Uses of Class

Packages that use PageId

Uses of PageId in bufmgr

Methods in bufmgr that return PageId
 PageId BufMgr.newPage(Page firstpg, int run_size)
          Allocates a set of new pages, and pins the first one in an appropriate frame in the buffer pool.

Methods in bufmgr with parameters of type PageId
 void BufMgr.flushPage(PageId pageno)
          Immediately writes a page in the buffer pool to disk, if dirty.
 void BufMgr.freePage(PageId pageno)
          Deallocates a single page from disk, freeing it from the pool if needed.
 void BufMgr.pinPage(PageId pageno, Page page, boolean skipRead)
          Pins a disk page into the buffer pool.
 void BufMgr.unpinPage(PageId pageno, boolean dirty)
          Unpins a disk page from the buffer pool, decreasing its pin count.

Uses of PageId in diskmgr

Methods in diskmgr that return PageId
 PageId DiskMgr.allocate_page()
          Allocates a single page (i.e.
 PageId DiskMgr.allocate_page(int run_size)
          Allocates a set of pages on disk, given the run size.
 PageId DiskMgr.get_file_entry(java.lang.String fname)
          Looks up the entry for the given file name.

Methods in diskmgr with parameters of type PageId
 void DiskMgr.add_file_entry(java.lang.String fname, PageId start_pageno)
          Adds a file entry to the header page(s); each entry contains the name of the file and the PageId of the file's first page.
 void DiskMgr.deallocate_page(PageId pageno)
          Deallocates a single page (i.e.
 void DiskMgr.deallocate_page(PageId firstid, int run_size)
          Deallocates a set of pages on disk, given the run size.
 void DiskMgr.read_page(PageId pageno, Page page)
          Reads the contents of the specified page from disk.
 void DiskMgr.write_page(PageId pageno, Page page)
          Writes the contents of the given page to disk.

Uses of PageId in global

Fields in global declared as PageId
 PageId RID.pageno
          The record's page number.

Methods in global with parameters of type PageId
 void PageId.copyPageId(PageId pageNo)
          Makes a copy of the given PageId.

Constructors in global with parameters of type PageId
RID(PageId pageno, int slotno)
          Constructs an RID from the given values.

Uses of PageId in heap

Methods in heap that return PageId
 PageId HFPage.getCurPage()
          Gets the current page's id.
 PageId HFPage.getNextPage()
          Gets the next page's id.
 PageId HFPage.getPrevPage()
          Gets the previous page's id.

Methods in heap with parameters of type PageId
 void HFPage.setCurPage(PageId pageno)
          Sets the current page's id.
 void HFPage.setNextPage(PageId pageno)
          Sets the next page's id.
 void HFPage.setPrevPage(PageId pageno)
          Sets the previous page's id.

Uses of PageId in index

Methods in index that return PageId
 PageId SortedPage.getNextPage()
          Gets the next page's id.

Methods in index with parameters of type PageId
 void SortedPage.setNextPage(PageId pageno)
          Sets the next page's id.

Uses of PageId in tests

Fields in tests declared as PageId
private  PageId DMTest.runStart
          Identifies the first page in the test run of pages.