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Malcolm P. Atkinson and O. Peter Buneman. Types and persistence in database programming languages. ACM Computing Surveys, 19(2):105-190, June 1987.

ABC tex2html_wrap_inline448 83
M. P. Atkinson, P. J. Bailey, K. J. Chisholm, P. W. Cockshott, and R. Morrison. An approach to persistent programming. The Computer Journal, 26(4):360-365, November 1983.

ABD tex2html_wrap_inline448 89
M. Atkinson, F. Bancilhon, D. DeWitt, K. Dittrich, D. Maier, and S. Zdonik. The object-oriented database system manifesto. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, pages 223-240, Kyoto, Japan, December 1989.

A. Albano, R. Bergamini, G. Ghelli, and R. Orsini. An introduction to the database programming language Fibonacci. Int. J. Very Large Data Bases, 4(3):403-444, July 1995.

M. P. Atkinson, O. P. Buneman, and R. Morrson. Binding and type checking in database programming languages. The Computer Journal, 31(2):99-109, 1988.

M. P. Atkinson, K. J. Chisholm, W. P. Cockshott, and R. M. Marshall. Algorithms for a persistent heap. Software: Practice and Experience, 13(7):259-271, March 1983.

Antonio Albano, Luca Cardelli, and Renzo Orsini. Galileo: A strongly-typed, interactive conceptual language. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 10(2):230-260, June 1985.

R. Agrawal and N. H. Gehani. ODE (Object Database and Environment): The language and the data model. In SIGMOD [SIG89], pages 36-45.

R. Agrawal and N. H. Gehani. Rationale for the design of persistence and query processing facilities in the database language O++. In Hull et al. [HMS89], pages 25-40.

Laurent Amsaleg, Olivier Gruber, and Michael Franklin. Efficient incremental garbage collection for workstation-server database systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 42-53. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.

Timothy Andrews and Craig Harris. Combining language and database advances in an object-oriented development environment. In OOPSLA [OOP87], pages 430-440.

M. P. Atkinson, M. J. Jordan, L. Daynès, and S. Spence. Design issues for Persistent Java: A type-safe object-oriented, orthogonally persistent system. In Connor and Nettles [CN96].

Andrew W. Appel and Kai Li. Virtual memory primitives for user programs. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 96-107, Santa Clara, California, April 1991.

Malcolm P. Atkinson and Ronald Morrison. Procedures as persistent data objects. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 7(4):539-559, October 1985.

Jurgen Annevelink. Database programming languages: A functional approach. In SIGMOD [SIG91], pages 318-327.

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Francois Bancilhon, Gilles Barbedette, Véronique Benzaken, Claude Delobel, Sophie Gamerman, Christophe Lécluse, Patrick Pfeffer, Philippe Richard, and Fernando Velez. The design and implementation of O tex2html_wrap_inline137 , an object-oriented database system. In K. R. Dittrich, editor, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Object Oriented Database Systems, volume 334 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-22, Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg, Germany, September 1988. Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1988.

BCG tex2html_wrap_inline448 87
Jay Banerjee, Hong-Tai Chou, Jorge F. Garza, Won Kim, Darrell Woelk, Nat Ballou, and Hyoung-Joo Kim. Data model issues for object-oriented applications. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 5(1):3-26, January 1987.

José A. Blakeley, William J. McKenna, and Goetz Graefe. Experiences building the Open OODB query optimizer. In SIGMOD [SIG93], pages 287-296.

Paul Butterworth, Allen Otis, and Jacob Stein. The GemStone object database management system. Communications of the ACM, 34(10):64-77, October 1991.

Toby Bloom and Stanley B. Zdonik. Issues in the design of object-oriented database programming languages. In OOPSLA [OOP87], pages 441-451.

CAC tex2html_wrap_inline448 84
W. P. Cockshott, M. P. Atkinson, K. J. Chisholm, P. J. Bailey, and R. Morrison. POMS: A persistent object management system. Software: Practice and Experience, 14(1):49-71, 1984.

Vinny Cahill, Seán Baker, Chris Horn, and Gradimir Starovic. The Amadeus GRT--generic runtime support for distributed persistent programming. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 144-161, Washington, DC, October 1993.

Sophie Cluet and Claude Delobel. A general framework for the optimization of object-oriented queries. In SIGMOD [SIG92], pages 383-392.

David R. Cheriton and Kenneth J. Duda. Logged virtual memory. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pages 26-39, Copper Mountain Resort, Colorado, December 1995.

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Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Nancy E. Hall, Mark L. McAuliffe, Jeffrey E. Naughton, Daniel T. Schuh, Marvin H. Solomon, C. K. Tan, Odysseas G. Tsatalos, Seth J. White, and Michael J. Zwilling. Shoring up persistent applications. In SIGMOD [SIG94], pages 383-394.

M. J. Carey, D. J. DeWitt, J. E. Richardson, and E. J. Shekita. Object and file management in the EXODUS extensible database system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 91-100, Kyoto, Japan, August 1986. Morgan Kaufmann.

Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt, Joel E. Richardson, and Eugene J. Shekita. Storage management for objects in EXODUS. In Won Kim and Frederick H. Lochovsky, editors, Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications, chapter 14, pages 341-369. ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, New York, New York, 1989.

Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt, and Scott L. Vandenberg. A data model and query language for EXODUS. In SIGMOD [SIG88], pages 413-423.

Jonathan E. Cook, Artur W. Klauser, Alexander L. Wolf, and Benjamin G. Zorn. Semi-automatic, self-adaptive control of garbage collection rates in object databases. In SIGMOD [SIG96], pages 377-388.

Jeffrey S. Chase, Henry M. Levy, Michael J. Feeley, and Edward D. Lazowska. Sharing and protection in a single-address space operating system. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 12(4):271-307, November 1994.

Jeffrey S. Chase, Henry M. Levy, Edward D. Lazowska, and Miche Baker-Harvey. Lightweight shared objects in a 64-bit operating system. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 397-413, Vancouver, Canada, October 1992.

George Copeland and David Maier. Making Smalltalk a database system. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Management of Data, pages 316-325, Boston, Massachusetts, June 1984.

Richard Connor and Scott Nettles, editors. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, Cape May, New Jersey, May 1996. Morgan Kaufmann.

Jonathan E. Cook, Alexander L. Wolf, and Benjamin G. Zorn. Partition selection policies in object database garbage collection. In SIGMOD [SIG94], pages 371-382.

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O. Deux et al. The story of O tex2html_wrap_inline137 . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2(1):91-108, March 1990.

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O. Deux et al. The O tex2html_wrap_inline137 system. Communications of the ACM, 34(10):34-48, October 1991.

A. Dearle and A. L. Brown. Safe browsing in a strongly typed persistent language. The Computer Journal, 31(6):540-544, December 1988.

Hugh Darwen and C. J. Date. The third manifesto. ACM SIGMOD Record, 24(1):39-49, March 1995.

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Alan Dearle, Rex di Bona, James Farrow, Frans Henskens, Anders Lindström, John Rosenberg, and Francis Vaughan. Grasshopper: An orthogonally persistent operating system. Computer Systems, 7(3):289-312, Summer 1994.

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D. H. Fishman, D. Beech, H. P. Cate, E. C. Chow, T. Connors, J. W. Davis, N. Derrett, C. G. Hoch, W. Kent, P. Lyngbaek, B. Mahbod, M. A. Neimat, T. A. Ryan, and M. C. Shan. Iris: An object-oriented database management system. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 5(1):48-69, January 1987.

Leonidas Fegaras and David Maier. Towards an effective calculus for object query languages. In SIGMOD [SIG95], pages 47-58.

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Daniel Hagimont, P.-Y. Chevalier, A. Freyssinet, S. Krakowiak, S. Lacourte, J. Mossière, and X. Rousset de Pina. Persistent shared object support in the Guide system: Evaluation and related work. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 129-144, Portland, Oregon, October 1994.

S. E. Hudson and R. King. Object-oriented database support for software environments. In SIGMOD [SIG87], pages 491-503.

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Richard L. Hudson and J. Eliot B. Moss. Incremental collection of mature objects. In Yves Bekkers and Jacques Cohen, editors, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Memory Management, number 637 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 388-403, St. Malo, France, September 1992. Springer-Verlag.

Antony L. Hosking and J. Eliot B. Moss. Protection traps and alternatives for memory management of an object-oriented language. In SOSP [SOS93], pages 106-119.

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Mark F. Hornick and Stanley B. Zdonik. A shared, segmented memory system for an object-oriented database. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 5(1):70-95, January 1987.

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Won Kim, Nat Ballou, Jay Banerjee, Hong-Tai Chou, Jorge F. Garza, and Darrell Woelk. Integrating an object-oriented programming system with a database system. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 142-152, San Diego, California, September 1988.

Won Kim, Jorge F. Garza, Nathaniel Ballou, and Darrell Woelk. Architecture of the ORION next-generation database system. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2(1):109-124, March 1990.

Alfons Kemper and Donald Kossman. Adaptable pointer swizzling strategies in object bases: Design, realization, and quantitative analysis. Int. J. Very Large Data Bases, 4(3):519-566, August 1995.

Michael Kifer, Won Kim, and Yehoshua Sagiv. Querying object-oriented databases. In SIGMOD [SIG92], pages 393-402.

Elliot Kolodner, Barbara Liskov, and William Weihl. Atomic garbage collection: Managing a stable heap. In SIGMOD [SIG89], pages 15-25.

Elliot Kolodner. Atomic incremental garbage collection and recovery for a large stable heap. In Alan Dearle, Gail M. Shaw, and Stanley B. Zdonik, editors, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, pages 185-198, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, September 1990. Implementing Persistent Object Bases: Principles and Practice, Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.

Elliot K. Kolodner and William E. Weihl. Atomic incremental garbage collection and recovery for a large stable heap. In SIGMOD [SIG93], pages 177-186.

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B. Liskov, A. Adya, M. Castro, M. Day, S. Ghemawat, R. Gruber, U. Maheshwari, A. C. Myers, and L. Shrira. Safe and efficient sharing of persistent objects in Thor. In SIGMOD [SIG96], pages 318-329.

Daniel F. Liewen and David J. DeWitt. A transformation-based approach to optimizing loops in database programming languages. In SIGMOD [SIG92], pages 91-100.

Barbara Staudt Lerner and A. Nico Habermann. Beyond schema evolution to database reorganization. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 67-76, Ottawa, Canada, October 1990.

Charles Lamb, Gordon Landis, Jack Orenstein, and Dan Weinreb. The ObjectStore database system. Communications of the ACM, 34(10):50-63, October 1991.

Christophe Lécluse, Philippe Richard, and Fernando Velez. O tex2html_wrap_inline137 , an object-oriented data model. In SIGMOD [SIG88], pages 424-433.

David Maier. Comments on the ``third-generation database system manifesto''. Technical Report CS/E 91-012, Oregon Graduate Institute, 1991.

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Ron Morrison, Richard C. H. Connor, Quintin I. Cutts, Vivienne S. Dunstan, and Graham N. C. Kirby. Exploiting persistent linkage in software development environments. The Computer Journal, 38(1):1-16, 1995.

Mark L. McAuliffe, Michael J. Carey, and Marvin H. Solomon. Towards effective and efficient free space management. In SIGMOD [SIG96], pages 389-400.

R. Morrison, A. Dearle, R. C. H. Connor, and A. L. Brown. An ad hoc approach to the implementation of polymorphism. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 13(3):342-371, July 1991.

J. Eliot B. Moss, David S. Munro, and Richard L. Hudson. PMOS: A complete and coarse-grained incremental garbage collector for persistent object stores. In Connor and Nettles [CN96].

J. Eliot B. Moss. Addressing large distributed collections of persistent objects: The Mneme project's approach. In Hull et al. [HMS89], pages 269-285. Also available as COINS Technical Report 89-68, University of Massachusetts.

J. Eliot B. Moss. Design of the Mneme persistent object store. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 8(2):103-139, April 1990.

J. Eliot B. Moss. Working with persistent objects: To swizzle or not to swizzle. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 18(8):657-673, August 1992.

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Brian Nixon, Lawrence Chung, David Lauzon, Alex Borgida, John Mylopoulos, and Martin Stanley. Implementation of a compiler for a semantic data model: Experiences with Taxis. In SIGMOD [SIG87], pages 118-131.

Atsushi Ohori, Peter Buneman, and Val Breazu-Tannen. Database programming in Machiavelli -- a polymorphic language with static type inference. In SIGMOD [SIG89], pages 46-57.

Jack Orenstein, Sam Haradhvala, Benson Margulies, and Don Sakahara. Query processing in the ObjectStore database system. In SIGMOD [SIG92], pages 403-412.

James O'Toole, Scott Nettles, and David Gifford. Concurrent compacting garbage collection of a persistent heap. In SOSP [SOS93], pages 161-174.

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M. Satyanarayanan, H. H. Mashburn, P. Kumar, D. C. Steere, and J. J. Kistler. Lightweight recoverable virtual memory: Corrigendum. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 12(2):165-172, May 1994.

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Antony Hosking
Sun Sep 29 12:02:24 EST 1996