setting.
CS307: Software Engineering
A student who successfully fulfills the course
requirements will havethe ability to
- Architect and design quality software
- Contrast and critique software lifecycle models
- Create software using current software engineering tools, methods, and
- .Work together on a team in a productive
and professional manner
- Inspect and test software and documentatio
A key objective of this course is to give students
hands-on experience in developing software as part
of a team, following the scrum methodology. Teams
will propose a project by developing a project
charter and backlog. Subsequently, there will be
three sprints, each preceded by a planning
document and proceeded by a retrospective. A
review will take place during each sprint wherein
a project coordinator (teaching assistant) will
assess the efforts and accomplishments of the
team. There will be a final project presentation
at the conclusion of the semester.
CS590: Software Synthesis
Imagine a world in which you could simply tell
your computer what problem a program should
solve and have it write the program for you.
Freed from the humdrum tasks of coding, you
would be able focus on finding the right
problems to solve (while also having more time
to drink coffee). This is the dream of program
synthesis: to automatically build
implementations from high-level description of a
This seminar will begin with a broad overview of
the field, including:
- how to learn a program from examples
(inductive synthesis)
- how users can guide the search for an
implementation (deductive synthesis)
- how to leverage cutting-edge theorem provers to find programs
The second half of the course will focus on
applications of synthesis to a variety of domains, including security,
education, performance, and human computer interaction, with the
specific topics tailored to participants' interests. Each unit will
review the state of the art in the field with readings from the latest
CS105: Computer Programming: PHP/SQL (UT Austin)
This course covers the basics of designing
webpages using HTML, Javascript, and PHP, and
connecting them to SQL database backends to
allow for dynamic content. Students will learn
the basics of each of these languages
individually (no previous knowledge required),
and learn how to combine them to make
interactive web pages. Topics include CSS, the
domain object model, HTML forms, sessions, AJAX,
jQuery, and the Model-View-Controller pattern.