Welcome to Indiana Telemedicine Incubator
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  Purdue University
  University of Notre Dame
  Indiana University School of Medicine
  Med Institute, Incorporated
  Micro Database Systems, Inc.
  Methodist Hospital / Methodist Research Institute
  Indiana Health Industry Forum

Member Organizations

Purdue University (managing partner)

The Department of Computer Sciences and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be responsible for the research and development of the multimedia database demonstration prototypes and underlying techniques for performing indexing, image analysis and retrieval. These member of the consortium will provide the coordination for the overall project. They will also provide the basic facilities required to implement and evaluate our multimedia demonstration prototype. It also provides a model facility to replicate at the trial sites. The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) will work to address medical information security and privacy concerns. The Krannert Graduate School of Management will provide business expertise and team support to the consortium. This member will also help provide workshops, seminars, marketing research support and business plan support targeted towards commercializing the results of the demonstration prototype.

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Indiana University Medical School (All Centers for Medical Education)

IU Medical School will provide consultation in the research problems, and in the design and development of the demonstration prototype. The Centers for Medical Education will also provide sites in which to trial the InterMed demonstration prototype.

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University of Notre Dame

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering will develop techniques for performing real-time re-construction and visualization of models for telemedicine over the Internet.

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Med Institute Incorporated, West Lafayette, Indiana

Med Institute will assist in identifying database and middleware needs for the coordinated handling of multimedia medical data. Med Institute will also assist in product idea generation.

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Micro Data Base Systems, Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana

mdbs will work with Purdue and Notre Dame to add multimedia functionality to TITANIUM needed to implement the InterMed demonstration prototype. Purdue and Notre Dame will have primary responsibility for developing the multimedia functionality.

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Methodist Hospital / Methodist Research Institute-- Clarian Health Partners, Indianapolis, Indiana

Clarian Health Network will provide consultation in the research problems, and in the design and development of the demonstration prototype. Clarian will also provide sites in which to trial the demonstration prototype.

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Indiana Health Industry Forum (IHIF) / BioMedical Research Initiative

IHIF will play the key roles in serving as a clearinghouse and broker of resources and information about the health  industry in Indiana. IHIF will coordinate conferences held by the ITI to publicize its results and to create linkages with the local health industry.

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