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Sponsored by Intel Corporation
(with software support from Microsoft)

Status Reports Equipment Status Windows 2000 Security

December 1, 2000

The next Microsoft-sponsored Windows 2000 training (a repeat of the earlier two-day intro course) is scheduled for December 11-12, 2000.  If you are interested in attending and haven't already registered, send email to jtk@cs.purdue.edu.

October 2, 2000

It is time to summarize the results of the Intel T4E Projects at Purdue.  Each project is to submit a brief (less than one page) summary of results along with the URL of the web page that provides more information about the project.  The results are summarized on the page linked at left.

September 10, 2000

Microsoft, through Productivity Point International, is making more training available for T4E participants who are using Microsoft products.  The next two planned courses are one on security and one on network infrastructure.  The current plan is to schedule one of these courses in October and one in November.  Each course is hands-on and lasts four days (squeezed down from five).  If you or one of your students are interested in attending, please send me a note indicating which courses and which weeks during October and November would be convenient. 

September 8, 2000

The final requests for Intel T4E equipment are now due.  Any equipment remaining on projects not ordered by September 20th will likely be lost.

July 21, 2000

The follow-on course from PPI, "Windows 2000 and Unix Interoperability", a five-day, hands-on course is scheduled for August 7-11, 2000.  If you are using or supporting machines purchased through the Intel T4E project and  are interested in signing up, please call the toll-free number 1-888-774-2727 (1-888 PPI-ASAP) to register for the class.  Be sure to mention that the class is part of the Microsoft University Relations IT Bootcamp.  You will be asked your name, phone number, job title, and department. 

June 14, 2000

Orders for Xeon-based quad and 8-way servers are due by Friday, June 16, 2000.

April 20, 2000

The Windows 2000 course is now closed.

April 13, 2000

There are now two slots left for the two-day, Microsoft-sponsored course on Windows 2000.

April 7, 2000

There are still three slots left for the two-day, Microsoft-sponsored course on Windows 2000.  A revised agenda is now available.

March 30, 2000

Microsoft, through Productivity Point International, is providing training for selected Purdue faculty, staff, and students associated with the Intel T4E program.  The first course in this program is called Planning, Installing, and Configuring Windows 2000 in a University Computing Environment.  The "organizational objective" of the course is to provide Purdue faculty and staff with knowledge concerning the deployment and administration of Windows 2000.

The course is scheduled for April 24-25, 2000 and enrollment is limited to 20 people.  Additional details concerning the course are available in this flier.  It looks like a pretty intensive two days of material.  Please let me know if you or one of your students or staff is interested in attending.

Current attendee list is available.

March 2, 2000

The preview of 00Q2 orders is now available.  Please let me know soon of corrections or additions.

February 22, 2000

Orders for 00Q2 are now being collected.  Check out the Intel web site for the list of available equipment.  Send orders to me before March 1st.  Also, confirm that your project web site is up to date and that I have the correct URL (see the Projects link at left).  My message of 2/19/00 and the current Intel spreadsheet are available for reference.

October 5, 1999

The order for 99Q4 are due October 15, 1999.  Please also insure that your web page link listed under "Projects" at left is up to date (including a "last updated" date stamp).

An Intel-provided spreadsheet that shows initial and remaining processor counts and how they were computed is available.

July 23, 1999

The tentative 99Q3 Equipment Request is available for review.  Please let me know soon if you have additions or changes.

July 15, 1999

The Microsoft NT/UNIX Interoperability training course will meet from 9:00-5:00 each day, July 19-23, 1999, in CS175.

July 7, 1999

The attendees list for the July 19-23, 1999 offering of the Microsoft NT/UNIX Interoperability training course has been determined.  Let me know if there are any changes.

July 1, 1999

The UNIX/NT interoperability training course date has been set: July 19-23, 1999.  It will be held in the Computer Science Building, room CS175.  The course is an extensive hands-on training course in setting up and administering NT systems, with a focus on UNIX interoperability.  Activities include installation of both NT and Linux.  The course is limited to 15 registrants.  Send email to Tim Korb if you are interested in attending.  A course overview and topic list are available.  (A lab requirements document is also available, but probably less interesting.)

Coming soon: A list of registered attendees.

June 18, 1999

New five-day UNIX/NT interoperability training course to be offered July 19-23, 1999.  Details soon.

May 28, 1999

Final 99Q2 order and shipping information is now available (as an Excel spreadsheet).  All of the equipment is to be shipped by June 15, 1999 (some of it we have already received).  If your order is not correct or will not meet your needs, please let me know.

April 29, 1999

The spreadsheet of approved orders for 99Q2 is now available.

April 23, 1999

Orders for 99Q2 have now been submitted.   I received requests from Projects A.01, B.01, B.06, and C.07.  If you submitted an order and I missed it, please let me know.

April 21, 1999

Orders for 99Q2 are due this Friday, April 23, 1999.  See the message for details.

January 31, 1999

99Q1 spreadsheet and PDF file updated and finalized.

January 29, 1999

Initial version of 99Q1 orders will be sent to Intel Monday morning, February 1, 1999.   The orders are available for your review as a spreadsheet and as a PDF file.  Intel will return to us a final order for review by February 5, 1999.

January 22, 1999

Orders for 99Q1 are now being organized.   Deadline is January 29th.

January 15, 1999

Orders for 99Q1 are now ready to be placed.  A detailed spreadsheet with allocations by project is available, as is the available equipment list.   See the email to t4e-investigators@cs for details on how to order equipment.  All orders must be in (to me) by January 29th.

December 22, 1998

Microsoft is planning a three-day NT Developer Training course to be delivered at Purdue.  Preliminary details are available.

December 21, 1998

The Pentium Pro upgrade was available only for single and dual processor systems.   I have ordered upgrades for all known qualifying systems.

December 2, 1998

Purdue breakthrough in spinal cord research done using Intel T4E equipment.  See the Purdue press release, Center for Paralysis Research page, and laboratory setup for more information.

December 1, 1998

Intel is considering upgrading Pentium Pro systems donated through the T4E program.   If you have such systems and are interested in having them upgraded, please let Tim Korb know.

October 13, 1998

Shipments of 98Q3 equipment are now arriving and being distributed.  If you are curious about the status of your shipment, contact Candace Walters (clw@cs.purdue.edu).

The number of systems remaining for each project is now available.

October 8, 1998

Orders for 98Q4 must be placed by Friday, October 9th, 1998.  If you plan to place an order this quarter and have not done so yet, please let me know.

The number of systems remaining for each project is now available.

July 19, 1998

NeTpower has folded. Many of the Intel T4E systems we received in the first shipment last fall came from NeTpower. The remaining warranty service as well as ongoing maintenance service (for those who want it) is being provided by Data General.

The Data General number for NeTpower equipment is 877-800-1560.

June 29, 1998

Updated the status report page to include additions from B.06, C.10, and D.04.

98Q2 orders have begun arriving and will be distributed immediately as they arrive.

May 20, 1998

The first revision of the orders has arrived from Intel.  Please check your project for correctness; let me know if you want to request any changes.

May 13, 1998

Orders for 98Q2 being sent to Intel for processing.

May 4, 1998

98Q2 order planning is now being done.  Make sure your project is represented.

April 20, 1998

Latest ordering plans for 98Q2.

April 27, 1998

Dr. Abel Weinrib, our second Intel Distinguished Lecturer, will speak today on The Internet Architecture: Universal Digital Transport for the World at 4:30 PM in room MATH 175.  See the Intel T4E web site (was, but now defunct) for more information.

March 24, 1998

Dr. Ajay Bhatt, an Intel Distinguished Lecturer, will speak at Purdue on Monday, March 30th.  His talk, Key Forces Shaping the Future of Desktop Computing, will be given at 4:30 PM in room MATH 175.  See the Intel web site (was, but now defunct)  for more information.

March 5, 1998

The combined Q1, Q2 equipment orders for 1998 have been postponed until March 30th.   Further details have been sent to project participants via email.

February 4, 1998

Combined Q1 and Q2 ordering is now in progress. Available equipment is located at the Intel-sponsored web site. Orders are due at Intel on February 16th.

January 26, 1998

Project Status Reports are due today.  Intel has requested these pieces of information:
  1. A paragraph describing the "current status" of the project (i. e., where the project is with respect to the proposal plan).
  2. A paragraph describing "planned activities" for the coming year.
  3. A URL for the project home page (if/when available).
  4. An estimate of the number of systems to be requested in each of the next four quarters (the number of low-end workstations, high-end workstations, low-end servers, and high-end servers in each of 98Q1, 98Q2, 98Q3, and 98Q4).
  5. A one sentence justification for the equipment requested.

Email your information to Tim Korb. Project reports will be posted on this web site as they are submitted. This information is due to Intel by Monday, January 26th, 1998. Please try to have your information submitted by Friday, January 23rd.

January 14, 1998

A new equipment delivery status report is now available.

January 12, 1998

All Purdue project members (and especially, project contacts): It is now time to submit your first project status report. Intel has requested these pieces of information:
  1. A paragraph describing the "current status" of the project (i. e., where the project is with respect to the proposal plan).
  2. A paragraph describing planned activities for the coming year.
  3. A URL for the project home page (when available).
  4. An estimate of the number of systems to be requested in the next quarter (the number of low-end workstations, high-end workstations, low-end servers, and high-end servers).

In addition, if your project has good visuals that can be featured in a report, please make those available, too (or include them on your web page).

Email your information to Tim Korb. Project reports will be posted on this web site as they are submitted. This information is due to Intel by Monday, January 26th, 1998. Please try to have your information submitted by Friday, January 23rd.

January 8, 1998

Intel will be providing plaques and posters for the Intel-sponsored Technology for Education 2000 labs.  These Lab Names have been identified.

December 4, 1997

The monitors have finally arrived (and been sorted). These 97Q4 items are now available for pickup. We will schedule a delivery next week. The Dell systems do not come with any external system descriptions (e.g., processor speed, memory/disk configurations), so the descriptions in the Equipment Delivery Status report are guesses based on what each project had ordered. If you notice discrepancies, please let me know.
All systems ordered with internal Iomega ZIP drives have been put on hold. Intel has requested that for each system we either (1) accept the system with no ZIP drive or (2) substitute an external drive. If any of your systems were ordered with internal ZIP drives, please let me know ASAP which options you want.
Todd Young at Microsoft called to say that they are providing a special software bundle for all Intel systems donated as part of the T4E program. (This bundle is in addition to the licensing promised by David Ladd at Microsoft.) The bundle includes Windows NT Workstation, Office 97 Pro, and Visual Studio. We are to receive 30 distribution copies (manuals and media) and licenses for all systems donated this year. In addition, we will receive 200+ copies of three books: Advanced Windows, Running Windows NT Workstation, and Inside Visual C++. I will distribute all these items to the project contacts when I receive them.

November 26, 1997

The 1997 Q4 equipment continues to arrive, although no monitors.

November 24, 1997

Prof. Tim Haley in Food Sciences has created a web page describing the research his group is doing with the Intel T4E equipment.

November 7, 1997

We have received confirmed 1997 Q4 equipment orders (here's one) from Intel. Unfortunately, a decision at Intel was made to change the list of available equipment after we submitted our requests. They have recast our requests into the new equipment list. I had a (hurried) chance to review the requests and made as many obvious corrections as possible. However, in some cases the build orders had already been given. The current plan is to take delivery on what has been granted and make corrections after the fact, either through an immediate, secondary shipment or by folding the correction into the next quarter. The equipment is supposed to start arriving the week of November 10th and should be completed by November 21st.

October 14, 1997

Completed 1997 Q4 project orders are now available for confirmation, both as Excel spreadsheets and PDF files.

October 10, 1997

Preparation of the 97Q4 orders is now underway. If the request for your project has not been submitted yet, please do so soon. Intel starts placing orders on Monday, October 13th. All orders must be placed by Friday, October 17th. The Excel spreadsheets that specify the project orders are now available.

October 8, 1997

Q4 Project Budgets are now available. These amounts were determined by computing, for each project, (Year 1 budget - Q3 receipts) / 3, thus spreading out the Year 1 donation over the remaining three quarters (97Q4, 98Q1, and 98Q2).
Microsoft is sponsoring two seminars at the Westin in Indianapolis on October 17th. The AM seminar is a "Corporate Solutions Briefing" and the PM seminar is on "Exchange Server 5.0". If you're interested in attending, call Dan at 800-808-3213, x211. There is no charge.

October 6, 1997

The available equipment lists for Q4 orders are now available at the Intel web site http://www.hbdesign.com/campus. PDF files are available locally.
Unknown Q4 issue remaining: We don't yet know how much each project can order this quarter. That information will be forthcoming.

September 26, 1997

The plans for determining the contents of the Q4 shipment are changing somewhat. We understand now from Intel that by October 3rd, we will be given the URL of a site that will contain models and prices of all equipment available to us through this program. Each project will be able to download an Excel spreadsheet containing this information and determine (within cost and project constraints) what equipment they wish to receive in the next shipment. We will probably have about one week to finalize our orders. We should then receive the equipment 2-3 weeks later (realistically, mid November).

September 24, 1997

The Purdue Intel Advisory Committee met today. Slides from the meeting are available.

September 18, 1997

We are to receive an updated draft of the equipment to be shipped in Q4 by the end of September. Until then, you can use the current list to get an idea of what is planned. According to Intel, we will have an opportunity to make changes to the Q4 shipment before it is finalized.

September 17, 1997

The outline for the next Intel-sponsored training session, the Windows NT Developer's Course, is now available. The course is scheduled for September 29 through October 1, 1997. Register now by sending email to Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu). To take this course you should already be programming with C in the UNIX environment and planning to port code to NT. Please indicate in your message how much experience you have programming both UNIX and NT (Intel wants background information on the students). Enrollment is limited!

September 13, 1997

The latest equipment list for Q3 is now available. It mainly reflects updates due to deliveries. No new equipment has arrived lately.
A preliminary Q4 equipment list is now available. This list is based on a draft spreadsheet from Intel and is incomplete in a few ways (e.g., exact models and pricing is not always available). It is still possible to affect the contents of the Q4 shipment. If the equipment does not match your expectations for this quarter, let Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu) know soon.

September 9, 1997

A revised equipment list for Q3 is now available. It fixes a few small errors as well as reflects equipment that has been distributed to the individual project members. Please contact us when you are ready to pickup or receive your equipment: If you would like to pick up your equipment, email Candace Walters (clw@cs.purdue.edu). If you would like to arrange for delivery of your equipment, email Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu).
The next training session--Windows NT Developer's Workshop--will be held September 29 through October 1, 1997. Register now by sending email to Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu).

September 2, 1997

Created an updated version of the Q3 equipment list, fixing some errors and accounting for recent deliveries. Note: The list is only available in Adobe PDF format (I was having too much trouble with the HTML generated by Microsoft Access).

September 1, 1997

A first draft of the complete equipment list for Q3 is now available. These reports list the number of each item granted by Intel, how many we have received, and how many have been delivered to their final destination. If you would like to pick up your equipment, email Candace Walters (clw@cs.purdue.edu). If you would like to arrange for delivery of your equipment, email Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu).

August 29, 1997

Most of the Q3 shipment has arrived. We will notify recipients early next week and arrange for pickup/delivery of the equipment. Web pages describing the equipment expected for Q3 and that received so far should be available by then.

August 28, 1997

The next Intel-sponsored training sessions will cover software development under Microsoft Windows NT. The tentative timeframe is late September or early October. Watch this web page for announcements.

August 27, 1997

We have copies of the course materials (handouts and labs) used in the two courses just completed (Windows NT for the UNIX User and Windows NT Administration). If you'd like a copy, send email to clw@cs.purdue.edu. Be sure to indicate which course(s) you want.
Another system shipment arrived today, bringing the total number of boxes received to about 140 of the 172 scheduled to be shipped this quarter.

August 26, 1997

The NT Administration training session is taking place today and tomorrow, with installation of Windows NT on three of the newly arrived Intel donated systems: one Pentium II, one dual-processor Pentium Pro, and one quad-processor Pentium Pro.

August 25, 1997

The first major system shipment arrived today: The 32 systems corresponding to the 32 monitors received last week. The currently running NT training sessions (Mon.-Wed. this week) are slowing down the logistics somewhat, but we should be organized enough by the end of the week to announce whose equipment has arrived. We can than begin arranging for delivery/pickups next week.

August 22, 1997

Equipment arrivals were sparse this week. So far, we have received 32 monitors, two Pentium II systems, and a handful of speakers and headsets.

August 18, 1997

Purdue University press release concerning this Intel donation.

August 15, 1997

Added course outlines for the first two training sessions: Windows NT for the UNIX User and Windows NT Administration.
First training sessions will be held August 25-27, 1997. Send email now if you wish to be included in the training.

August 8, 1997

Added Project Database Design to Status page.
Added Receiving Procedures to Status page.
Reorganized web pages.

August 7, 1997

Added preliminary job description for software engineering position to Status page.

August 6, 1997

Added project personnel and committees to the People page.
Added first equipment delivery list to the Schedule page.
Added preliminary information on training classes to the Schedule page.

October 21, 1999

There were two order sheets submitted for the 99Q4 period: the main submission, and a supplementary submission for project B.06.

November 24, 1999

Please continue to submit URLs for your project pages.

December 7, 1999

Order status for 99Q4 is now available (also available in rich-text format).  Shipments should be completed by January 8, 2000.


Last updated 03/05/01. Corrections and suggestions to Tim Korb (jtk@cs.purdue.edu).