Reaching Out for Computer Science Presentations

Purdue Computer Science is kicking off another season of the Reaching Out for Computer Science (ROCS) program. Teachers are encouraged to invite the ROCS group to speak to their K-12th grade classes. Computer science students are invited to join the ROCS team.
The ROCS group is a team of Purdue students well-versed in computer science and willing to share their experiences and knowledge of the field. The ROCS presentation is a fun and interactive way for these students to relate their interests and experiences to school administrators, teachers, and students. The presentation is available to grades K-12 at local Midwest area schools near West Lafayette, IN.
ROCS students know what a career in computer science is all about, as well as what courses student need if they wish to pursue a degree in computer science. They also explore the difference between computer science and other computer related careers.
The ROCS program at Purdue University is widely known around the Midwest and throughout the nation. In 2007, ROCS was featured in the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing sponsored by the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology in Orlando, FL. Teachers interested in having the ROCS team join their class should contact Mindy Hart, CS Outreach Coordinator, at 765-494-7802.