CS 536 Project Topics (update in progress)

Following is a list of possible project topics for CS 536 (Fall 1997). The list is not meant to be exhaustive; it provides only a guideline. Independent project ideas are encouraged. Three categories of projects can be distinguished: first, the introduction of an original idea and its exploration; second, implementing and investigating a nontrivial variation of an existing algorithm, implementation, or idea; third, survey of a current research area. The stringency of ``professionalism'' expected (i.e., the level of polishedness of the final report) increases as we go from the first category to the third. Care should be taken to choose a scope of work that can be accomplished within a period and workload specified in Assignment XII. The final report should be 8-12 pages long, including figures and references.

Multi-access control

Congestion Control


Quality of service provision

Traffic characterization

Transparent distributed services/computing

Network tools