Drafts [top]
Solving Linear Inequalities over Convex Sets & its Applications to Cryptography and Hydrodynamics
With --saugata--, --hamid--, and --hai--
Disincentivize Collusion in Verifiable Secret Sharing
With --tian--, --aniket--, and --hai--
Security of Shamir's Secret-sharing against Physical Bit Leakage: Secure Evaluation Places
With --jimmy--, --hai--, and --xiuyu--
A Parallel Algorithm for Maximizing Submodular Functions
With --shivaram--, --ferdous--, and --pothen--
Published Papers [top]
Constructing Leakage-resilient Shamir's Secret Sharing: Over Composite Order Fields
With --hai--, --anat--, and --xiuyu--
EUROCRYPT 2024 [abstract] [pdf]
Unconditional Security using (Random) Anonymous Bulletin Board
With --aniket--, --hai--, and --albert--
ISIT 2024 [abstract] [pdf]
Randomized Functions with High Round Complexity
With --saugata--, --hamid--, and --hai--
TCC 2023 [abstract] [pdf]
SIM: Secure Interval Membership Testing and Applications to Secure Comparison
With --aniket--, --donghang--, and --albert--
Euro S&P 2023 [abstract] [pdf]
Geometry of Secure Two-party Computation
With --saugata--, --hamid--, and --hai--
FOCS 2022 [abstract] [pdf]
Secure Non-interactive Simulation: Feasibility and Rate
With --hamid--, and --hai--
EUROCRYPT 2022 [abstract] [pdf]
The Chromatic Number of Squares Of Random Graphs
With --kalyan--, --daniel--, and --pothen--
Special issue on "Applied Combinatorial Methods" in Journal of Combinatorics [abstract] [pdf]
Secure Non-interactive Simulation from Arbitrary Joint Distributions
With --hamid--, and --hai--
TCC 2022 [abstract] [pdf]
Leakage-resilient Linear Secret-sharing against arbitrary Bounded-size Leakage Family
With --hai--, --anat--, --tom--, --mingyuan--, --xiuyu--, and --albert--
TCC 2022 [abstract] [pdf]
Tight Estimate of the Local Leakage Resilience of the Additive Secret-sharing Scheme and its Consequences
With --hai--, --anat--, --tom--, --mingyuan--, --xiuyu--, and --albert--
ITC 2022 [abstract] [pdf]
Improved Bound on the Local Leakage-resilience of Shamir's Secret Sharing
With --hai--, --anat--, and --mingyuan--
ISIT 2022 [abstract] [pdf]
Polymath: Low-Latency MPC via Secure Polynomial Evaluations and its Applications
With --donghang--, --albert--, and --aniket--
PETS 2022 [abstract] [pdf]
Computational Hardness of Optimal Fair Computation: Beyond Minicrypt
With --mingyuan--
CRYPTO 2021 [abstract] [pdf]
Constructing Locally Leakage-resilient Linear Secret-sharing Schemes
With --anat--, --tom--, and --mingyuan--
CRYPTO 2021 [abstract] [pdf]
Leakage-resilient Secret-sharing Schemes against Physical-bit Leakage
With --hai--, --anat--, --tom--, and --mingyuan--
EUROCRYPT 2021 [abstract] [pdf]
Computational Hardness of Collective Coin-Tossing Protocols
Entropy [link]
P4-free Partition and Cover Numbers & Applications
With --alex--, --simina--, --himanshi--, --tamalika--, and --hai--
ITC 2021 [abstract] [pdf]
Lower Bounds for Leakage-Resilient Secret Sharing Schemes against Probing Attacks
With --donnie--, --hai--, --minh--, --anat--, --tom--, and --mingyuan--
ISIT 2021 [abstract] [pdf]
Optimally-secure Coin-tossing against a Byzantine Adversary
With --hamid--, and --mingyuan--
ISIT 2021 [abstract] [pdf]
Efficient Distributed Coin-tossing Protocols
With --hamid--, --himanshi--, and --mingyuan--
ISIT 2021 [abstract] [pdf] [efficient-ct-protocol.sage] [A-101.csv] [maj.csv] [thresh.csv]
Black-Box Use of One-Way Functions is Useless for Optimal Fair Coin-Tossing
With --mingyuan--
CRYPTO 2020 [abstract] [pdf]
Graphs with Tunable Chromatic Numbers for Parallel Coloring
With --xin--, and --pothen--
CSC 2020 [abstract] [pdf]
Explicit Rate-1 Non-malleable Codes for Local Tampering
With --divya--, and --mingyuan--
CRYPTO 2019 [abstract] [pdf]
Estimating Gaps in Martingales and Applications to Coin-Tossing: Constructions and Hardness
With --hamid--, and --tamalika--
TCC 2019 [abstract] [pdf]
Secure Computation using Leaky Correlations (Asymptotically Optimal Constructions)
With --alex--, --divya--, and --hai--
TCC 2018 [abstract] [pdf]
Non-malleable Codes against Lookahead Tampering
With --divya--, and --mingyuan--
INDOCRYPT 2018 [abstract] [pdf]
Secure Computation with Constant Communication Overhead using Multiplication Embeddings
With --alex--, and --hai--
INDOCRYPT 2018 [abstract] [pdf]
Secure Computation based on Leaky Correlations: High Resilience Setting
With --alex--, and --hai--
CRYPTO 2017 [abstract] [pdf]
Characterizing Optimal Security and Round-Complexity for Secure OR Evaluation
With --amisha--, and --raphael--
ISIT 2017 [abstract] [pdf]
Bounded-Communication Leakage Resilience via Parity-Resilient Circuits
With --vipul--, --yuval--, --amit--, and --sherstov--
FOCS 2016 [abstract] [pdf] [slides]
Secure Computation from Elastic Noisy Channels
With --dakshita--, and --amit--
EUROCRYPT 2016 [abstract] [pdf]
Invited Talk at Allerton 2015 [slides]
Talk at Simon's Institiute 2015 [slides]
Talk based on these results [slides]
Preliminary Draft appears as [pdf]
All Complete Functionalities are Reversible
With --dakshita--, Daniel Kraschewski, --manoj--, and --amit--
EUROCRYPT 2016 [abstract] [pdf]
Optimal Computational Split-state Non-malleable Codes
With --divesh--, --shashank--, --divya--, --omkant--, --manoj--
TCC 2016 [abstract] [pdf]
Zeroizing Without Low-Level Zeroes: New Attacks on Multilinear Maps and Their Limitations
With --coron--, Craig Gentry, --shai--, --tancrede--, --eric--, --mariana--, --amit--, and --mehdi--
CRYPTO 2015 [abstract] [pdf]
(Preliminary Partial Results appear as [pdf])
Secure Computation from Leaky Correlated Randomness
With --divya--, --yuval--, and --amit--
Invited Talk at Allerton 2014 [slides]
Department Colloquium Talk at Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University [slides]
Department Colloquium Talk at Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln [slides]
CRYPTO 2015 [abstract] [pdf]
Explicit Non-malleable Codes against Bit-wise Tampering and Permutations
With --shashank--, --divya--, --omkant--, and --manoj--
CRYPTO 2015 [abstract] [pdf]
A Rate-Optimizing Compiler for Non-malleable Codes Against Bit-wise Tampering and Permutations
With --shashank--, --divya--, --omkant--, and --manoj--
TCC 2015 [abstract] [pdf]
A Full Characterization of Completeness for Two-party Randomized Function Evaluation
With Daniel Kraschewski, --manoj--, and --amit--
Invited talk at New York Theory Day [slides]
EUROCRYPT 2014 [abstract] [pdf]
(Merger of two independent works
[pdf] and
along with constant rate reduction results)
Black-Box Separations for Differentially Private Protocols
With --dakshita--, and --amit--
ASIACRYPT 2014 [abstract] [pdf]
Limits of Random Oracles in Secure Computation
With --mohammad--, and --manoj--
Invited talk at Microsoft Research Lab. [slides]
Invited talk at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata [slides]
Guest Lecture in Advanced Security Course [slides]
ITCS 2014 [abstract] [pdf]
On the Power of Public-key Encryption in Secure Computation
With --mohammad--, and --manoj--
TCC 2014 [abstract] [pdf]
Single-Use OT Combiners with Near-Optimal Resilience
With --yuval--, --amit--, and --jurg--
ISIT 2014 [abstract] [proc]
A Unified Characterization of Completeness and Triviality for Secure Function Evaluation
With --manoj--, and --mike--
INDOCRYPT 2012 [abstract] [pdf]
Stateless Cryptographic Protocols
With --vipul--
FOCS 2011 [abstract] [pdf]
- Exploring the Limits of Common Coins Using Frontier Analysis of Protocols
With Pichayoot Ouppaphan, --manoj--, and --mike--
TCC 2011 [abstract] [pdf]
- Attribute Based Signatures
With --manoj--, and --mike--
CT-RSA 2011 [abstract] [pdf]
- The Limits of Common Coins: Further Results
With --manoj--
INDOCRYPT 2011 [abstract] [pdf]
- On the Computational Complexity of Coin Flipping
With --manoj--, and --amit--
Invited talk at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata [slides]
Invited talk at China Theory Week [slides]
Invited talk at Microsoft Research Lab., India [slides]
FOCS 2010 [abstract] [pdf]
- A Zero-One Law for Cryptographic Complexity with respect to Computational UC Security
With --manoj--, and --mike--
CRYPTO 2010 [abstract] [pdf]
- Cryptographic Complexity Classes and Computational Intractability Assumptions>
With --manoj--, and --mike--
ICS 2010 [abstract] [pdf]
- Complexity of Multi-party Computation Problems: The Case of 2-Party Symmetric Secure Function Evaluation
With --manoj--, and --mike--
TCC 2009 [abstract] [pdf]