This page gives the current status of activies surrounding the T4E project.

1997 Q4 Equipment Order Status
Project Database Design
Receiving Procedures

1997 Q4 Equipment Order Status

We have received confirmed 1997 Q4 equipment orders from Intel.

Unfortunately, a decision at Intel was made to change the list of available equipment after we submitted our requests. They have recast our requests into the new equipment list. I had a (hurried) chance to review the requests and made as many obvious corrections as possible. However, in some cases the build orders had already been given.

The current plan is to take delivery on what has been granted and make corrections after the fact, either through an immediate, secondary shipment or by folding the correction into the next quarter.

The equipment is supposed to start arriving the week of November 10th and should be completed by November 21st.

Project Database Design

We are creating a database to organize the receiving, distribution, and tracking of equipment associated with the T4E project. Shown below are the relational tables in the current design. (Revised slightly, 9/1/97.)

Table Name Field Name Description
Project   Project in the original proposal
  code project code (e.g., A.1, B.4)
  pname project name
  associates names of people associated with project (generated field)
Associate   Person associated with project
  code project code (e.g., A.1, B.4)
  email email of project member
Person   Information about each faculty in proposal
  email email of faculty member
  fname name of faculty member
  phone phone number
  office office room number
  deptnum department number
  url www address
Equipment   Description of equipment type
  intelid id used by Intel (e.g., AP Quad 256/9)
  value retail value of item
  totalnum total expected to be shipped
  description more detail about the item
Shipment   Basic information about a shipment from Intel
  shipid assigned key value
  date actual arrival date
  carrier name of shipping company
  trackingnum shipper's tracking number (if available)
Items   Information for Property Accounting and Gift Report
  shipid id of shipment containing item
  intelid Intel description of equipment
  code project receiving the item
  serial serial number of item
  location room/office number where item is located
  deptnum department number credited with gift
  email email address of owner
  pn assigned Purdue property accounting number
  repair phone number for repair (assigned for each item!)
  did delivery id when item delivered or picked up
Delivery   Final delivery to a Purdue project location
  did assigned delivery id
  signature person signing for delivery
  date date equipment delivered
  location location where equipment delivered
Department   Information about a department
  deptnum department number
  deptname name of department
  busoff contact name in business office
  phone phone contact
  office office of contact
  email email address of contact

Receiving Procedures

This section gives a brief outline of the steps involved as Intel T4E equipment is received at Purdue.

  1. Shipment arrives at Purdue (current shipment is scheduled to arrive at the CS Building).
  2. Each box is entered into database (see Project Database Design).
  3. Obvious damage and shortages are noted and reported to carrier (damaged boxes not accepted).
  4. Form 41B is generated from database.
  5. Delivery IDs assigned and boxes sorted by destination.
  6. Project PIs notified of arrival and offered opportunity to pick up shipment. Otherwise, shipment delivered when possible.
  7. Equipment recipient signs form, accepting responsibility for receiving department.
  8. Notification sent to Property Accounting, with copy to departmental business office.
  9. Recipient opens boxes and verifies packing slip: Discrepencies reported to Purdue Project Manager.
  10. Property accounting applies tags.