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Sponsored by Intel Corporation
(with software support from Microsoft)

The Purdue Technology for Education 2000 proposal to Intel defined 27 projects in four categories:

  1. Ultra High Performance Architectures and Applications
  2. Networking, Visualization, and Multimedia
  3. Design and Intensive Computation Centers
  4. Innovative Educational Technologies

These projects are listed below, with links to more detailed web-based information, as it becomes available.

A. Ultra High Performance Architectures and Applications

Number Project Name, Associates, and Contact Person
A.01 A Distributed Environment for High Performance Computing and Networking
Hank Dietz, Ananth Grama, Elias Houstis, Vernon Rego, Ahmed Sameh
Elias Houstis (enh@cs.purdue.edu)
A.02 SuperCluster Architecture and Systems Software
Hank Dietz, Peter Doerschuk, Carol Post, Satish Ramadhyani, Ahmed Sameh, H. J. Siegel
Hank Dietz (hankd@ecn.purdue.edu)
A.03 Network Computer Hub for Research and Education on Microelectronics, Computer Architecture and VLSI
Carla Brodley, Edward Coyle, Rudolf Eigenmann, Jose A. B. Fortes, Kevin Kornegay, Mark Lundstrom, Kaushik Roy
Jose A. B. Fortes (fortes@ecn.purdue.edu)

B. Networking, Visualization, and Multimedia

B.01 Computation and Communication Intensive Tasks That Enable New Networked Video, Image, and Speech Applications
Jan Allebach, Mark Bell, Charles Bouman, Edwin K. P. Chong, Edward Coyle, Edward Delp, Peter Doerschuk, Saul Gelfand, Mary Harper, Leah Jamieson, Ness Shroff, Michael Zoltowski
Ed Delp (ace@ecn.purdue.edu)
B.02 Research In Network Computing
Dan Marinescu, H. J. Siegel
Dan Marinescu (dcm@cs.purdue.edu)
B.03 Network Simulation and Optimization Laboratory for the School of Technology at Purdue University
Phillip Rawles
Phillip Rawles (ptrawles@tech.purdue.edu)
B.04 Optimization and Visualization for Network-Based Assembly Workcells for Advanced Manufacturing
Avi Kak, C. S. George Lee, Anthony Maciejewski
Avi Kak (kak@ecn.purdue.edu)
B.05 High Performance Computation for Biomedical Engineering
Stephen Badylak, Joe Bourland, Peter Doerschuk, George Graber, John Nyenhuis, George Wodicka
Peter Doerschuk (doerschu@ecn.purdue.edu)
B.06 Intel-Based Research and Teaching in Visual Computing
Chandrajit Bajaj, Richard Borgens, Alok Chaturvedi, Christoph Hoffmann, Shailendra Mehta, Robert Oglesby, Jorg Peters, Elisha Sacks, John Turek
Christoph Hoffmann (cmh@cs.purdue.edu)
B.07 Distributed Java-Based Biocomputing
Herbert Weith, Rick Westerman
Rick Westerman (westerm@biochem.purdue.edu)

C. Design and Intensive Computation Clusters

C.01 Development of LiveCases for the Synthetic Economics for Advanced Simulations (SEAS)
Chandrajit Bajaj, Alok Chaturvedi, Steven Hare, Shailendra Mehta, Ethan Weg
Alok Chaturvedi (alok@mgmt.purdue.edu)
C.02 Computational Networks in Agricultural Biological and Environmental Engineering Systems
Chandrajit Bajaj, Daniel Cassens, Bernard Engel, Jane Frankenberger, Harry Gibson, Kamyar Haghighi, Rabi Mohtar, Hubert Montas, Ronald Turco
Bernard Engel (engelb@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.03 High Performance Modeling and Simulation of Food Systems for Control During Manufacturing
John Floros, Timothy Haley, Bruce Hamaker, Richard Linton, Mark Morgan, Phillip Rawles, Rakesh Singh
Timothy Haley (haleyt@foodsci.purdue.edu)
C.04 Advanced Computational Modeling for Environmental and Natural Resources Protection
Bernard Engel, Jon Harbor, Chris Johannsen, John Lee, George Parker, Ronald Turco, Jeff Wright
Bernard Engel (engelb@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.05 Computational Environment Dynamics
Ernest Blatchley, Midhat Hondzo, Chad Jafvert, Dennis Lyn
Chad Jafvert (jafvert@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.06 An Integrated System for the Simulation and Analysis of Soil-Structure-Water Interaction Under Earthquake Loadings
Wai-Fah Chen, Rodrigo Salgado, Elisa Sotelino
Elisa Sotelino (sotelino@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.07 Creating a Cluster Computing Environment to Address Computationally Intensive Problems in Combustion
John Abraham, Steven Frankel, Jay P. Gore, Normand M. Laurendeau, Satish Ramadhyani, Raymond Viskanta
John Abraham (jabraham@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.08 Advanced Techniques for Prediction, Reduction and Control of Aircraft Engine High Cycle Fatigue
Sanford Fleeter, Matthew Franchek, Patrick Lawless
Patrick Lawless (lawless@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.09 High Fidelity, Real Time Nuclear Reactor Simulation on a Quad Pentium Pro
Thomas Downar, Rudolf Eigenmann, Ananth Grama
Thomas Downar (downar@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.10 Computer Integrated Process Operations Research and Laboratory
Joseph Pekny, Doraiswami Ramkrishna, G. V. Reklaitis, V. Venkatasubramanian
Joseph Pekny (pekny@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.11 Development of Process Modeling Capabilities in the School of Materials Engineering
Mysore Dayananda, David Gaskell, Mathew Krane, Kevin Trumble
Mathew Krane (krane@materials.ecn.purdue.edu)
C.12 Design/Build/Test Environment for Rapid Prototyping
Dominick Andrisani, William Crossley, Steven Schneidier, John P. Sullivan, Terrance Weisshaar
John P. Sullivan (sullivan@ecn.purdue.edu)
C.13 A Computing Cluster for Research at the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories
Robert Bernhard, J. Stuart Bolton, James Braun, Patricia Davies, Matthew Franchek, Eckhard Groll
Robert Bernhard (bernhard@ecn.purdue.edu)

D. Innovative Educational Technologies

D.01 Development and Enhancement of Technology Infusion and Distance Learning
Franz Frederick, Marilyn Haring, Marilyn Hirth, Robert Lawler, James Lehman, William McInernery, Timothy Newby
Franz Frederick (franzf@purdue.edu)
D.02 A Synchronous Model for On-Line Learning Networks in Software Engineering Education
Ahmed Elmagarmid, Elias Houstis, Aditya Mathur
Aditya Mathur (apm@cs.purdue.edu)
D.03 Development of a Multimedia-Based Digital Systems Laboratory Curriculum and an Instruction Multimedia Research Testbed
John Lindenlaub, David Meyer, Chris Niessen
David Meyer (meyer@ecn.purdue.edu)
D.04 Developing the Future Purdue Academic Computing Environment (PACE)
William Borman, Larry Huggins, Mary-Jane Scharenberg, Jeff Smith, Tom Statnick
Bill Simmons (simmons@ecn.purdue.edu)

Last updated 09/25/00. Corrections and suggestions to Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu).