Uses of Class

Packages that use Tuple

Uses of Tuple in relop

Methods in relop that return Tuple
 Tuple Projection.getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
 Tuple Selection.getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
 Tuple FileScan.getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
 Tuple SimpleJoin.getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
abstract  Tuple Iterator.getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
 Tuple KeyScan.getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
 Tuple IndexScan.getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
static Tuple Tuple.join(Tuple t1, Tuple t2, Schema schema)
          Builds and returns a new tuple resulting from joining two tuples.

Methods in relop with parameters of type Tuple
 boolean Predicate.evaluate(Tuple tuple)
          Evaluates the predicate on the given tuple and returns true if it passes.
static Tuple Tuple.join(Tuple t1, Tuple t2, Schema schema)
          Builds and returns a new tuple resulting from joining two tuples.