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Seminar in Database Programming Languages and Persistent Systems

Course description
Fall 1996

Instructor: Dr. Tony Hosking (
Meeting times: T/Th 12:00-1:15, MATH 215
Credits: 3

This is a seminar course focusing on the convergence of database systems and programming languages. The course covers current and recent research in database programming languages and persistent systems as well as significant research from the past, with readings taken from the database, programming languages and operating systems literature. Specific topics will include (among others):

There are no formal prerequisites, although general familiarity with programming language and database system concepts will be helpful.

Workload and Grading:
Participants will be expected to read 1-3 papers per week. One or more attendees will be responsible for presenting a 20-30 minute summary of each paper. Discussion of the papers will then follow. You should think about what you read and participate actively in class discussions. Just to be sure, 20% of the course grade will be based on your concise summary and discussion (no more than a page) of any 8 of the assigned papers, 10% on your participation in class, and 30% on your presentations. The remaining 40% of the course grade will be based on either a software project and writeup, or a research report, on an approved topic of your choosing. You are strongly encouraged to work in groups on the term project/report.

Policy on collaboration:
As in life, collaboration is strongly encouraged, although you must give credit to your collaborators at every opportunity. Written work labeled as your own must be your work alone; you may be called upon to explain it in more detail.

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Antony Hosking
Sun Sep 29 12:02:24 EST 1996