Uses of Class

Packages that use Iterator

Uses of Iterator in relop

Subclasses of Iterator in relop
 class FileScan
          Wrapper for heap file scan, the most basic access method.
 class IndexScan
          Wrapper for bucket scan, an index access method.
 class KeyScan
          Wrapper for hash scan, an index access method.
 class Projection
          The projection operator extracts columns from a relation; unlike in relational algebra, this operator does NOT eliminate duplicate tuples.
 class Selection
          The selection operator specifies which tuples to retain under a condition; in Minibase, this condition is simply a set of independent predicates logically connected by OR operators.
 class SimpleJoin
          The simplest of all join algorithms: nested loops (see textbook, 3rd edition, section 14.4.1, page 454).

Constructors in relop with parameters of type Iterator
Projection(Iterator iter, java.lang.Integer... fields)
          Constructs a projection, given the underlying iterator and field numbers.
Selection(Iterator iter, Predicate... preds)
          Constructs a selection, given the underlying iterator and predicates.
SimpleJoin(Iterator left, Iterator right, Predicate... preds)
          Constructs a join, given the left and right iterators and join predicates (relative to the combined schema).