Welcome to Indiana Telemedicine Incubator
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    What We Are?
    What We Do?
    The Need for ITI
    Our Initial Project
    Project Objectives

About ITI

What We Are?
The Indiana Telemedicine Incubator (ITI) is a multidisciplinary consortium for the development of distributed, multimedia database technology for the health care industry. It will develop technologies for which there are critical needs in all major areas of telemedicine: consultation, diagnosis, and administration.

This consortium is broad-based, including researchers, practitioners, educators, service providers, and product developers. This community will enable a perpetual process of research, development and return on investment (ROI). The Indiana Telemedicine Incubator (ITI) is, therefore, in formation as a perpetual entity -- not a fixed length project. Its goals are, therefore, articulated around a set of processes.

Our initial funding is from the 21st Century Research & Technology Fund of the State of Indiana.  

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What We Do?
The ITI is  leveraging the latest research and technologies to create a world-class telemedicine research, development, and delivery infrastructure; and to foster economic development opportunities through an aggressive technology commercialization program.

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The Need for ITI
Challenges remain in managing medical data because they exist in many formats, some are not compatible with traditional database systems, and they present serious security and privacy requirements.  

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Our Initial Project
The initial idea for incubation will be a system called InterMed, a distributed, multimedia database system and network infrastructure to support health care delivery, clinical trial management, and medical education.  InterMed will address a critical set of patient and market needs; it is a project that best leverages the collective expertise and resources of consortium members; and it offers the widest range of economic development opportunities for telemedicine in Indiana at this time.

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Project Objectives
The objective of this project is to leverage and integrate the ongoing research efforts of consortium members to produce a set of applications that serve the needs of health care providers, educators and researchers and that have other potential applications beyond medical care. The resulting system will be made available as unique resources to the state of Indiana, and will be transformed into economic resources through additional productization and additional research funding.

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  • Economic Impact: Health care is a trillion dollar industry. Telemedicine will become a multi-billion industry -- through the help of Internet and other new technologies. The clinical trial industry represents a multi-billion dollar industry that could apply telemedicine technologies to reduce costs. Our consortium can capitalize on these opportunities and produce commercial products through its work on the InterMed system. Economic growth will be generated through aggressive commercialization of the results of this project.
  • High Financial Leveraging: Several federal government initiatives exist in the area of advanced information technologies (IT). NSF has launched a $90 million program in IT research and a presidential panel has issued the PITAC report that indicates the significant impact of IT on the US economy and societal applications such as medicine and health care. It recommends a significant increase in IT funding and its applications. The 21st Century Research & Technology Fund is the only vehicle to leverage these resources and provide the large cost sharing required. Members of this consortium have demonstrated the ability to attract large-scale funding from the government and industry, including a $2.2 million infrastructure grant from NSF $1.5 million from the Army, $2 million equipment grants from NSF and Intel corporation, and several smaller grants.
  • Collaboration: This consortium is an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration among key public and private organizations in Indiana. It consists of leaders in research, medicine, technology transfer, business, and distance learning from Purdue University; University of Notre Dame; Clarian Health Network; Indiana University School of Medicine; Indiana Center for Medical Education;
  • Med Institute, Incorporated; Micro Data Base Systems, Inc.; and the Indiana Health Industry Forum.
  • Development of long-term resources: This project will create a unique and permanent telemedicine test bed facility in the state of Indiana for future product development. It will consist of a telemedicine multimedia database system, network facilities, and distance diagnostic and educational facilities.
  • Project assessment: This proposal is the result of a careful analysis of telemedicine needs and market opportunities, made in direct consultation with consortium members. Members have extensive experience in the use and development of telemedicine and related technologies. The results of this project will be assessed continuously through peer review, requirements analyses, multiple user trials, post-trial market analyses, and technology intelligence gathering.

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