Linking CS and Math Teachers' Workshop

The 2007 Linking Computer Science to Mathematics Workshop, open to mathematics teachers in grades 9-12, was held July 30th through August 2. The workshop was held at no cost to teachers. During the workshop, teachers learned the natural links between math and computer science from computer science faculty and staff. They also participated in demonstrations and learned new computer programs which emphasized the mathematical foundation of computer science. One teacher commented, "Working with [Google] Sketchup -- FUN!! [I] can't wait to show my kids at home and at school."
One goal of the workshop is to teach participants how to incorporate computer science concepts into their lessons. Computer Science Outreach Coordinator, Mindy Hart says, "We like to send teachers to the classroom with activities they can incorporate in their classes immediately." Hart led participants through The Magic Card Flip Trick which teaches problem solving. She also reviewed several other problem solving games during the workshop.

Teachers attending the workshop also had some hands on programming during the workshop. There was a session on programming graphing calculators which the teachers found very useful.. There was also a session that introduced participants to Google Sketchup. Sketchup is a 3D geometric modeling program. One participant was happy for the programming sections saying, "I will be able to provide an answer when a students asks 'when will we ever use this?'"
During their stay at Purdue they learned about algorithms and cryptography. On participant commented, "I really saw into the Computer Science field much more with the Cryptography and Building Blocks sections." Participants were also excited about the videos they watched about careers in computer science, and to discuss issues surrounding students' interest in the field of computer science.

The Linking Workshop is sponsored by the College of Science K-12 Outreach program, the Department of Computer Science, The Department of Mathematics, and Motorola Foundation. Faculty and administrators of the workshop included Ethan Blanton (CS Graduate Student), Prof. Dennis Brylow (Marquette University), Dr. James Early (Purdue University), Mindy Hart (CS Outreach Coordinator), Bill Walker (CoS Director of Outreach), and Barry Whitman (CS Graduate Student).