Cocone: Software for surface reconstruction based on paper.
AMLS software for noisy point cloud smoothing based on paper
SingularCocone software for reconstructing surfaces with singular features
Peel software for reconstructing surfaces with boundaries based on paper
DelPSC: software for Delaunay meshing of surfaces, volumes, complexes based on paper, talk slides, [video]
LocPSC: Localized version of DelPSC, runs faster. based on paper.
Qualmesh: Software for quality Delaunay meshing of polyhedra based on paper.
SurfRemesh: software for Delaunay meshing of polygonal surfaces based on paper.
DelIso: software for Delaunay meshing of isosurfaces
LocDel software for generating large Delaunay meshes
Homology Features
HanTun software for computing handle and tunnel loops on surfaces based on paper [video]
ReebHanTun software for handle and tunnel loops that does not require 3D tessellation, paper, web-page
ShortLoop software for computing loops in a shortest homology basis based on paper.
PersLoop software for persistent 1-cycles
Data Sparsification
GIC software
SimpPers software (computes persistence for simplicial maps)
SimBa software (computes persistence of Rips filtration efficiently)
Shape features
Medial: Software for 3D medial axis based on paper
SegMatch: Software for shape segmentation and shape matching based on paper
NormFet software for normal and feature size estimation from point cloud based on paper.
CurveSkel software for curve skeleton of 3D shapes based on paper.
Gathan software for curve reconstruction based on paper.
Nearest neighbor curve reconstruction Applet based on paper and a topology clean up.