Uses of Class

Packages that use SearchKey

Uses of SearchKey in global

Methods in global with parameters of type SearchKey
 int SearchKey.compareTo(SearchKey key)
          Generically compares two search keys.

Constructors in global with parameters of type SearchKey
SearchKey(SearchKey key)
          Copy constructor for a search key.

Uses of SearchKey in index

Methods in index that return SearchKey
 SearchKey BucketScan.getLastKey()
          Gets the key of the last RID returned.

Methods in index with parameters of type SearchKey
 void HashIndex.deleteEntry(SearchKey key, RID rid)
          Deletes the specified entry from the index file.
 void HashIndex.insertEntry(SearchKey key, RID rid)
          Inserts a new entry into the index file.
 HashScan HashIndex.openScan(SearchKey key)
          Initiates an equality scan of the index file.

Uses of SearchKey in relop

Methods in relop that return SearchKey
 SearchKey IndexScan.getLastKey()
          Gets the key of the last tuple returned.

Constructors in relop with parameters of type SearchKey
KeyScan(Schema schema, HashIndex index, SearchKey key, HeapFile file)
          Constructs an index scan, given the hash index and schema.