Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in parser

Classes in parser that implement Node
 class AST_AndExpr
          AST node for AND expressions in WHERE clauses.
 class AST_ColumnType
          Column type in a CREATE TABLE statement.
 class AST_CreateIndex
          AST node for CREATE INDEX statements.
 class AST_CreateTable
          AST node for CREATE TABLE statements.
 class AST_Delete
          AST node for DELETE statements.
 class AST_Describe
          AST node for DESCRIBE statements.
 class AST_DropIndex
          AST node for DROP INDEX statements.
 class AST_DropTable
          AST node for DROP TABLE statements.
 class AST_ExprPred
          Expression predicate in a WHERE clause.
 class AST_ExprValue
          Value (simple expression), or operand (in a WHERE cluase).
 class AST_IdentList
          Dynamic list of table or column identifiers.
 class AST_Insert
          AST node for INSERT statements.
 class AST_OrderBy
          AST node for ORDER BY clauses.
 class AST_OrExpr
          AST node for OR expressions in WHERE clauses.
 class AST_Select
          AST node for SELECT statements.
 class AST_Start
          Start node of the AST.
 class AST_Update
          AST node for UPDATE statements.
 class SimpleNode

Fields in parser declared as Node
protected  Node[] SimpleNode.children
protected  Node SimpleNode.parent

Methods in parser that return Node
 Node AST_Start.getStmt()
          Gets the default statement node.
 Node SimpleNode.jjtGetChild(int i)
 Node Node.jjtGetChild(int i)
          This method returns a child node.
 Node SimpleNode.jjtGetParent()
 Node Node.jjtGetParent()
(package private)  Node JJTMiniSqlState.peekNode()
(package private)  Node JJTMiniSqlState.popNode()
(package private)  Node JJTMiniSqlState.rootNode()

Methods in parser with parameters of type Node
(package private)  void JJTMiniSqlState.clearNodeScope(Node n)
(package private)  void JJTMiniSqlState.closeNodeScope(Node n, boolean condition)
(package private)  void JJTMiniSqlState.closeNodeScope(Node n, int num)
 void SimpleNode.jjtAddChild(Node n, int i)
 void Node.jjtAddChild(Node n, int i)
          This method tells the node to add its argument to the node's list of children.
 void SimpleNode.jjtSetParent(Node n)
 void Node.jjtSetParent(Node n)
          This pair of methods are used to inform the node of its parent.
(package private)  void JJTMiniSqlState.openNodeScope(Node n)
(package private)  void JJTMiniSqlState.pushNode(Node n)