CS Professor, Aditya Mathur is the New SoS Associate Dean of Graduate Education

Computer Sciences Professor, Aditya Mathur, will assume the role of Associate Dean of Graduate Education in the School of Science, effective August 16, 2004.
The Office of Graduate Education for the School of Science will be lead by Professor Mathur in key initiatives, including graduate curriculum development and programs, further development and coordination of the PULSE program, graduate scholarships and fellowships, representing the School of Science in the Graduate School, planning for the coming USN&WR review in the Fall and the NRC review to be conducted starting Summer 2005, and coordinating with the Office of Research in the School of Science.
Professor Mathur is a well known expert in software engineering, especially in the domains of software testing, reliability, formal approaches for software process control, and the management of smart spaces. He has been a crusader for the use of code coverage criteria in the estimation of software reliability or as an orthogonal metric to assess confidence in the reliability estimates. He has proposed the "Saturation Effect" as a motivating device for the use of a sequence of testing techniques. This device is often used by vendors to enhance marketing of their test tools. Mathur's recent work deals with test and management of Internet services. His research group has developed homeWabash, a tool for the management of networked devices. He is also investigating the use of feedback control theory for the control of software development processes.
Professor Mathur received his college education from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (known as BITS) located in Pilani in the state of Rajasthan, India, where he acquired his Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in 1970, 1972, and 1977, respectively, in Electrical Engineering. In 1973, with a few colleagues, he established a computer science department at BITS. From 1983 until 1985, he was the Head of this department. In 1985 he moved to Georgia Tech, coming to the Department of Computer Sciences at Purdue as a Visiting Associate Professor in 1987. In 1989, he became Associate Professor. He served as Director of Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) from 1995 to 2001. In August of 1996 he was promoted to Professor. He served as Associate Head of the Department of Computer Sciences from 1997 to 2001. From the years 1998 to 2001, he was the Chair of the CS Graduate Committee and also Chaired the Graduate Admissions Committee from 1999 to 2001.
Congratulations Professor Mathur!