Uses of Class

Packages that use Schema

Uses of Schema in parser

Methods in parser that return Schema
 Schema AST_CreateTable.getSchema()
          Gets the parsed schema for the table to create.

Uses of Schema in query

Methods in query that return Schema
 Schema Catalog.getSchema(java.lang.String fileName)
          Gets the Schema for the given table.
static Schema QueryCheck.tableExists(java.lang.String tableName)
          Checks whether a table exists.

Methods in query with parameters of type Schema
static int QueryCheck.columnExists(Schema schema, java.lang.String columnName)
          Checks whether a column exists.
 void Catalog.createTable(java.lang.String fileName, Schema schema)
          Adds a newly created table to the catalog.
 IndexDesc[] Catalog.getIndexes(java.lang.String fileName, Schema schema, int[] fldnos)
          Gets any indexes on a given set of columns.
static void QueryCheck.insertValues(Schema schema, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Checks whether values to insert matches the table schema.
static void QueryCheck.predicates(Schema schema, Predicate[][] preds)
          Checks whether selection predicates (in CNF) match the given schema.
static int[] QueryCheck.updateFields(Schema schema, java.lang.String[] fields)
          Checks whether field to update match the table schema.
static void QueryCheck.updateValues(Schema schema, int[] fldnos, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Checks whether values to update matches the table schema.

Uses of Schema in relop

Fields in relop declared as Schema
protected  Schema Tuple.schema
          Schema information for the fields.
protected  Schema Iterator.schema
          Schema for resulting tuples; must be set in all subclass constructors.

Methods in relop that return Schema
static Schema Schema.join(Schema s1, Schema s2)
          Builds and returns a new schema resulting from joining two schemas.

Methods in relop with parameters of type Schema
 void Schema.initField(int fldno, Schema schema, int srcno)
          Copies a field from another schema.
static Schema Schema.join(Schema s1, Schema s2)
          Builds and returns a new schema resulting from joining two schemas.
static Tuple Tuple.join(Tuple t1, Tuple t2, Schema schema)
          Builds and returns a new tuple resulting from joining two tuples.
 boolean Predicate.validate(Schema schema)
          Validates AttrType.COLNAME operands against the given schema.

Constructors in relop with parameters of type Schema
FileScan(Schema schema, HeapFile file)
          Constructs a file scan, given the schema and heap file.
IndexScan(Schema schema, HashIndex index, HeapFile file)
          Constructs an index scan, given the hash index and schema.
KeyScan(Schema schema, HashIndex index, SearchKey key, HeapFile file)
          Constructs an index scan, given the hash index and schema.
Tuple(Schema schema)
          Creates a new empty tuple, given its schema.
Tuple(Schema schema, byte[] data)
          Creates a new tuple, given existing values to wrap.
Tuple(Schema schema, java.lang.Object... values)
          Creates a new tuple, given its schema and values.

Uses of Schema in tests

Fields in tests declared as Schema
private static Schema ROTest.s_drivers
          Drivers table schema.
private static Schema ROTest.s_groups
          Groups table schema.
private static Schema ROTest.s_rides
          Rides table schema.