CS 352: Compilers: Principles and Practice - Department of Computer Science - Purdue University Skip to main content

CS 352: Compilers: Principles and Practice

List of Topics (By Week):

  1. Introduction: modules and interfaces, tools and software

  2. Programming data structures for tree languages

  3. Lexical analysis: lexical tokens, regular expressions, finite automata, lexical analyser generators

  4. Parsing I: context-free grammars, predictive parsing

  5. Parsing II: LR parsing, parser generators

  6. Abstract syntax: semantic actions, abstract parse trees

  7. Semantic analysis: symbol tables, type-checking expressions, type-checking declarations

  8. Activation records: stack frames, allocation

  9. Translation to intermediate code: intermediate representation trees, translation into trees

  10. Basic blocks and traces: canonical trees, conditional branches

  11. Instruction selection: algorithms for instruction selection, CISC and RISC machines

  12. Liveness analysis: solution of basic dataflow equations

  13. Register allocation: graph coloring, coloring by simplification, coalescing, register allocation for trees

  14. Supplemental material: a selection drawn from garbage collection, object-oriented languages, functional languages, dataflow analysis, optimization, polymorphism, static single-assignment form, scheduling and pipelining, memory hierarchies

  15. Summary


Last Updated: Apr 25, 2017 4:44 PM

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