Uses of Class

Packages that use Predicate

Uses of Predicate in parser

Methods in parser that return Predicate
protected  Predicate[][] AST_OrExpr.getCNF()
          Returns the CNF version of the expression rooted at this node.
protected  Predicate AST_ExprPred.getPredicate()
          Returns the predicate form of this AST node.
 Predicate[][] AST_Update.getPredicates()
          Gets the WHERE clause predicates in Conjunctive Normal Form (a.k.a.
 Predicate[][] AST_Select.getPredicates()
          Gets the WHERE clause predicates in Conjunctive Normal Form (a.k.a.
 Predicate[][] AST_Delete.getPredicates()
          Gets the WHERE clause predicates in Conjunctive Normal Form (a.k.a.
protected  Predicate[] AST_AndExpr.getPredicates()
          Returns all predicates "AND-ed" at this node.

Uses of Predicate in query

Methods in query with parameters of type Predicate
static void QueryCheck.predicates(Schema schema, Predicate[][] preds)
          Checks whether selection predicates (in CNF) match the given schema.

Uses of Predicate in relop

Constructors in relop with parameters of type Predicate
Selection(Iterator iter, Predicate... preds)
          Constructs a selection, given the underlying iterator and predicates.
SimpleJoin(Iterator left, Iterator right, Predicate... preds)
          Constructs a join, given the left and right iterators and join predicates (relative to the combined schema).