Package global

Interface Summary
GlobalConst Global constants; implement this interface to access them conveniently.

Class Summary
AttrOperator Enumeration class for predicate operators.
AttrType Enumeration class for attribute data types.
Convert Provides conversion routines for getting and setting data in byte arrays.
Minibase Definitions for the running Minibase system, including references to static layers and database-level attributes.
Msql Command line MiniSQL front end, used interactively or driven by scripts.
Page Lowest-level view of a disk page.
PageId Although a PageId is simply an integer, wrapping it provides convenient methods and allows returning it via method parameters.
RID A record is uniquely identified by its page number and slot number.
SearchKey Provides a general and type-safe way to store and compare index search keys.
SortKey One term in an ORDER BY clause; i.e.