Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryException

Uses of QueryException in query

Methods in query that throw QueryException
static int QueryCheck.columnExists(Schema schema, java.lang.String columnName)
          Checks whether a column exists.
static Plan Optimizer.evaluate(AST_Start tree)
          Evaluates the given AST and returns an optimized execution plan.
static void QueryCheck.fileNotExists(java.lang.String fileName)
          Checks whether a file name does not exist.
static void QueryCheck.indexExists(java.lang.String indexName)
          Checks whether an index exists.
static void QueryCheck.insertValues(Schema schema, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Checks whether values to insert matches the table schema.
static void QueryCheck.predicates(Schema schema, Predicate[][] preds)
          Checks whether selection predicates (in CNF) match the given schema.
static Schema QueryCheck.tableExists(java.lang.String tableName)
          Checks whether a table exists.
static int[] QueryCheck.updateFields(Schema schema, java.lang.String[] fields)
          Checks whether field to update match the table schema.
static void QueryCheck.updateValues(Schema schema, int[] fldnos, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Checks whether values to update matches the table schema.

Constructors in query that throw QueryException
CreateIndex(AST_CreateIndex tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
CreateTable(AST_CreateTable tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
Delete(AST_Delete tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
Describe(AST_Describe tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
DropIndex(AST_DropIndex tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
DropTable(AST_DropTable tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
Insert(AST_Insert tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
Select(AST_Select tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.
Update(AST_Update tree)
          Optimizes the plan, given the parsed query.