CS Travelers Expectations
Computer Science Faculty
Before your first booking:
- Update your profile in Concur (Make sure name matches picture ID and check TSA Secure Flight info)
- Enable E-Receipts
- Activate your travel card – instructions with the card
- It is a requirement to fill out a trip request even if your trip is no cost to PU or you are booking travel outside the system. The trip request is replacing the Form 17 and will notify your department head or supervisor that you will be away from campus on university business. For no cost to PU trips, you are required to enter at least one segment on the second tab of the request or one $0 expense on the expense tab. Please just enter something or it won’t process. Also, for no cost to PU trips, it is important to enter a comment stating the dates of travel and the purpose as this information is not captured elsewhere.
- You currently receive projection reports from the Business Office with your account balances. You are responsible for knowing your available balances in any accounts you intend to use for travel expenses BEFORE booking your trip. If you book a trip on an account without funding, you will be personally responsible if there is no other appropriate source of funds and there are cancellation charges or the ticket is non-refundable. Please keep in mind that any pending expenses from previous travel or other outflows will affect the true amount available for use. Consult with your business office if funds are getting low or you are close to project expiration.
- There is a box on the Travel Request Header where you list the request name. Please use this naming convention: Dept. Abbreviation_Traveler Initial & Last Name_Destination_Start Date of Trip
- Example: CS_ WGorman_Chicago_05/15/13
- Note this section has a 40 character limit; abbreviate locations or name if necessary
- In the comment box of the trip request header please be sure to include sentence describing travel.
- Example: To attend IEEE Conference or To collaborate with Dr. Xu at UIC.
- Also note the following if applicable:
- Copy and paste SPS approval if travel is on an account that requires pre-approval.
- Note how courses will be covered during absence.
- If travel being paid on sponsored program funds.
- Add sentence describing benefit to the sponsored project If “No cost to PU” trip – add comment stating where you are traveling and the purpose.
- Travelers and Supervisors are expected to read e-mail notifications from the system and take action when needed. It is your responsibility to question anything being submitted by your staff or on your accounts that you may not understand or agree with.
- You will be asked to enter an account number in the Account Assignment Box located on the Trip Request Header Tab. If multiple accounts will be used, select the most restrictive account. Sponsored program accounts are always more restrictive than general fund or gift fund accounts. While you can only enter one account on the trip request header, you need to add any additional accounts the trip will be charged to on the expenses tab and allocate how the trip will be split among the accounts.
- Please share your account numbers with your delegate if you wish for them to fill out your trip request.
- Some sponsored accounts always require sponsor approval before using for travel. If you have any such accounts, they are indicated on your projection cover sheet. If you plan to travel on one of these accounts, you must e-mail your business office contact with the details of the trip well in advance so sponsor approval can be obtained prior to your trip. Trips on these accounts cannot be considered approved until sponsor approval is obtained.
- Refer to your most recent projection cover sheet for a list of all your accounts. As accounts change frequently, always consult your most recent projection cover sheet and remember to check the balances of your accounts again at the time of expense report submission.
Important Tips/Reminders
- If booking through Concur, start in the Trip Search section on the My Concur page.
- Please do not select the upgrade or cash advance option except in those very limited situations when it is appropriate. Selecting these options requires your trip to be approved. Ask your business office if you have questions about when it is appropriate to select these options.
- After completing your trip header, click on the Expenses tab to estimate all of your expenses (just like Form 17). If you book airfare/hotel/car through Concur, they will automatically flow to the expense tab but you will need to add extras like parking, taxis, tolls, subsistence, Purdue car, etc. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO CORRECTLY ESTIMATE ALL EXPENSES. It is important so it does not slow down your reimbursement and important for accurate projections.
- When entering account information in the Account Assignment box always use the search feature (adding an asterisk) and then entering as much of your account number as you know. A drop down list will populate and you can choose the correct account. Wait while it searches – it can take longer that you expect. You can search text but that may take longer.
- You must click Submit Travel Request after you have completed your trip header and estimated all your expenses or YOUR TRIP WILL NOT BE BOOKED!
- If scanning or uploading receipts from your mobile app, please make sure all receipts are fully captured and legible.
- Please do not delete the delegates that have been set up for you. Delegates cannot submit on your behalf so there is no risk. The people named as delegates have been put in place so they will be able to help you if needed.
- You can have your assistant do the booking and the trip request or you can do your own booking and then ask your assistant to complete the rest. The business office will not book travel. With the availability of the traveler credit card, flights and registration will no longer be placed on departmental travel cards. You should use your individual travel card or your personal credit card to make your arrangements.
- Your travel credit card should ONLY be used for a traveler’s own travel related expenses while on University business travel. Departmental hospitality cards should still be used for other expenses such as taking speakers or prospective faculty to lunch or dinner.
Please visit these HELPFUL WEBSITES for more information on using CONCUR:
- To access concur: http://www.purdue.edu/employeeportal/ and click on the concur icon
- Concur Users Travel webpage: http://www.purdue.edu/business/travel/concur/index.html
- Frequently asked questions with Concur: http://www.purdue.edu/business/travel/concur/faq/index.html
- Quick Reference Guides (step-by-step): http://www.purdue.edu/business/travel/concur/training/index.html
- To report issues email: purduetravel@purdue.edu and copy Matt DeMoss at mdemoss@purdue.edu. If you have questions about using the system, please first consult the CS Business Office.
Last Updated: Mar 20, 2017 2:10 PM