Class FileScan

  extended by relop.Iterator
      extended by relop.FileScan

public class FileScan
extends Iterator

Wrapper for heap file scan, the most basic access method. This "iterator" version takes schema into consideration and generates real tuples.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class relop.Iterator
Constructor Summary
FileScan(Schema schema, HeapFile file)
          Constructs a file scan, given the schema and heap file.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes the iterator, releasing any resources (i.e.
 void explain(int depth)
          Gives a one-line explaination of the iterator, repeats the call on any child iterators, and increases the indent depth along the way.
 RID getLastRID()
          Gets the RID of the last tuple returned.
 Tuple getNext()
          Gets the next tuple in the iteration.
 boolean hasNext()
          Returns true if there are more tuples, false otherwise.
 boolean isOpen()
          Returns true if the iterator is open; false otherwise.
 void restart()
          Restarts the iterator, i.e.
Methods inherited from class relop.Iterator
execute, finalize, indent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FileScan(Schema schema,
                HeapFile file)
Constructs a file scan, given the schema and heap file.

Method Detail


public void explain(int depth)
Gives a one-line explaination of the iterator, repeats the call on any child iterators, and increases the indent depth along the way.

Specified by:
explain in class Iterator


public void restart()
Restarts the iterator, i.e. as if it were just constructed.

Specified by:
restart in class Iterator


public boolean isOpen()
Returns true if the iterator is open; false otherwise.

Specified by:
isOpen in class Iterator


public void close()
Closes the iterator, releasing any resources (i.e. pinned pages).

Specified by:
close in class Iterator


public boolean hasNext()
Returns true if there are more tuples, false otherwise.

Specified by:
hasNext in class Iterator


public Tuple getNext()
Gets the next tuple in the iteration.

Specified by:
getNext in class Iterator
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no more tuples


public RID getLastRID()
Gets the RID of the last tuple returned.